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Opposition to approve funds to beef up GDF's drug-fighting capacity; wants new national drug plan

Opposition Leader David Granger and APNU Parliamentarian Joseph HarmonOpposition Leader David Granger and APNU Parliamentarian Joseph Harmon

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Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier Mark Phillips on Wednesday welcomed the opposition’s support for beefing up the military’s capacity, following a meeting with Opposition Leader David Granger.

“I’m heartened that the opposition is speaking with the same voice like the government as it pertains to re-capitalization of the GDF and recapitalization of the security forces and the whole fact that all the security forces need to adopt an inter-agency approach,” said Phillips. 

The Chief of Staff acknowledged that the GDF would need more planes and boats to assist the Police Force, as the lead agency, in addressing security threats. “The government is aware of that. I am sure that the opposition is also aware of that so this is obviously a good multiparty approach towards the recapitalization of the security forces off course as the revenues will allow,” he said.

Granger said he asked the Chief of Staff to inform the opposition of the types of air, sea and land assets would be required to assist interdiction of drugs and guns. The GDF is expected to receive several inshore patrol vessels that Granger said were incapable of conducting operations on the high seas. “What we have gotten from him now is that he has started to acquire the maritime assets but these are not sufficient and we want to hear from him before the budget comes what additional assets he needs,” said Granger, a retired Brigadier of the GDF.

Asked why the meeting between himself and the Chief of Staff was useful in the absence of pre-budget consultations with the Opposition, Granger said A Partnership for National Unity was committed to supporting any legitimate requests by the GDF to combat narco trafficking. “Consultations or no consultations, we are going to support measures to prevent the mafia from having a foothold in this country,” he said. The Constitutional Court recently ruled that the opposition could not cut the Finance Minister's budget but could approve or disapprove the estimates of expenditure.

The Opposition Leader attributed an increase in drug trafficking since the National Drug Strategy Master Plan expired in 2009. “We feel that it is because of the absence of a National Drug Strategy Master Plan that cocaine trafficking continues to take place in Guyana,” he said.

The Opposition Leader’s meeting with the Chief-of-Staff was held one day after 17 members of a trans-Atlantic cocaine ring were arrested in New York and Italy. The FBI said the Italian Mafia had planned to smuggle 500 kilogrammes of cocaine in pineapples and frozen fish from Guyana to Italy. Investigators named a local canning company that would have been used with the assistance of members of a Mexican drug cartel said to be in Guyana.

Granger feared that with the mafia’s reported presence, Guyana could see a return to that bloody period when a Guyanese convicted drug lord was caught with sophisticated cellular phone tapping and location equipment.

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Guyana asking US for info on local connections to Italy-New York drug mafia

President Donald RamotarPresident Donald Ramotar

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(2 votes)
President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday announced that government would ask the United States (US) for information about local connections to the New York-Italian Mafia that was involved in trafficking cocaine to Italy.

US Ambassador Brent Hardt said all the information so far that has been publicly released is with the Department of Justice (DoJ) and Guyanese law enforcement agencies could request help from their American counterparts. “Always with law enforcement there is a formal process for requesting that from law enforcement if there is going to be an investigation here. The government knows what that process is so if we get a request, we’ll respond to it,” he told Demerara Waves Online News (

Addressing the Commissioning Parade for the Standard Officers’ Course #46 , Ramotar said he has asked Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to seek international help to go after local connections. “I have directed the Minister of Home Affairs to write to the United States to ask them to give us the information that they probably have and to extend to them our commitment, our full cooperation to fighting these and bringing any of these to justice in our country. Guyana must not be a safe haven for any of these types of criminals,” said the Commander-in-Chief.

Top Guyanese law enforcement agents earlier Wednesday told DemWaves  that their organisations have not been contacted or involved in Tuesday’s arrest of 17 persons in New York and Italy who are allegedly connected to the Italian Mafia-like cocaine syndicate.

Foreign news reports have named a Guyanese canning company that being used by members of the Mexican drug cartel that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said was operating in Guyana. The FBI said those arrested had planned to export 500 kilogrammes of cocaine worth US$1 billion in pineapples and frozen fish to Italy.

This meeting between Retired Brigadier David Granger and Brigadier Mark Phillips will raise goose bumps at Office of the President and Freedom House. As Commander-in-Chief-in-waiting, Granger wants to ensure the Guyana Defence Force is optimally equipped and battle-ready to take on the narco bosses and their compliant PPP abettors when he assumes the presidency.

Those who underrate Granger will live to see what mettle he is made of.


Addressing the Commissioning Parade for the Standard Officers’ Course #46 , Ramotar said he has asked Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to seek international help to go after local connections. “I have directed the Minister of Home Affairs to write to the United States to ask them to give us the information that they probably have and to extend to them our commitment, our full cooperation to fighting these and bringing any of these to justice in our country. Guyana must not be a safe haven for any of these types of criminals,” said the Commander-in-Chief.


Abee President don't play!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Addressing the Commissioning Parade for the Standard Officers’ Course #46 , Ramotar said he has asked Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to seek international help to go after local connections. “I have directed the Minister of Home Affairs to write to the United States to ask them to give us the information that they probably have and to extend to them our commitment, our full cooperation to fighting these and bringing any of these to justice in our country. Guyana must not be a safe haven for any of these types of criminals,” said the Commander-in-Chief.


Abee President don't play!!!!

Abee President like BEG!

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Guyana asking US for info on local connections to Italy-New York drug mafia

President Donald RamotarPresident 

This moron pretending as if he's doing something to fight drugs in Guyana. Meanwhile they know all the drug lords and money launderers and never once made an arrest. On the contrary, you can see them cutting ribbons to open the latest washing machine businesses that one of the drug lords opened in Guyana.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Architects of the X-13 plan seems to be alive and well, the Guyanese public would never lend support to them....never!!!


No one cares about X-13 anymore you moron. That is now the province of historians

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Addressing the Commissioning Parade for the Standard Officers’ Course #46 , Ramotar said he has asked Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to seek international help to go after local connections. “I have directed the Minister of Home Affairs to write to the United States to ask them to give us the information that they probably have and to extend to them our commitment, our full cooperation to fighting these and bringing any of these to justice in our country. Guyana must not be a safe haven for any of these types of criminals,” said the Commander-in-Chief.


Abee President don't play!!!!

You have to pity him. There was a three country coordinated drug bust and the country from where the drugs originated never was contacted to help! Does that not say that the US did not trust them with the information? In every other country there were numerous arrests...we had none from the Supply side of this equation!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Architects of the X-13 plan seems to be alive and well, the Guyanese public would never lend support to them....never!!!

PNC kill 2, the PPP kill 300.  Who is the Hitler to the Guyanese jews Conscience??

Originally Posted by kp:

That's where you put your mouth, Batticchus.



Don't let them boys set you up. Do not stoop to their level.


They resort to vulgarity when they loose an argument.


The AFC's only language is vulgarity and indecency. I am shocked that the picture has been allowed here.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by kp:

That's where you put your mouth, Batticchus.



Don't let them boys set you up. Do not stoop to their level.


They resort to vulgarity when they loose an argument.


The AFC's only language is vulgarity and indecency. I am shocked that the picture has been allowed here.

you was in shock a long time all them bottom house meeting

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Opposition to approve funds to beef up GDF's drug-fighting capacity; wants new national drug plan

Opposition Leader David Granger and APNU Parliamentarian Joseph HarmonOpposition Leader David Granger and APNU Parliamentarian Joseph Harmon

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Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Brigadier Mark Phillips on Wednesday welcomed the opposition’s support for beefing up the military’s capacity, following a meeting with Opposition Leader David Granger.

“I’m heartened that the opposition is speaking with the same voice like the government as it pertains to re-capitalization of the GDF and recapitalization of the security forces and the whole fact that all the security forces need to adopt an inter-agency approach,” said Phillips. 

The Chief of Staff acknowledged that the GDF would need more planes and boats to assist the Police Force, as the lead agency, in addressing security threats. “The government is aware of that. I am sure that the opposition is also aware of that so this is obviously a good multiparty approach towards the recapitalization of the security forces off course as the revenues will allow,” he said.

Granger said he asked the Chief of Staff to inform the opposition of the types of air, sea and land assets would be required to assist interdiction of drugs and guns. The GDF is expected to receive several inshore patrol vessels that Granger said were incapable of conducting operations on the high seas. “What we have gotten from him now is that he has started to acquire the maritime assets but these are not sufficient and we want to hear from him before the budget comes what additional assets he needs,” said Granger, a retired Brigadier of the GDF.

Asked why the meeting between himself and the Chief of Staff was useful in the absence of pre-budget consultations with the Opposition, Granger said A Partnership for National Unity was committed to supporting any legitimate requests by the GDF to combat narco trafficking. “Consultations or no consultations, we are going to support measures to prevent the mafia from having a foothold in this country,” he said. The Constitutional Court recently ruled that the opposition could not cut the Finance Minister's budget but could approve or disapprove the estimates of expenditure.

The Opposition Leader attributed an increase in drug trafficking since the National Drug Strategy Master Plan expired in 2009. “We feel that it is because of the absence of a National Drug Strategy Master Plan that cocaine trafficking continues to take place in Guyana,” he said.

The Opposition Leader’s meeting with the Chief-of-Staff was held one day after 17 members of a trans-Atlantic cocaine ring were arrested in New York and Italy. The FBI said the Italian Mafia had planned to smuggle 500 kilogrammes of cocaine in pineapples and frozen fish from Guyana to Italy. Investigators named a local canning company that would have been used with the assistance of members of a Mexican drug cartel said to be in Guyana.

Granger feared that with the mafia’s reported presence, Guyana could see a return to that bloody period when a Guyanese convicted drug lord was caught with sophisticated cellular phone tapping and location equipment.

Conscience, I see you up.  Drop wan LIE on this one.


You think abee stupidee to listen to your daily garbage.  We shall pounce on all your LIES.


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