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The start of the national recount of votes cast in the March 2, 2020 general elections now hinges on a signed agreement between Guyana’s two top political leaders but Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo indicated that he is not the one to be blamed.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says the recount cannot begin unless there is a signed agreement between President David Granger, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

GECOM’s spokeswoman, Yolanda Ward told News-Talk Radio Guyana/ Demerara Waves Online News that she did not know at what stage were arrangements for the signing of the agreement.

Mr. Jagdeo told News-Talk Radio that at 5:24 PM yesterday, he received an informal diplomatic message from the Caricom Secretary General, Irwin La Rocque. Jagdeo said he replied at 5:30 PM with his comments.

“This aide memoire is about things we discussed and agreed to and should not have been contentious,” said Jagdeo.

He described as “disgusting” the situation in which the members of the CARICOM supervisory team for the recount were taken away from their jobs and families for almost two days and shuttled to Guyana but have been unable to get down to work. “I find this very disgusting that Mr. Granger will ask for the team to come down as a matter of urgency” but the national recount has not started.

Jagdeo reiterated that the GECOM Chairman, Claudette Singh should go ahead with the recount of votes cast in Region Four in keeping with commitments she had given.

Shortly after 3:30 this afternoon, a shipping container of ballot boxes and other electoral material left the GECOM headquarters for the Arthur Chung Conference Centre where the recounting will be conducted.

Last night, the Caricom team that will be supervising the recount, the CARICOM Secretary General and the Guyana Elections Commission hammered out a terms of reference and work-plan for the review.

CARICOM Chairman, Mia Mottley earlier this month led a team of colleague prime ministers who met with Granger and Jagdeo. Shortly before they left Guyana, Mottley stressed that “very vote must count”.

The United States, Britain, Canada, European Union, the Commonwealth, Organisation of American States, Carter Centre and the CARICOM observer missions have all expressed grave concern about the lack of transparency and lack of credibility in the tabulation of results for Region Four.


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FC, Granger is a bully and intimidating. He needs a strong personality to deal with him. He does not like facing Jagdeo. I think it's the best for the PPP to put its leader out front as Granger is the PNC leader.


Irfaan Ali, a man who only completed secondary school, is simply a puppet for Jagdeo.

If elected into office, he will be controlled by Jagdeo. This is why Jagdeo is involved in all negotiations and not Irfaan who is no "Dr." but simply a pawn for a corruptive scheme. 



@Rochelle: You don't worry about PPP and Jagdeo. You worry about what will happen if Granger allows a fair recount.
You know, for a supposed attorney, you seem to be very shallow thinking and clearly don't understand that the PPP problem is theirs; not yours.


It could be a mistake on Jagdeo's part. He should have stuck with the International Observers. If Granger wanted to go ahead and sworn in, then there would have been sanctions and new elections. With Caricom, they plan to extract a signature agreeing to the results they come up with. If tampering is possible, it has been done already. And Caricom is only going with what they find.

He should change his mind and request back the Observers. Doan worry about hurting other ppl feelings. Granger and the PNC ain worry bout dat.



@Nehru: Yet there are some posters here who would swear that the Guyanese blacks are not racists. Guyana is a divided and racist country. Indians and most of the other races pull one side and the negroes pull opposite for themselves.


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