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Former Member

 in ElectionsNewsPolitics June 14, 2020 1 Comment


President David Granger addressing Parliament on Thursday, January 14, 2016. In the foreground at left is Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

President David Granger on Sunday hinted that a state of emergency would have to declared to pave the way for the reconvening of a Parliament and the approval of funds for government spending, if the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) scraps the March 2, 2020 general and elections.

“It is possible…I know it has been done before. It is not an option that I would embark on without receiving agreement of all the parties concerned. I don’t think it should be undertaken lightly or arbitrarily,” he told reporters at State House.

He recalled that the Parliament had been recalled in 1990.  That was when then President Desmond Hoyte had dissolved Parliament to hold general elections, but later reconstituted it to  allow for electoral reforms, including house-to-house registration, and elections were called in 1992.

Faced with a “massive shortfall” in revenues and a “massive increase” in expenditure, Granger said there was a huge gap that he hoped would be partly closed by the convening of Parliament after the elections cycle concludes. “Right now, we are not running on empty but we are running with very low funds,”  Granger said.

The President said the reconvening of Parliament would  require “some form of agreement” or legal mechanism. In 1990, the elections had not yet been held unlike now. Granger conceded that Guyana would face “uncharted territory” in finding a way for Parliament to approve funds if GECOM annuls the elections.

Granger appeared to stress repeatedly that the GECOM Chairman would say that alleged fraud and other irregularities were so severe that she would be unable to deliver a result from a credible election. “I think they can very well say that- that we cannot make declaration because the information indicates that the process has been badly flawed,” he  said.

Asked where would that leave Guyana, the President said that would be a matter for the Commission or the Courts because “we would be in a legal no-man’s land” as the country has never had a situation where there has been no declaration. “I do feel that in this case it is not impossible that the Election Commission will say that based on the evidence that was presented, we cannot declare because the information indicates that there has been widespread fraud or that the process is flawed,” he said.

Granger repeatedly cited a bloated list as the primary route for so many irregularities.

Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield told GECOM Chairman Claudette Singh in a report that based on impersonation and other regularities, only 185,302 votes are not tarnished and of that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) would get  56,627 votes and A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) will get 125,010.

Of the 460,352 valid votes cast, the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has won 217,920 and the People’s Progressive Party 233,336. The three ‘joinder’ parties- A New and United Guyana (ANUG), Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM) got a total of 5,214‬ votes

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So we may be heading into a state of emergency as the state funds run dry... all because of great management by the Granger Government. Is this the fella ayo want to run Guyana. Burnham dropped him like a turd and he knows why. 

Quote: Granger: "I saw the spreadsheets ... and I am satisfied they were accurate ... and gave the APNU/AFC a numerical advantage.. 


Granger can call his state of emergency. CARICOM will call an emergency summit and expel Guyana. Regional aid agencies like the IDB will withhold $$$$ from Guyana. As will international aid agencies like World Bank and IMF. And, who knows, Trump may freeze future oil revenues from ExxonMobil. Go Granger Go. 


President David Granger continues with his delusional outbursts. His latest episode was to some members of the Press, today.

Granger speculated about calling a state of emergency. The Constitution confers no power on any President to invoke a state of emergency after a General Elections and without a declaration of the results. Further, Granger has already lost the presidency and Dr. Irfaan Ali, is deemed President, as established by the national recount of the ballots, pursuant to Article 177 of the Constitution, while we await the official declaration from GECOM.

Mr. Granger’s view that it is possible for there to be a non-declaration by GECOM is completely misconceived and wrong. We reiterate that neither the law nor the Constitution allows for GECOM not to declare the results of the elections. Indeed, and to the contrary, the Constitution mandates GECOM to declare the results of the elections, in accordance with the national recount of the ballots just concluded.

For the avoidance of doubt, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) wishes to make it abundantly clear that it will never return to Parliament or support the convening of Parliament unless the true results of the 2nd March 2020 elections, as recently recounted, is lawfully declared by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).


When a woman cry.

Sase Gunraj


I think Dr. Asha Kissoon spoke for all of us when she did this interview yesterday.

But this aspect resonated most with me...her tears represent the collective frustration of right minded members of our society. The ones stifling their conscience may, unfortunately, find it when it is too late.

Remember though...none of this is going unnoticed. We may escape the judgement of man, but God doesn’t wear pajamas.

“It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.”-Barack Obama.

This will all be over soon.

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

It would be wrong for Caricom to act in such manner. Instead, they should broker a deal between the PPP and PNC. There is no other way.

Broker a deal between PPP and PNC? The two parties made deals before, including one brokered by CARICOM. But the PNC dishonoured those deals and resorted to "more fiya, slow fiya" against the PPP. And, who can trust the present PNC Leader David Granger who has accrued Caribbean-wide notoriety as a sanctimonious gangster? No way. No deal.

@seignet posted:

It would be wrong for Caricom to act in such manner. Instead, they should broker a deal between the PPP and PNC. There is no other way.

DO NOT GIVE GRANGER the opportunity to juss carry on.

You don't break into a man's home, steal his belongings and then the next day you phoned him and invited him  for lunch.

@Ace posted:

It would be wrong if Granger decides to squat illegally in office! He should do the honourable thing and concede. Why everything has to revolve around these losers. 

If he does that, he will be removed forcefully.


Trump just flexing his muscles before going back into real estate.  SA not too worried,  with a new posting coming soon. Guyana is just a passing through country, as one item in the resume. 


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