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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Granger to Moses before leaving to CJ Airport, Moses, make sure you clear the Toilet, stove and kitchen. I dont want to see any bloody mess when I return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moses then passes the message along to Kneerust, "Oi Rusted knees, do your job"....Kneerust then kneels before the porcelain and proceeds to live the dream.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Granger to Moses before leaving to CJ Airport, Moses, make sure you clear the Toilet, stove and kitchen. I dont want to see any bloody mess when I return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oi Nehru?


Rest yourself bannas.


Is your Prime Minister you talking about. Show some decorum.


But as Moses always said - he got thick skin.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Gupta:

At least Moses gets to be President for a few days. He would have never been able to do so as a member of the PPP.

Would that make Mother Sita our First Lady for a few days?

sure is


on a lighter note,Guyana finally got some leaders with

qualities not like them cuss birds.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by VVP:

The man gan fuh bring back couple F16 and war tanks fuh deal with Venezuela.


The man is smart. Never miss an opportunity to milk for maximum benefit the mistakes of your opponents (like Venezuela). This Decree can be used as the pretext Guyana needs to permanently rid us of this border issue. And I see that as the case here.


Venezuela handed Guyana a golden opportunity.


For what it's worth, lemme give a little reminder.

Guyana's President David Granger was a professional soldier with a distinguished academic record.

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro was a bus driver who never graduated from high school.

The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had handpicked Maduro to succeed him just as Bharrat Jagdeo had handpicked Donald Ramotar.

Latest news out of Venezuela says Maduro has modified his Decree as a damage control measure.


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