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President engages national stakeholders in successful forum - many left satisfied - economy high on discussion agenda


Georgetown, GINA, March 1, 2012

Source - GINA



President Donald Ramotar in discussion with representatives of the National Stakeholders Forum. He was accompanied by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira, and Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh among other government officials


Following in the footsteps of his predecessor, former President Bharrat Jagdeo, incumbent President Donald Ramotar summoned his first “successful” meeting of the National Stakeholders’ forum today.


The 100 plus civil society representatives who participated left the Office of the President satisfied with the engagement and are looking forward to the promise of discussions of a similar nature in the near future.


So fruitful was today’s meeting that some organisations such as those representing the various religions and indigenous people expressed the need for a separate meeting with the Head of State.


Minutes before entering the meeting, President Ramotar shared some of his expectations with members of the media, chief among which is to reach greater understanding of the goals to be achieved at the national level.


 At the culmination he reported that the views and ideas expressed were meaningful and will be appraised to determine their practicality. Included in the exchange was an overview of the economy and the state of governance.


“I think it was a very healthy forum, we got a lot of information and a lot of exchanges. We are going to put what we can into practice and, we are going to continue this forum and make it more on a sectoral basis to focus attention.”


The forum which was initiated in 2008 comprises representatives of organisations responsible for labour, business, religion, indigenous peoples, and the service and rights organisations among others.


Speaking on behalf of the trade union movement, Norman Witter from the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) committed to working in partnership with the stakeholders and President Ramotar and, expressed the hope that the engagements that were initiated between the Government and the unions in the past will reconvene.


“We have to sit and discuss issues of national importance, not only as they affect labour but as issues that affect national polity, national development and so on. So I think it’s a commendable beginning and we are prepared to work,” Witter said.


Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram expressed the view that the forum was the most useful and spoke with admiration about the “positive approach” that President Ramotar demonstrated.


“He is a great listener, he can rise above party politics… this afternoon he showed that he is prepared to listen to other views… people felt confident that they could speak there without being afraid that they could be criticised,” Ram said.


The private sector was able to bring to the fore issues such as taxes and political stability as a prerequisite of growth, diversification and Guyana as an export led economy.


Chairman of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Clinton Urling acknowledged that both the President and Finance Minister were able to adequately address some of the issues raised.


General Secretary of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions (FITUG) Kenneth Joseph said that his body was heartened to hear the private sector share similar concerns on the issue of the tax reform.


Wearing the hat as a Chairperson of the National Toshaos Council and member of the Indigenous People’s Commission Yvonne Pearson said she was able to fully put forward her concerns about youth involvement in agriculture and education in the hinterland.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Speaking on behalf of the trade union movement, Norman Witter from the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) committed to working in partnership with the stakeholders and President Ramotar and, expressed the hope that the engagements that were initiated between the Government and the unions in the past will reconvene.

President engages national stakeholders in successful forum - many left satisfied - economy high on discussion agenda

Georgetown, GINA, March 1, 2012

Source - GINA

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram expressed the view that the forum was the most useful and spoke with admiration about the “positive approach” that President Ramotar demonstrated.


“He is a great listener, he can rise above party politics… this afternoon he showed that he is prepared to listen to other views… people felt confident that they could speak there without being afraid that they could be criticised,” Ram said.

President engages national stakeholders in successful forum - many left satisfied - economy high on discussion agenda

Georgetown, GINA, March 1, 2012

Source - GINA


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