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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

APNU+AFC taking away money from poor school children to give themselves fat raises. This is not right.

And no word from Moses on his opposition to this.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Except, the PPP/C emptied the cookie jar.

Which is exactly the point. Only crumbs are left but we see two facts.


1. PNC folks, starving since 1992, with most reaching the end of their productives lives, even Granger suggesting that they arent going to be around after 2020, due to age, trying to slop up as much as they can, while they still can.


2.  AFC folks, never dreaming that they would EVER be in gov't, thinking that they were destined to remain a small party, desperate to avoid the fate of UF, ROAR, WPA, and GAP, want to slap up as much as they can as well.


Given that the AFC is a distinct party from the PNC, they could well have issued a press release outlining their position on the issue, and indicating that they will represent the interests of the average Guyanese, as a resolution to this issue is sought.  They have said NOTHING, so are part of the plot!


It is no point claiming that the "issue is under discussion" when the cat is out of the bag, and the impression has been given that massive increases are planned.  Even though this is pure PPP mischief, it is still something that APNU/AFC needs to respond to, more effectively than they have been doing up to this point.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Vice Presidents deserves better pay.  We want no tiefing like IRFAAT ALI and Ruberth Persaud and BJ.

Absolutely, tell them, dem bais like ASJ, Redux, Caribj, et al jealous rass.  Instead of tiefing like under the PPP, dem bais building that shyte into the base salary, so at least we "legal".

At what point did caribj support the salary increase, or claim that it was an ethical thing to do?  Find the posts please.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Vice Presidents deserves better pay.  We want no tiefing like IRFAAT ALI and Ruberth Persaud and BJ.

Absolutely, tell them, dem bais like ASJ, Redux, Caribj, et al jealous rass.  Instead of tiefing like under the PPP, dem bais building that shyte into the base salary, so at least we "legal".

At what point did caribj support the salary increase, or claim that it was an ethical thing to do?  Find the posts please.

I think he's being sarcastic. Hard to tell. Let's wait until he has his Merlot tonight, that's when the real Baseman comes out.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Vice Presidents deserves better pay.  We want no tiefing like IRFAAT ALI and Ruberth Persaud and BJ.

Absolutely, tell them, dem bais like ASJ, Redux, Caribj, et al jealous rass.  Instead of tiefing like under the PPP, dem bais building that shyte into the base salary, so at least we "legal".

At what point did caribj support the salary increase, or claim that it was an ethical thing to do?  Find the posts please.

No No No, I agree, you don't support the increase, but you are WRONG.  I am with Itaname and Redux on this one bai.  This increase is warranted as the ruling class has been neglected by the PPP so the PNC needs to right the ship, they always have a way of doing it.


We all accuse the PPP of thievery, so the PNC bais will bring that to an end by making PPP salary + thievery = PNC new salary scale.  The first model has a degree of thievery and that latter is fully legit.


Another benefit, there are some aspiring Ministers chilling out in the diapora who cannot convince their wives on a USD 50k salary, so now they can get USD 75k and bring their much needed talents to make Guyana into Singapore.  I mean Caribj, look at that Basil Williams rep of Guyana against Rudisa, man, that was kindergarten.  They can now offer Uni Michigan and Seaton Hall law interns a better baksish to offer advise.  They would have done better.


Caribj, you are always negative, PPP, PNC or APNU/AFC, you NEVER have anything positive to say, you are the perennial pessimist.  You need to change your philosophy and temper and attitude.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are always negative, PPP, PNC or APNU/AFC, you NEVER have anything positive to say, you are the perennial pessimist.  You need to change your philosophy and temper and attitude.

Look yeh, leave the banna alone, maybe he din get all of his shots.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Except, the PPP/C emptied the cookie jar.

Which is exactly the point. Only crumbs are left (you skont see them salary scale, that's some BIG rass crumbs, would choke a whale rass) but we see two facts.


1. PNC folks, starving since 1992, with most reaching the end of their productives lives, even Granger suggesting that they arent going to be around after 2020, due to age, trying to slop up as much as they can, while they still can (ok Last erection, well rape with a vengence, dem done haaf-dead aareedy).


2.  AFC folks, never dreaming that they would EVER be in gov't, thinking that they were destined to remain a small party, desperate to avoid the fate of UF, ROAR, WPA, and GAP, want to slap up as much as they can as well. (So what's your point?)


Given that the AFC is a distinct party from the PNC, they could well have issued a press release outlining their position on the issue, (NO, then they would be deemed traitors by YOUR kind.  Furthermore, the constitution preclude them walking off with their seats.  So dem bais gon hang in and gorge on the milk and honey till Itaname gi dem belly-wuk) and indicating that they will represent the interests of the average Guyanese, as a resolution to this issue is sought.  They have said NOTHING, so are part of the plot! (You finally keching sense.  You Mr goody two shoes rass).


It is no point claiming that the "issue is under discussion" when the cat is out of the bag, (Cyat out the bag and skinning he teeth at the open tub for butter) and the impression has been given that massive increases are planned.  Even though this is pure PPP mischief, it is still something that APNU/AFC needs to respond to, more effectively than they have been doing up to this point (hehe, dem cyant cuz where there is smoke, there is fyah).

Caribj, bai you mek mi haan fall, all this 13 years, I thought you had a high IQ!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
. This increase is warranted as the ruling class has been neglected by the PPP so the PNC needs to right the ship, they always have a way of doing it.


.PPP salary + thievery = PNC new salary scale.  The first model has a degree of thievery and that latter is fully legit.


Another benefit, there are some aspiring Ministers chilling out in the diapora who cannot convince their wives on a USD 50k salary, so now they can get USD 75k and bring their much needed talents to make Guyana into Singapore. .

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are always negative, PPP, PNC or APNU/AFC, you NEVER have anything positive to say, you are the perennial pessimist.  You need to change your philosophy and temper and attitude.

Look yeh, leave the banna alone, maybe he din get all of his shots.

I actually now see Baseman's point.  It is a fact that the President and PM are quite poor, and too much attention has been lavished on teachers and nurses, who don't deserve any more pay, as they already get too much. 


In addition the PM and President are loyal Guyanese who didn't flee to live in some little coral reef, or volcanic peak, as did so many nurses and teachers, so ought to be rewarded.


Its only those ungrateful, lick mouth, and boderation black people who so jealous.  They ought to learn from their Indian brethren, who worship the wealthy PPP leadership, even as they remain poor. These starving PPP supporters were so proud that they screamed "ahbe pan tap", even as they remained at the bottom with black people.


 Why dem black people so covetious that they scorn some rich black people more money?  Black people just refuse to support black people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are always negative, PPP, PNC or APNU/AFC, you NEVER have anything positive to say, you are the perennial pessimist.  You need to change your philosophy and temper and attitude.

Look yeh, leave the banna alone, maybe he din get all of his shots.

I actually now see Baseman's point.  It is a fact that the President and PM are quite poor, and too much attention has been lavished on teachers and nurses. 


In addition the PM and President are loyal Guyanese who didn't flee to live in some little coral reef, or volcanic peak, as did so many nurses and teachers, so ought to be rewarded.


Its only those ungrateful, lick mouth, and boderation black people who so jealous.  They ought to learn from their Indian brethren, who worship the wealthy PPP leadership, even as they remain poor. These starving PPP supporters were so proud that they scream "ahbe pan tap", even as they remained at the bottom with black people.


 Why dem black people so covetious that they scorn some rich black people more money?  Black people just refuse to support black people.

Burnham had a lot of good points, in reflection.  That banna should have been born an Indian, Guyana would have been Singapore.  But alyuh never carry that load the banna hoped and Indians were pissed at the 60's, so he failed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are always negative, PPP, PNC or APNU/AFC, you NEVER have anything positive to say, you are the perennial pessimist.  You need to change your philosophy and temper and attitude.

Look yeh, leave the banna alone, maybe he din get all of his shots.

I actually now see Baseman's point.  It is a fact that the President and PM are quite poor, and too much attention has been lavished on teachers and nurses, who don't deserve any more pay, as they already get too much. 


In addition the PM and President are loyal Guyanese who didn't flee to live in some little coral reef, or volcanic peak, as did so many nurses and teachers, so ought to be rewarded.


Its only those ungrateful, lick mouth, and boderation black people who so jealous.  They ought to learn from their Indian brethren, who worship the wealthy PPP leadership, even as they remain poor. These starving PPP supporters were so proud that they screamed "ahbe pan tap", even as they remained at the bottom with black people.


 Why dem black people so covetious that they scorn some rich black people more money?  Black people just refuse to support black people.

is because black people too black 

Originally Posted by baseman:
No No No, I agree, you don't support the increase, but you are WRONG.  I am with Itaname and Redux on this one bai.  This increase is warranted as the ruling class has been neglected by the PPP so the PNC needs to right the ship, they always have a way of doing it.


Baseman, point me to where I agreed with this pay increase.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
No No No, I agree, you don't support the increase, but you are WRONG.  I am with Itaname and Redux on this one bai.  This increase is warranted as the ruling class has been neglected by the PPP so the PNC needs to right the ship, they always have a way of doing it.


Baseman, point me to where I agreed with this pay increase.

Yes I was even going to look for this post where you said this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by baseman:
No No No, I agree, you don't support the increase, but you are WRONG.  I am with Itaname and Redux on this one bai.  This increase is warranted as the ruling class has been neglected by the PPP so the PNC needs to right the ship, they always have a way of doing it.


Baseman, point me to where I agreed with this pay increase.

Yes I was even going to look for this post where you said this.

I am on record disagreeing with this increase. Baseman is lying again, seemingly unable to resist the compulsion to lie.


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary – PM Nagamootoo – confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo
Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary –

PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase in pipeline for public service workers


IN responding to recent reports in sections of the media about a pending salary increase for Ministers and other top level Government officials, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said that there has been mention of an increase in salaries, that is “an increase for sure for persons in the public service,” as Government officials need to be paid a respectable salary.


Speaking yesterday during an interview with media operatives,

the Prime Minister made it clear that

he is unware of any 100% increase for Ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,

noting that he has not seen those reports

but knows for sure that no such declarations were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.....







However, he said that there would be an increase because of the fact that “there has been a reduction in the number of ministries, and also it would be used as a method of preventing ministers from putting their hands into the cookie jars.”


Additionally, “they need to be paid respectable salaries, same as the police ranks and other persons so as to avoid the temptation of stealing, accepting bribes and indulging in corrupt practices.”


The Prime Minister further mentioned that the Government has decided that the salary increases will help to avoid those things because once reasonable stipends and salaries are being paid, it would necessarily be an indictment for them to do something bad.


“We are moving away from the past, you see in the audits how many people have been helping themselves to vehicles and state funds, so I believe that ministers deserve to be paid,” said Mr. Nagamootoo.


Apart from avoiding the illegalities, the Prime Minister noted that there are many qualified Ministers who didn’t come into office because of political loyalties and affiliation, but because they want to make a commitment to their country for which they are qualified.


“Look at the number of persons who have left their legal practices and other highly qualified callings to give service to the Guyanese people… do we pay them enough?”



Former President Donald Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar


Meanwhile when asked to share his views on the reports about pending salary increases for Ministers and other senior Government Officials, former President Donald Ramotar stated that it would be “callous” on the Government’s behalf to give themselves huge increases. “Taking into consideration increases in the number of ministries and also the increasing bureaucracy… and it is callous and insensitive what is taking place in this country,” said Mr. Ramotar.


 these Monkeys Grab Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day....

Reports of pending salary increases

first appeared in the

Saturday August 1, 2015(African Emancipation Day)

edition of Guyana Times (Ravi Dev-Jihaji's),

which said that, “Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed the assertion that had been swirling of social media to the Guyana Times.”


The article also stated that, “He said the matter is currently under consideration by the Administration and the increase also extends to Members of Parliament (MPs) and basically all individuals who have a role in the House of Assembly.

The increase in Ministers’ salary is under consideration.

All people that concern the House of Assembly, so that will include Chief Whip, the Opposition, Ministers, and Vice Presidents and so on.”


By Navendra Seoraj


Redux you and carib J

can spin whatever I say how you want to...

If Redux want to Join CaribJ

and Other Ole PNC Boys

To Grab Granger Balls...

we cannot stop them....




I know what I am saying is the truth.


I am saying.....

(1) No Indian

 (2) No AFC Minister (Indian, Black or Mixed)  

(3) No Indian from APNU,

No Black from APNU Except a few from PNC  

or Any of the Mixed APNU Cabinet Ministers

have not joined

 with the Old Black PNC Monkey Mountain Racist Thug

who are Yanking Granger Balls

on Emancipation Day 2015.






Redux since you want to spin what I said

Give us the name of one....Just One...

Indian or Black.... AFC - APNU Minister(who is not PNC)

who is teaming up with the Old PNC Black Racist Thugs

and Yank Granger Balls  about Pay Increase now....


Redux ....Name One....Just One



Last edited by Former Member

Redux climb on CaribJ Back


CaribJ Yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015


CaribJ would be a good Outrider for Redux...

CaribJ just have to make sure

his sunglases do not fall

over his stink mouth

and Muzzle his Racist Views



Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

– PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase

in pipeline

for public service workers


Speaking yesterday

during an interview with media operatives,


the Prime Minister made it clear that


he is unware

of any 100% increase for Ministers,

Members of Parliament (MPs),

Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,


noting that he has

not seen those reports

but knows for sure

that no such declarations

were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Ministers need to be paid a respectable salary

Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

– PM Nagamootoo –

confirms salary increase

in pipeline

for public service workers


Speaking yesterday

during an interview with media operatives,


the Prime Minister made it clear that


he is unware

of any 100% increase for Ministers,

Members of Parliament (MPs),

Presidential Advisors and Vice Presidents,


noting that he has

not seen those reports

but knows for sure

that no such declarations

were made by the Government.



 let us hearCarib J

and the Ole PNC Black Racist Troop of Gorilla

from Monkey Mountain admit

they Joined with Ravi Dev

to yank Granger Balls

on African Emancipation Day 2015.....

since neither Granger nor Nagamootoo nor Jordan said anything about a 100% pay hike, why do you insist on washing yuh mouth on Black (APNU-AFC) ministers in this most crude, deeply racist manner, not seen much outside of StormFront on the internet . . . spreading PPP lies on this BB?


I am 100% in agreement.  The ruling class must be differentiated from the larger commoner.  Look, PPP did it by some opaque manner.  PNC coming clean, they will out do the PPP and show sheer class by not rubbing the shyte in alyuh face.  This is a good development.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ahwe dayzz now!!  Dem bais salivating over the cookie jar.

Except, the PPP/C emptied the cookie jar.

Mits, PPP hide an tief. PNC ah tief in public an let everybady know dem ah tief. Bareface peeple me tell you.


What do you expect from an ex-PPP  coolie.?  Moses should be ashamed of himself.  The Alliance passed a bill to give the minister access to the Treasury, which is in actual fact a recipe for corruption.


The PPP emptied the cookie jar to pay for 5000 projects which made Guyana the most productive country in south America and the west indies. 

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What do you expect from an ex-PPP  coolie.?  Moses should be ashamed of himself.  The Alliance passed a bill to give the minister access to the Treasury, which is in actual fact a recipe for corruption.


The PPP emptied the cookie jar to pay for 5000 projects which made Guyana the most productive country in south America and the west indies. 

Rama..bhai where you pulling this the air?

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What do you expect from an ex-PPP  coolie.?  Moses should be ashamed of himself.  The Alliance passed a bill to give the minister access to the Treasury, which is in actual fact a recipe for corruption.


The PPP emptied the cookie jar to pay for 5000 projects which made Guyana the most productive country in south America and the west indies. 

Rama..bhai where you pulling this the air?

From the PPP's  handbook on the art of economic development.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What do you expect from an ex-PPP  coolie.?  Moses should be ashamed of himself.  The Alliance passed a bill to give the minister access to the Treasury, which is in actual fact a recipe for corruption.


The PPP emptied the cookie jar to pay for 5000 projects which made Guyana the most productive country in south America and the west indies. 


Dis must be from the purchase of sperm.


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