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Former Member

President Granger must immediately withdraw offensive 2017 Budget 
December 3, 2016
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Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is calling on President David Granger and Cabinet to withdraw the 2017 Budget in its entirety or at least not proceed with the offensive measures that were included as proposals when Finance Minister Winston Jordan presented the National Estimates for the upcoming fiscal year on Monday last.

Jagdeo met with the local media at the Leader of the Opposition Office on Church Street, Georgetown, on Friday and urged the Executive to pay heed to the numerous exhortations of civil society, labour, and the private sector, over the negative impacts of the many punitive measures instituted in Budget 2017.

In calling for the withdrawal of the budget in its current construct, the Opposition Leader pointed to measures such as the proposed imposition of the Value Added Tax (VAT) on electricity, water, educational and medical supplies.

Jagdeo used the occasion to seek to deflect blame from the Finance Minister saying, β€œThis is not Winston Jordan budget it is the executive budget.”

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

The only achievements of these AFC/PNC clowns are

1. Rebuilding (already started under the PPP) the trash hut at Yumana Yana

2. Independence Celebrations Fete for their supporters as a result of shaking down businesses.

3. Blackballing, Sporting and Fetting.

4. High Taxation

5. Crime and murders beyond control.

6. Harassing Indos and their businesses.

7. Economic decline.

8. Starvation and Hopelessness

Clueless AFC/PNC clowns.

Bray AFC/PNC donkeys Bray:



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  • braying-white-donkey
Drugb posted:

These asswipes in office said there was enough tax dollars coming in to run the economy once they stop the PPP from thiefing. Now we see the idiots squeezing the business community for more milk. It looks like Granger is now the king of tax and spend(on sporting and backballing). 

Who will be paying the tax bro? It's not people in Buxton and Linden. Coolie dead in Guyana. They will die working to pay taxes in order to feed and subsidize the lazy PNC supporters.

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

These asswipes in office said there was enough tax dollars coming in to run the economy once they stop the PPP from thiefing. Now we see the idiots squeezing the business community for more milk. It looks like Granger is now the king of tax and spend(on sporting and backballing). 

Who will be paying the tax bro? It's not people in Buxton and Linden. Coolie dead in Guyana. They will die working to pay taxes in order to feed and subsidize the lazy PNC supporters.

Skelly who you fooling,the largest tax payers are Public servants,17,000 employees of GUYSICKO and employees of few other Corporations.

The rest of the self employed just cheat the system.

skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

These asswipes in office said there was enough tax dollars coming in to run the economy once they stop the PPP from thiefing. Now we see the idiots squeezing the business community for more milk. It looks like Granger is now the king of tax and spend(on sporting and backballing). 

Who will be paying the tax bro? It's not people in Buxton and Linden. Coolie dead in Guyana. They will die working to pay taxes in order to feed and subsidize the lazy PNC supporters.


Linden receives Billions annually in electricity subsidy. Django is blind.

Indo taxpayers have will be bled to death to pay for their own electricity and that of the freeloaders in Linden.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

These asswipes in office said there was enough tax dollars coming in to run the economy once they stop the PPP from thiefing. Now we see the idiots squeezing the business community for more milk. It looks like Granger is now the king of tax and spend(on sporting and backballing). 

Who will be paying the tax bro? It's not people in Buxton and Linden. Coolie dead in Guyana. They will die working to pay taxes in order to feed and subsidize the lazy PNC supporters.

Skelly who you fooling,the largest tax payers are Public servants,17,000 employees of GUYSICKO and employees of few other Corporations.

The rest of the self employed just cheat the system.

Django, ever heard of all dem big big bisness dem in GT and NA? Who own dem? Public servants and niggroes? Coolie and blackman cane cuttah nah pay taxes? Bai, wah you nah shet you rass dis early Sataday mannin.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Drugb posted:

These asswipes in office said there was enough tax dollars coming in to run the economy once they stop the PPP from thiefing. Now we see the idiots squeezing the business community for more milk. It looks like Granger is now the king of tax and spend(on sporting and backballing). 

Who will be paying the tax bro? It's not people in Buxton and Linden. Coolie dead in Guyana. They will die working to pay taxes in order to feed and subsidize the lazy PNC supporters.

Skelly who you fooling,the largest tax payers are Public servants,17,000 employees of GUYSICKO and employees of few other Corporations.

The rest of the self employed just cheat the system.

Are you serious or just pretending to be an idiot? Look at the details of the tax revenue and let us know the percentage attributed to public servants versus businesses. 


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