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President Granger is bypassing young people

Mar 02, 2017 Letters, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....assing-young-people/

Dear Editor,
I find it extremely difficult first and foremost as a young person with high academic qualifications and secondly as a citizen of Guyana who voted for change at the May 2015 polls, to comprehend the utterances of His Excellency President David Granger and actions of his Ministers of Government.

There are many cases to which I can make references that will substantiate my first sentence, but permission is hereby sought to present one case which is as recent as one week ago.

Given the unfortunate situation which caused the untimely and unceremonious removal of the Regional Executive Officer of Region 9 and hence the need for someone that meets the requirements to act in the said position, I thought that the current academically accomplished and respectable young Deputy Regional Executive Officer of Region 9 would have acceded to the position.

As a young person the opportunity to which the President speaks of so often for young people would have been tested there and then but instead of promoting the Deputy to act, a Field Auditor from Region 3 whose academic qualifications I would like to see was given the position.
This kind of suppression of educated youngsters and their supersession by our elders is unacceptable, demoralizing, uncouth and downright disgraceful.

Editor, when these unfortunate acts occur, it is seen as a slap in the face of qualified young people, disturbs them psychologically, hampers their enthusiasm to perform and encourages them to leave the shores of Guyana.

The Head of State on numerous occasions lectured this nation about the importance of education and the need for young people to show off their talents but here is a clear indication that David Granger’s words are nothing but just words since the Minister of Communities saw it fitting to put a Region 3 Field Auditor to act as REO as against the current University Graduate who is substantively the DREO.

What a slap in the face of young people! WHAT A SHAME! I voted CHANGE in 2015 and this kind of leadership will make me vote change again.

Deonarine Ramphal

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President Granger is bypassing young people

Mar 02, 2017 Letters, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....assing-young-people/

Dear Editor,

The Head of State on numerous occasions lectured this nation about the importance of education and the need for young people to show off their talents but here is a clear indication that David Granger’s words are nothing but just words since the Minister of Communities saw it fitting to put a Region 3 Field Auditor to act as REO as against the current University Graduate who is substantively the DREO.

Deonarine Ramphal

Perhaps it is becoming abundantly clear that only those who are retired and older that Granger -- 70 years of age -- will be secured jobs by the PNC/AFC government.


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