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President exposes “opposition plot” at De Edward meeting

Georgetown, GINA, November 12, 2011
Source - GINA

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking to residents of De Edward, West Coast Berbice during a public meeting

President Bharrat Jagdeo called on residents of De Edward, West Coast Berbice to be watchful of the approach opposition parties are using during the 2011 national and regional elections campaign which are similar to the tactic used in the past to oust the incumbent government.

Speaking to a large number of residents in the village this evening he recalled the struggles of the late President Dr. Cheddi Jagan against colonisers who thought of Guyanese as second class citizens and the coalition that was formed to unseat the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), the first national party in Guyana.

He pointed a finger at colonizers for engineering a new constitutional and electoral system that saw a coalition between the People’s National Congress (PNC) and the United Force (TUF) at the time that won the 1964 national elections.

“Today again we are seeing all the signs of that happening. The secret meetings between APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) and the AFC (Alliance for Change), their only objective is to bring our votes below 50 percent so that we will win the presidency but we can’t manage the country because they will control the parliament. We wouldn’t be able to pass the budget, we wouldn’t be able to pass any legislation, the country will come to a standstill,” President Jagdeo said.

President Bharrat Jagdeo sharing a jovial moment with residents of De Edward, West Coast Berbice after a public meeting

He then turned his attention to the public meetings hosted by the AFC in communities where the PPP/C support is strong and the deliberate statements by new member Moses Nagamootoo and Presidential Candidate Khemraj Ramjattan about corruption and bribery.

The case argued by AFC member and attorney at law Nigel Hughes about senior positions being offered Guyanese of Indian descent was also highlighted and debunked by President Jagdeo.

“We believe in bringing people together. You have many leaders in Government who are Afro-Guyanese but they don’t show those people because they all got there on their merit,” President Jagdeo said.

The Head of State spoke proudly of the PPP/C’s unanimous message of peace and unity as against the opposition taking a different message to a different region. Reference was also made to their raucous entry to City Hall on Nomination Day and their obstruction at the presidential debate and the PPP/C rally in Buxton as examples of their “unchanged demeanours.”

A section of the large gathering at De Edward, West Coast Berbice during a PPP/C public meeting

He spoke of the coverage by some sections of the media noting that “they (media) would come and focus on a few people here at the AFC crowd and say ‘AFC has a massive crowd at their rally’ like at Whim when they 300 people and then the same Whim meeting where we had 8000 people they would say hundreds”.

November 28 is the date set for national and regional elections in Guyana.

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“We believe in bringing people together. You have many leaders in Government who are Afro-Guyanese but they don’t show those people because they all got there on their merit,” President Jagdeo said.


The Head of State spoke proudly of the PPP/C’s unanimous message of peace and unity as against the opposition taking a different message to a different region.

Reference was also made to their raucous entry to City Hall on Nomination Day and their obstruction at the presidential debate and the PPP/C rally in Buxton as examples of their “unchanged demeanours.”

Originally posted by Alexander:
Bai, did he not speak with Ramjattan and others at UG last week? Why you asking Alex to prove it?

I have seen videos of Ramjattan, and Granger but not of the Duck. If the Duck was there post the link.
Jagdeo wants to continue his and the PPP's Indian actualized totalitarian hold on power. Is that not a conspiracy? After all a conspiracy is a planned insurgent action to undermine good principles, in this case democracy.

The reality is that if the PPP becomes a minority government they will have to negotiate. It means the locked out PNC representing historically more than a third of the people gets a chance to dialog. If we have competing interest groups then we ought to have a government with these interest groups mediating their needs communally. It is preposterous that the PPP frames what is clarely their desire for unaccountable control of the government as a "conspiracy".

I am sure both the AFC and the PNC are playing for all the marbles. The absolute arrogance of the PPP is based solely on its praxis; ethnic nepotism, political patronage and fear mongering. Those bad PNC are going to get you if you do not give us all of the marbles!
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

“We believe in bringing people together. You have many leaders in Government who are Afro-Guyanese but they don’t show those people because they all got there on their merit,” President Jagdeo said.

Like whom. Nigel asked Luncheon whos aid he didnt know. Why doesnt Luncheon know who these people are?
Originally posted by warrior:
why when the ppp have a rally,they will hug or show a black the free world we call that streotyping.its like they have no respect for the black people.

The problem is when you look around this is the only visible black person...most likely starving and desperate.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The opposition and their stooges on GNI would stop at nothing to demoralize the Ruling party..
They would lie and and lie, again and again to earn a few votes.
THE RULING PARTY which is the ppp crime family for now until the28,is doing a goog job of demoralize themself.when you have bynoe and joe in your party you know how bad you gone.
(Quote) You have many leaders in Government who are Afro-Guyanese but they don’t show those people because they all got there on their merit,” President Jagdeo said.[/quote]

Hmmm! Let me get this straight.

Jaggy said that the brothers got there on their merit.

Hmmm! How did the rest get there?

Oi DG, you notice dat?

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