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President hails contributions of pilot Debbie Gouveia


The successful career and example set by Captain Debbie Gouveia were lauded by President Donald Ramotar as he delivered the feature address at the unveiling of a stamp to honour her contributions to the aviation sector on Saturday.


The President congratulated the Guyana Post Office Corporation for honouring several women for their outstanding contributions to the sector and described the pilot and businesswoman as a pioneer. “It shows that in Guyana we have broken the barrier, and that women and men are equal in our society”.


The occasion was also a celebration of her husband, Captain Jerry Gouveia’s 58th birthday and the 21st anniversary of Roraima Airways.


President hails contributions of pilot Debbie Gouveia

President hails contributions of pilot Debbie Gouveia


The contributions of Mr. Gouveia were also highlighted

by the President, particularly in the area of eco-tourism.

“Apart from that, I want to thank the company for the many,

many medivacs that they have flown. They have been saving

many lives”. 


Remarks were also made by Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff Brigadier Colonel Mark Phillips, Assistant Commissioner George Vyphuis, both of whom thanked the Gouveias for their contributions and assistance to their respective services.


Former Private Sector Commission Head, Ramesh Dookhoo and Former Director of the Civil Aviation Authority Paula Mc Adam also congratulated the family on their achievements.


Replying to well wishers Captain Debbie Gouveia, recalled her career and how her love of flying began after a short visit to an airstrip. She offered this message to all young women, “There is nothing you cannot achieve in life, if you set your goals and you work very hard….always stay focused and remember nothing comes without sacrifice and hard work”.


The stamp was officially unveiled by President Ramotar and Post Master General Henry Dundas at Duke Lodge in the presence of many well wishers and special invitees.

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