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President explains rationale for deferring Parliament PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 19 December 2011 03:11
- says decision based on request by APNU
DEFERRAL of the tenth Parliament this month was one of several issues agreed upon when representatives of the opposition parties, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) met the President on December 15.
The rationale was explained by President Donald Ramotar during an interview Saturday with the National Communications Network (NCN).
He said the decision was based on a request by APNU which indicated that most of its members will be proceeding on vacation during the Christmas season.
President Ramotar said he conceded to the request, quelling fears that he may capitalise on that opportunity to “spring the parliament on them” and elect his own speaker.
“I gave them the commitment that I will not do that and, if they want to go for the Christmas holidays they can so proceed…I will not convene the parliament in the month of December,” President Ramotar said.
During the discussions the President had with the political parties in which Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon and Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira participated, several issues were raised including a list of issues for discussion and prioritization for future meetings and two representatives nominated from APNU and AFC to work on identified and agreed on priority issues.
It was also agreed that the Minister of Finance will meet with the two identified finance persons of the APNU and AFC in the near future to consult on the preparation of the 2012 Budget.
The new Head of State had initiated the process of engaging the opposition parties in talks immediately after his installation to office on December 3.
At the onset of his journey to presidency, he had promised to leave the door open to the process of dialogue with the opposition. During Saturday’s interview, he described the meetings as most cordial and candid.
“The meetings have been very useful. We have been very frank with each other. I hope to proceed working in that way, in consulting with them in moving our country forward…,” President Ramotar said.
He acknowledged that there are differences in opinions and approaches to issues but assured that the goal of working in the interest of Guyana’s development must remain paramount.
Mr. Ramotar won the presidency at the 2011 general and regional elections held on November 28 after the PPP/C captured 48.6 percent of the votes and secured 32 seats in the National Assembly.
The opposition parties hold the majority of seats with APNU’s 26 and seven from the AFC.(GINA)
Last Updated ( Monday, 19 December 2011 03:14 )

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

With Ramotar being held over a barrel, one can reasonably expect a more reconciliatory, reflective and co-operative Presidency and governance. With the loss of unfettered power, respect and humility are not bad substitutes to work with. Wink
Ramotar must have listened to Ramjattan quoting MG: “We must become the change we want to see.”

I want to believe Mr. Ramotar understands the importance of inclusiveness, national dialogue and unity to move Guyana's development forward.

He won the Presidency, but must come to grips that the minority is the majority.
It is expected that Christians celebrate Christmas and take time off from work. Of course, Hindus and Muslims are not bound by that religious period to observe time off from work. So no wonder that the Hindu and muslim dominated PPP would want to cause frictions with the Christians by trying to convene parliament.
Originally posted by albert:
Backer exclusion from Parliament may be a move by A.P.N.U to prevent any investigation into the Global Trust Scheme
Or it could mean she is the candidate for speaker. You can't have it both ways. Big Grin

Are you guys paid by the post here? Whose payroll are you on? Kwame's?
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by albert:
Backer exclusion from Parliament may be a move by A.P.N.U to prevent any investigation into the Global Trust Scheme
Or it could mean she is the candidate for speaker. You can't have it both ways. Big Grin

Are you guys paid by the post here? Whose payroll are you on? Kwame's?

I think that she is a candidate for speaker and they are confident that she would win, as the AFC indicated that they have no problem with her.

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