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Demerara_Guy posted:

2. The Speaker reconfirmed his decision on January 03, 2019.


I dont know why you are so resistant to the fact that the Speaker referred the matter to the courts.  He stated categorically that its up to the court to determine the merit or demerits of the claims by the Coalition that the NC vote was invalid.

Now you can debate whether the 90 day clock started in Dec 21st or whether it will start when the various courts render their decision.  But what you cannot claim is that the Speaker made a final ruling.

Now the Coalition can decide not to pursue the matter in the courts or they can decide to move ahead with this.  There is nothing that the Speaker said that prevents them from moving ahead with a court decision.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is exactly how the PNC will run their campaign after they are forced to call elections. They will tell Blacks exactly what Carib is repeating here at GNI, Violence. There will be the usual PNC slo fiah campaign. Troubling, very troubling. Carib is basically saying that Guyana can only be governed by a Black government even though blacks are only 29 percent of the population. They are big eye and wrong and strong. 

I am a very frequent poster here. Please find any posting where I claim that only blacks should rule. Btw you claim are 29% but are in fact more like 40% once we include those who self identify for census purposes as "mixed" but who otherwise operate as black, including in their voting.  The PNC won less than 40% only once and that was in 2006 when they didn't vote.

Now if indeed you are afraid of PNC inspired violence isnt it a good idea for you to suggest that the PPP make aggressive outreach to the working class blacks that they have nothing to worry about. That in the event of a PPP victory they will be favorably treated and have equal access to resources and opportunities and that the PPP has in mind measures to ensure that this happens.

But no. Screaming "black man a kill ahbe" is more to your taste.  You have a notion of an Indian "nation" that must dominate a black "nation" and that this black "nation" must just accept their losses with no comment, and relinquish all claims that they should be treated equally.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

The court has no jurisdiction of this . Motion passed in parliament . Done and seal .. NEXT 

Speaker referred this to the courts. Until the courts refuse to hear this argument, and I mean both the Guyana courts and the CCJ, you need to stop squealing.

I have a suspicion that the Speaker, being an intelligent patriot, doesnt want to provide the optics of a black man over turning a vote which led to the collapse of a black gov't because it begins to look tribal. Pity Jagdeo doesnt have this man's level of sophistication or patriotism.

He therefore pushes it on to the courts in the hope that their decision, one way or the other, is accepted by both parties. Or he waits until Granger meets with Jagdeo next week to see what happens there.

Granger, being sick, might be less driven by power, so might feel that the NC should be accepted, even if it is something that he disagrees with.  If Granger says drop the court case, it is dropped and Naga moves to obscurity.  A man disgraced by his inability to control his people.

Drugb posted:

More evidence that Cribby is politically connected to PNC. It is interesting if his pronouncements here become mantra for PNC campaign for elections. 

Druggie I know that you think highly of me, but Granger doesnt know who I am, nor does he give a damn about how I think.

Now go and tell Jagdeo that if black PNC savagery is something that he fears he needs to prevent it by going to those who he fears might riot and begin a dialogue with them.

Do you think that the PPP dialoguing with working class blacks is a bad thing to do?  Simple answer, "yes" or "no".   I know that Dave thinks it not necessary because he boasts that he owns and controls his black concubines who cannot survive without his benevolence!


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