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Former Member

President engages key stakeholders in talks over unrest in Linden


Georgetown, GINA, July 19, 2012 -- Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar and a team of government officials leading talks with opposition party members from A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC)


One day after a clash between police and protestors in Linden left four dead and several public and private buildings razed, President Donald Ramotar and a team of government officials engaged opposition political party members and key stakeholders at the national and regional levels in talks.

Concerns about the security situation in Linden were shared and the pledge of the administration to have a full investigation was reiterated after what started off as a peaceful protest against Government’s decision increase electricity tariffs in Linden, turned ugly.


Among the key stakeholders whom the President met were the executive of the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Region Ten, the Leader of the Opposition and his delegation from A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) along with the Speaker and his delegation from the Alliance for Change (A.F.C), Chairman of the Regional Democratic Council Sharma Solomon, and Geographic Member of Parliament of Region Ten, Vanessa Kissoon.


A specially-convened meeting of Cabinet today also sought to provide an update on the recent developments in Linden which many hope would calm and order restored in the mining town.

Yesterday’s protest action moved from its vantage point at the Wismar Community Centre Ground early in the morning, to the Wismar/Mackenzie Bridge, where derelict vehicles and logs were hauled and tents erected, obstructing motor vehicles from crossing.

Police reported that bottles, bricks and other missiles were hurled at the ranks of the police riot unit despite pleas by the police to desist from breaking the law, prompting the Officer-in-Charge of the unit to read the warning proclamation to them after a final appeal for calm.

Ranks advanced with tear smoke grenades in the direction of protestors in a further effort to remove the protestors but while some dispersed a large number remained on the bridge and began setting fires on the infrastructure.

The Washer Pond Road, Mackenzie was blocked and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) building located in the vicinity was set alight. Efforts by the Guyana Fire Service to quell the blaze were obstructed when protestors began hurling missiles in their directions according to the authorities.


President Donald Ramotar and a team of government official in talks with representatives of the Linden Chamber of Commerce


There were reports that roving groups of protestors set fire to a truck transporting fuel at Wismar and along the roadway at Half Mile and One Mile, Wismar. An excavator was also damaged.


The Government in a statement  last evening said it sincerely regrets the loss of lives and injuries as events took an unfortunate turn for the worse but, reiterated that the gradual increase in tariffs for Linden did not warrant such violent behaviour.

β€œThe government reaffirms the right of people to peaceful protest and one that is protected in our country, however, disorder and mayhem which threaten life and property cannot be tolerated,” the statement said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A curfew is in order for Linden while they transition onto the new rate schedule.  The Govt should be steadfast and not allow the rest of the nation to be bullied by a few.


Th Govt should also help stimulate employment thru pig rearing and other suitable forms.  For certain small businesses, the Govt could work out a preferential rate with BOSAI.

Originally Posted by baseman:

A curfew is in order for Linden while they transition onto the new rate schedule.  The Govt should be steadfast and not allow the rest of the nation to be bullied by a few.


Th Govt should also help stimulate employment thru pig rearing and other suitable forms.  For certain small businesses, the Govt could work out a preferential rate with BOSAI.

The govt should finally understand that a proper development plan for Linden and other bauxite areas is needed, given the difficulties of that industry and the resulting massive unemployment created.  There is massive poverty, many just eking out an existence so some opposition to an increase in living costs are too be expected. 


I hope that the PPP, APNU and the AFC are bright enough to understand this and to come up with solutions to solve Linden's structural problems.  Its bauxite industry will never again deliver the numbers of jobs, or the standard of living that it once did and some other industry(s) ought to be encouraged to replace this. :Linden has (or used to have) a large concentration of skilled workers so some sort of industrial development might seem appropriate.


Teaching women to sew or set up mom and pop retail that LEAP was all about is like bandaging a septic wound.  With little purchasing power in Linden these tiny ventures are doomed to fail, as indeed many did.



Before the black haters start ranting the need to know that a similar lan for the sugar belt will soon be needed if/when Guysuco collapses leaving many suffering.  I expect to hear the double standards based on the "lazy black" and "poor suffering Indian".


Given the environmentally fragile nature of this sandy and very infertile area is pig farming really what you want.  Pig farming, done on a scale to employ the thousands of unemployed in Linden being an environmental disaster when not done properly.


I hope you arent advocating this mom and pop scratching out a living idea (a family with 5 pigs) that we see as the normal PPP notion of development, when it doesnt concern sugar in which case millions can be spent.  This doesnt alow people to escape poverty.


The issue with Linden is, given its distance fom the coast and its poor soils, there arent the range of development options that might be available even to Buxton...hence the reason why this electricity situation shouldnt be dismissed as being irrational without some further analysis.


BTW it is clear that the violence was a REACTION to the attempts by the police to end the protests. Let us not pretend as if the day started with this planned, or that a more intelligent response from the govt mightnt have prevented this.  Even we in NYC knew protests were planned. If Ramotar was smart and not a bloodthirsty black hater he would have sat down with those leading the protests to work out some methodology to let them protest some where other than the bridge.


Students in the UK turned violent when David Cameron attempted to thwart their right to protest against higher fees.  Baseman what say you to that!!!!

Last edited by Former Member

The situation is far worse than non Linden residents realize. And as you put it what will happen when Guysuco collapses and the sugar belt residents are as financially squeezed at Lindeners. The Govt Of Guyana has failed sadly in creating viable diverse industries because everything in Guyana is too politicized. Politics is  choking real sustainable economic growth and expansion. I am sure the political parties will use this incident to infuse race hate as it is always so easy to polarize  Guyanese. Frankly, there is no political party in Guyana with the knowledge skill commitment and dedication to national development.

Originally Posted by baseman:

A curfew is in order for Linden while they transition onto the new rate schedule.  The Govt should be steadfast and not allow the rest of the nation to be bullied by a few.


Th Govt should also help stimulate employment thru pig rearing and other suitable forms.  For certain small businesses, the Govt could work out a preferential rate with BOSAI.

The government at this point is showing some smarts. Least Georgetown cascades, and that is not hard, the need to be temper their language and ease up on their arrogance; notwithstanding their inclinations to milk sympathies from those of your ilk. New Amsterdam is already festering and there are people in the streets in Fyrish. Guyana is not that racial Elysian fields the lying PPP keep telling us about. 

Originally Posted by kidmost:

The situation is far worse than non Linden residents realize. And as you put it what will happen when Guysuco collapses and the sugar belt residents are as financially squeezed at Lindeners. The Govt Of Guyana has failed sadly in creating viable diverse industries because everything in Guyana is too politicized. Politics is  choking real sustainable economic growth and expansion. I am sure the political parties will use this incident to infuse race hate as it is always so easy to polarize  Guyanese. Frankly, there is no political party in Guyana with the knowledge skill commitment and dedication to national development.

I am gladx that you say this.  Those who rejoice that blacks in LInden are being slaughtered like woid pigs only need to see what a precedent this sets for when, not if but when sugar workers face similar issues, protest and the police feel similarly justified in killing them.


But then we will hear about the ethnic composition of the police force...not the excuses that we hear now.


And bTW the onus is as much on APNU and the AFC to find long term solutions to the dilemma that the semi collapse of the bauxite industry has created in Linden. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
 New Amsterdam is already festering and there are people in the streets in Fyrish. Guyana is not that racial Elysian fields the lying PPP keep telling us about. 

Baseman you probably dont know the ties that Linden has with Berbice and ECD so, rather than being angry about cheap electricity in LInden, their rage will be about their relatives in Lidnen who were treated like wild dogs by a PPP intent on revenge.


The PPP needs to tread very carefully.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

The situation is far worse than non Linden residents realize. And as you put it what will happen when Guysuco collapses and the sugar belt residents are as financially squeezed at Lindeners. The Govt Of Guyana has failed sadly in creating viable diverse industries because everything in Guyana is too politicized. Politics is  choking real sustainable economic growth and expansion. I am sure the political parties will use this incident to infuse race hate as it is always so easy to polarize  Guyanese. Frankly, there is no political party in Guyana with the knowledge skill commitment and dedication to national development.

I am gladx that you say this.  Those who rejoice that blacks in LInden are being slaughtered like woid pigs only need to see what a precedent this sets for when, not if but when sugar workers face similar issues, protest and the police feel similarly justified in killing them.


But then we will hear about the ethnic composition of the police force...not the excuses that we hear now.


And bTW the onus is as much on APNU and the AFC to find long term solutions to the dilemma that the semi collapse of the bauxite industry has created in Linden. 

Any long-term solution will come from the PNC and PPP.  They hold real strategic sway.


Caribj, who you hear "rejoice".  Many of us have differing views of cause and effect, but no one rejoice.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Damage control is the order of the day but it has to be done with sensitivity. I still say that some top people in the Gov't should be made to answer questions but this will come out in the enquiry, perhaps.  

Not unless they fear unrest spreading. The PPP never wishes true dialogue until the problem blows over. This old dog's trick is tired and people have lost interest in listening.


People like you need to understand that while you think that the PPP is kind and fair others see them as blatantly racist and now oppressive and blood thirsty.  They put themselves in a corner and they need to work their way out of it.  This has now happned TWICE so its no accident.


People in a democracy have a right to protest, so whether or not one thinks that Lindeners deserve cheaper electricity is not the issue.  Not makiing proper arrangements to allow them to protest and then killing or injuring dozens of people can never be excused.  Just as Bloomberg deealt with OWS without killing any, and not seriously injuring any why cant the Guyana govt figure this out?  They arent interested.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, who you hear "rejoice".  Many of us have differing views of cause and effect, but no one rejoice.

Clearly you must rejoice because the larger issue at hand is the attack by the PPP of blacks who exercise their democratic right to protest and are attacked using real bullets...This is the SECOND time.  Its now a pattern and some one hear reported that it is creating tensions that move way past Linden as some now see this as an Indian govt killing off black people.


yes the PPP screams "ahbe pan tap"  " we gun show dem black man".  Just be careful you all know what you are doing.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition could erase the tragic lost of lives, by their instigation of the protesters 

Correction. The PPP killed the protesters.  No PNC nor AFC person pulled any trigger.


Now go tell that old black woman why you all condone such a callous, cruel and racist PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition could erase the tragic lost of lives, by their instigation of the protesters 

Correction. The PPP killed the protesters.  No PNC nor AFC person pulled any trigger.


Now go tell that old black woman why you all condone such a callous, cruel and racist PPP.

So, were these police officers PPP supporters?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition could erase the tragic lost of lives, by their instigation of the protesters 

Correction. The PPP killed the protesters.  No PNC nor AFC person pulled any trigger.


Now go tell that old black woman why you all condone such a callous, cruel and racist PPP.

So, were these police officers PPP supporters?

The police act on the orders of the Minister of Home Affairs. Has Rohee condemned their acts, or set up a proper protocol for dealing with protest given the fiasco of the shooiting of black old ladies and kids just after thye elections.


NO so he is to blame. The police force in Guyana always do as their bosses demand, whether it was the British governor, a PNC dictator, or now a PPP dictator.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

No amount of damage control done by the opposition could erase the tragic lost of lives, by their instigation of the protesters 

Correction. The PPP killed the protesters.  No PNC nor AFC person pulled any trigger.


Now go tell that old black woman why you all condone such a callous, cruel and racist PPP.

So, were these police officers PPP supporters?

The police act on the orders of the Minister of Home Affairs. Has Rohee condemned their acts, or set up a proper protocol for dealing with protest given the fiasco of the shooiting of black old ladies and kids just after thye elections.


NO so he is to blame. The police force in Guyana always do as their bosses demand, whether it was the British governor, a PNC dictator, or now a PPP dictator.

Do you know this for a fact?  This is why I said, an independent investigation is warranted.



Do you know this for a fact?  This is why I said, an independent investigation is warranted.

Are you seriously telling me that in Guyana any mere police offiocer will akke a decsioon which, as we see has tremendous repercussions in a divided country like Guyana, unless they knew that they had the tacit approval from high up.


And if the high ups disapproved of an unauthorized act that potentially embarrasses the govt, forcing it to defend this act, and to weaken its negotiating stance, why have they not condemned it by stating that not only were the death to be regretted but maybe the ;poice could have dealt with this problem w/o resorting to the use of REAL bullets?


Also where will this independent iunvestigation come from. You nknow if the poliuce are blamed youy al will scream that it is PNC controlled. And if they dont blame the police the others will say that they play stooge for the PPP.


Guyana is divided and a smart PPP would act to reflect this reality. So blinded by power and the need to put people in their place. So angered by their loss of power as the opposition now have the ability to stymey their afforts at total control...that this happened. 


Did the draw lessons from the previous shootings of protestors.  Clesarly not so the cops acted based on how they perceive that they were supposed to act, knowing that those they attacked are viewed as scum by the Indian elites, not least of all the top PPP heirarchy.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Do you know this for a fact?  This is why I said, an independent investigation is warranted.

Are you seriously telling me that in Guyana any mere police offiocer will akke a decsioon which, as we see has tremendous repercussions in a divided country like Guyana, unless they knew that they had the tacit approval from high up.


And if the high ups disapproved of an unauthorized act that potentially embarrasses the govt, forcing it to defend this act, and to weaken its negotiating stance, why have they not condemned it by stating that not only were the death to be regretted but maybe the ;poice could have dealt with this problem w/o resorting to the use of REAL bullets?


Also where will this independent iunvestigation come from. You nknow if the poliuce are blamed youy al will scream that it is PNC controlled. And if they dont blame the police the others will say that they play stooge for the PPP.


Guyana is divided and a smart PPP would act to reflect this reality. So blinded by power and the need to put people in their place. So angered by their loss of power as the opposition now have the ability to stymey their afforts at total control...that this happened. 


Did the draw lessons from the previous shootings of protestors.  Clesarly not so the cops acted based on how they perceive that they were supposed to act, knowing that those they attacked are viewed as scum by the Indian elites, not least of all the top PPP heirarchy.

Well, it's a very serious charge with serious implications and very irresponsible to do that.  For this reason I say let an independent investigation determine the facts and not some Indo-hating Brooklynite who is 30 years and 3,000 miles removed from the facts.


The cops who pulled the trigger were blacks and they did it for an Indian elite who view them as "scum".  I don't know what/how to describe you, I will need to consult with Data231 to check the Bhagavad-Gita to see with which human life form I am communicating.

embarrasses the govt, forcing it to defend this act, and to weaken its negotiating stance, why have they not condemned it by stating that not only were the death to be regretted but maybe the ;poice could have dealt with this problem w/o resorting to the use of REAL bullets?



Well, it's a very serious charge with serious implications and very irresponsible to do that.  For this reason I say let an independent investigation determine the facts and not some Indo-hating Brooklynite who is 30 years and 3,000 miles removed from the facts.


The cops who pulled the trigger were blacks and they did it for an Indian elite who view them as "scum".  I don't know what/how to describe you, I will need to consult with Data231 to check the Bhagavad-Gita to see with which human life form I am communicating.

Shooting live bullets into a crowd isnt a decision taken lightly.  There is absolutely no way that the forces on the ground will have made this decision w/o some authorization. 


Or had they done so, such an act would not have been condoned by Rohee.  There was ample time for a conversation to be had and instructions to be given.  The police operates as a heirarchy and people dont make unilateral decisions to use real bullets w/o fearing the consequences of those up the channel of command are displeased with this.  It is clear from the video furnished as proof that the police faced no danger.


The Indian elite who tolerated the Chronicle printing racist nonsense about blacks ent the message loud and clear that TO YOU ALL we are scum. Only when there were loud protests was some one made a scape goat.


Sorry if your attempts to hide this fact arent being received the way you wish it to.  I have no interest in what ever your religion tells you as it is not mine so holds no interest to me. Certainly Jesus didnt advocate violence, staged protests during his day and would be very upset if teh authorities deprived people of the right to do so.  But then you dont believe in Jesus so do not understand the humanity that he stood for.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The cops who pulled the trigger were blacks and they did it for an Indian elite who view them as "scum".  I don't know what/how to describe you, I will need to consult with Data231 to check the Bhagavad-Gita to see with which human life form I am communicating.

No need to bother Data231 . . .


A brief review of the role black military and paramilitary units played buttressing white rule during the dying days of apartheid South Africa, and old Rhodesia (Selous Scouts) will suffice.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

No it will not suffice. The cops were pushed to the brink. They faced a life-threatening situation. If they failed to act and the whole place was out of control you will still be blaming the cops.

 You are blathering nonsense as the rest of these bigots. I suggest you look at the video posted by an agent of the OP and tell me if that was a cop being pushed. It was an arrogant ass incubated in a culture of disrespect for the citizenry shouting orders.

kidmost posted:

The situation is far worse than non Linden residents realize. And as you put it what will happen when Guysuco collapses and the sugar belt residents are as financially squeezed at Lindeners. The Govt Of Guyana has failed sadly in creating viable diverse industries because everything in Guyana is too politicized. Politics is  choking real sustainable economic growth and expansion. I am sure the political parties will use this incident to infuse race hate as it is always so easy to polarize  Guyanese. Frankly, there is no political party in Guyana with the knowledge skill commitment and dedication to national development.

Note that Kidmost was another one who advocated Indesh as Prashad now does.

Note his warning about Guysuco!


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