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President invokes memory of Dr. Jagan - calls on constituent to stand by him as he seeks a return to office with a majority

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, March 8, 2015, Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar laying a wreath, at the monument site at Port Mourant in observance of the 18th death anniversary of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

President Donald Ramotar laying a wreath, at the monument site at Port Mourant in observance of the 18th death anniversary of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan.


Thousands gathered at the Babu John memorial site today to commemorate the 18th death anniversary of the late President Dr Cheddi Jagan while at the same time celebrating his achievements and contribution to Guyana.


On the occasion, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, People's Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Prime Ministerial Candidate, Ms. Elisabeth Harper, PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee, former President Bharrat Jagdeo and several other dignitaries were in attendance at the Monument Site, Port Mourant to remember the late son of the soil.


Prime Ministerial Candidate of the PPP/C Ms. Elisabeth Harper laying a wreath at the Babu John memorial site in observance of the 18th death anniversary of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan. 


In his address to the gathering,  the Head of State took time out to salute women for the invaluable contributions they have made to Guyana.


“It is indeed a very happy coincidence that today as we celebrate his life and as we remember his work, that it is coinciding with International Women's Day because Comrade Cheddi Jagan was at the forefront in the fight for women’s rights in this country.”


Speaking of the late Dr. Jagan’s contribution to women’s rights locally, President Ramotar pointed out that when Dr. Jagan started his work women were  not allowed to vote, to work and they were not allowed to marry if they were nurses.


“It is his work that transformed that, and that is why it is such a  happy coincidence that our meeting today coincides with International Women's Day.”


Reflecting on the late Dr. Jagan’s life, President Ramotar said his passing would always be one of the saddest days of his life.


Dr Jagan was hailed as “one of the greatest assets Guyana ever had” by former US President Jimmy Carter, and President Ramotar said it was indeed a privilege having worked with him.


“That is why I consider that we have been very fortunate to be led by a man of such capacity, and to have had to the opportunity to learn from him and to see how to manage our country and to develop Guyana.”


General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee, Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, Prime Ministerial Candidate of the PPP/C Ms. Elisabeth Harper, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and President Donald Ramotar as they stood in acknowledgment of the large gathering at the Babu John memorial site. 


Referring to the Late Dr. Jagan as a man who warned against dogmatism, who was a man of great vision, sound principles and methodology, President Ramotar stated that is it these pillars the PPP/C administration continues to be guided by as they advance the interest of Guyanese  and the nation.


“Today, we are meeting at a time of heightened political interest that is being shown largely because of the fact that on May 11 we will have national and regional elections in our country.”


Meanwhile looking back at his past three years at the helm of the country, President Ramotar pointed out the many obstacles he was confronted with as he tried to advance the country and its people.


He recalled the many developmental projects, which were stymied by the combined opposition, which have now joined forces to contest the May 11election.


Mention was made of the non-support to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill, the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion project and the Specialty hospital.


Speaking of how all Guyanese irrespective of race or political affiliation would have benefitted from these projects, President Ramotar questioned the gathering if that is the kind of change they are looking forward to. He pointed out that if any caring opposition wanted to advance the country they would have given their support to these and other projects as opposed to showing strong objection and moreso cutting the national budget.


The gathering was also reminded of the importance of knowing their history under the PNC/R administration which has done nothing over the years other than trying to disguise themselves  under different names.


“I want to warn you that we cannot make any mistakes this time...our country has gone through too much... now is the time for us to continue in the direction we have started, now is the time for us to build  and to build and make our country more progressive modern and prosperous.”


Meanwhile Former President Bharrat Jagdeo who also addressed the gathering took the time to salute the sterling contributions of the incumbent Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, to not only the Party, but Guyana as a nation.


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo as he addressed the large gathering at Babu John. 


‘Prime Minister thank you for the struggles that you have shouldered jointly with us. Thank you for your decency, integrity and hard work, thank you for being strong in the face of the most vile and pernicious  attack that the opposition  waged against you. You withstood those attacks with dignity, and it was largely because of who you are.”


The former President lauded Prime Minister Hinds’ effort for never losing faith in the PPP/C's  dream and the late Dr. Jagan’s dream to take Guyana forward.


Jagdeo also reminded the gathering that they too also have a part to play in carrying on the late Dr. Jagan's  dreams and vision to take Guyana forward.


He also lauded the effort of President Ramotar and his Cabinet members for the work they have done in continuing the late, Dr. Jagan’s dream, while acknowledging that it was not an easy task doing so under the new political dispensation of a one-seat majority in the parliament.


Nevertheless, the Former President sought to point out the many strides made by the incumbent government even amidst the talk that there has been no change and progress.


Hehighlighted that under the current administration, every sector and every region has seen massive transformation, and while some refuse to accept this fact they are currently living the change that has occurred.


The former President pointed to the fact that in the education sector, Guyana is on the verge of achieving universal secondary education, while prior to 1992 thousands of children were left back in primary school since there were no secondary schools for them to attend.


Mention was made of the transformation of the financial sector, which now has better legislation and the fact that Guyana has seen eight years of economic growth even at a time when countries were suffering from financial meltdown.


President Donald Ramotar, as he addressed the gathering at Babu John for the 18th death anniversary of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan. 


Under this administration, too Dr. Jagdeo pointed out that more young people are benefitting from scholarships to study abroad, and the health sector, from more trained doctors.


He added too that under the PPP/C administration, Guyanese are afforded better housing options as housing is made affordable for every class.


Having pointed out these and other strides which the incumbent government has made, Dr. Jagdeo questioned if going backward was the best option for all Guyanese.


He called on the gathering to look at the situation before them and if going back the ‘Burnhamism’ period was the best option.


He added that it is under the PPP/C administration that Guyanese had their dignity and pride restored, and they should not give their future into the hands of persons who have tried to stymie development.


Meanwhile, others who addressed the gathering include, the Party’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee, Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper, and  Prime Minister  Hinds.


They all reiterated the calls for support in ensuring that the PPP/C is returned to government with a majority so as to ensure that Guyana continues along the positive growth path it has been on for the past eight years.


In addition, the large gathering was treated to cultural items as they all celebrated the life and work of the late Dr. Jagan.


President Ramotar was joined by other dignitaries for the laying of wreaths, at the monument site in honour of Dr. Jagan.

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