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VishMahabir posted:

The PNC/coalition still has a wild card, namely the chance that there will be some signs of economic development that will impact some of the lower class by 2020.

In fact the PNC base is very loud in wailing that money isn't running in Guyana right now. And when the PNC City Council chases them off the side walk when they try to make a living, treating them much like the PPP did.

I bet some will shrug their shoulders and find other things to do come election day.  So yes race will determine the votes but if 70% of the Indians and 55% of the blacks/mixed vote no where that the coalition wins.  

The coalition definitely does NOT get that 5% of votes from the few who vote issues who wanted them to be better than the PPP was.  In fact as soon as they came in they gave themselves a 30-50% pay raise, with Moses Nagamootoo leading the demand for this and Granger doing nothing to stop him.

Then they gave the civil servants and the police the same raises that the PPP did. GRA remains a nest of corrupt vipers as it was under the PPP and its the same (Indian) oligarchs who benefit.  That the race of those who now get bribes (black and mixed elites with some Indians in the pack too) doesn't impress the black masses. In fact it enrages them. Many feel that they were used in 2015 and will definitely remind the coalition when they come knocking come this LGE a few months from now.

I will be shocked if the coalition doesn't lose serious ground in the LGE. Not because the PPP has made inroads, but because only the PPP base will show up.

Understand this. An impoverished Indian derives pride that the oligarchy is majority Indian so will be kicked by the PPP and used to further the interests of this group.  Impoverished blacks don't care about black elites who enrich themselves thru corruption and crony deals.

In fact the corrupt PNC officials are even bold enough to whisper (and not so softly either) that "is de coolie who get de money to gimme a raise so I wuk wid he". 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

Anyway Granger and his group are going to be squeezed out after 2020.  The party base has seen few benefits from his rule, so will not vote.

Bye bye Granger. 

This is such a ridiculous statement, I am sure no one on GNI, except a few hard core PPP supporters believe this statement (based purely on emotions).


It is even more naive for you to assume that Granger will be “squeezed” out in 2020. This is nothing more that fantasy.

Elections are determined by who shows up to vote. so if the PNC base decide to stay home as they did in 2006 then the PNC share collapses as it did then.  I doubt that the AFC will fill that gap as they will receive the votes only of those determined not to see the PPP's return, but unable to directly vote for the PNC.

Unless Granger changes the way that he interacts with his base he is on to a speedy loss.  I have not heard ANY person who supported the coalition in 2015 feel that their victory is guaranteed in 2020.  I have in fact heard many opine that the PPP will win.  Not because they deserve to but because a lazy Granger wants to insult his base.

I have yet to hear a man win an election by calling his base lazy drunkards and wailing that all they want is a "raise".  Funny from a man who presides over a cabinet of many who are busy collecting bribes.  These people are as vulgar as was the PPP in its time with their corruption.  The PNC base stands by and sees the PNC mayor chasing them off the streets when they try to earn a living while they see PPP connected oligarchs doing as they wish because they paid off some PNC/AFC minister. 

I will not call names because I don't wish to be sued but ask any child in G/T and they will tell you which minister has a heavy wallet filled with cash that he didn't earn.  In fact why should we be shocked when the first act of these clowns was to pay themselves a massive salary increase and then deny this to the under paid civil servants and police!

Granger is a passive aggressive man and he will lose because of this.


Granger is courting the coolie votes.

skeldon_man posted:

Granger is courting the coolie votes.

Not much needed,if the coalition Gov't play their cards correctly,they are the winner.

I have noticed the PPP are including 50% Civic candidates,in the upcoming LGE.That's good move.

skeldon_man posted:

Granger is courting the coolie votes.

He aint getton Indo votes a much as PPP will not get Black Votes. The election will be decided by the Natives and a small percentage of Douglas.

End of story.

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Granger is courting the coolie votes.

He aint getton Indo votes a much as PPP will not get Black Votes. The election will be decided by the Natives and a small percentage of Douglas.

End of story.

Does not matter, the Americans want the PNC there for now.  They will allow the PPP back in power when Oil in waning and the coffers are about to go dry.

But nah mek worries, Gilbaka seh abie coolies does win in the end!  Abie won 1992, abie guh win again in 2035! 

Alyuh hang in deh and have patience!  Abie pon tapp!!

See donk heh, abie coolie beauty queen!

Image result for lipstick on a pig

Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:


This is why people leave this site....because of knuckleheads like you...stop living in the past. You thing anybady got the time to waste like you? Who gat time to look in de archive? You living in the past man.

Instead of trading barbs (and I notice you only attacking people as racists) and acting like the cyberbully you are, why dont you answer the questions I posed above? 



Mahabir, gwan suh wid yuh pseudo intellecutal pretend interest in black people condition under  Burnham. Caribj documented it accurately, and he wasn't kind to Burnham. Look up his posts you lazy wastrel, the same way you took time to inform your low IQ self that "Indians are better at business". I am not here for your edification and to educate your dumbass or participate in your subterfuge shit wid "answer the questsions". You have no interest in the answer.

Me, a cyberbully? Funny how when you and your Indo KKK wolfpack piling on pon blackman it's "licks like peas" to alyuh. Yugi hollering and hicing up he dhoti in victory. But when lash start drop pon alyuh lazy, mentally challenged  minds it's "cyber bullying". I'm one man. Don't need a pack wid me to deal with alyuh low IQ clowns. 

Oh Yeh, the typical Black Bully.

The D2 of yester 20 years +.

He boasted of running Ravi Dev off the site.

Bare yuh chafe there Mahabir bai, doan run away. Show this Indian hater you from good hard wuking stock. 

Django posted:
 50% Civic candidates,in the upcoming LGE.That's good move.

Why>  Since Sam Hinds was dumped by the PPP the public knows that those people are docile lumps of clay.


Carib, you have been singing that Sam Hinds tune for ages like some old Disco song on a scratched up Vinyl record. Try singing something new for a change.

Last edited by Former Member

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