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President Jagdeo meets IDB President Moreno -Minister Singh signs US$5M electricity loan

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Saturday, 24 September 2011 04:58
Source - Guyana Chronicle

President Bharrat Jagdeo, President of the Inter American Development Bank, Luis Alberto Moreno, and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh

PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh yesterday met with the President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno , at the bank’s headquarters in Washington D.C.

At the meeting, President Jagdeo acknowledged the outstanding role played by the IDB over the years in supporting Guyana’s development efforts in various sectors.

Following the meeting, Minister Singh and President Moreno signed a US$5M Loan Agreement titled ‘Sustainable Operation of the Electricity Sector and Improved Quality of Service’.

This project aims to boost the efficiency of Guyana’s power system through electricity loss reduction measures and improvements in the operation and maintenance of the distribution network. More specifically, the project will rehabilitate a portion of the distribution network and continue a series of commercial loss reduction actions, while financing capacity building and energy conservation activities.

President of the Inter American Development Bank, Luis Alberto Moreno, and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh sign loan agreement for the electricity sector

This new loan complements other programmes within the electricity sector that the IDB has supported, such as the US$21.2M Unserved Areas Electrification Programme which consolidated the structural reforms in the electricity sector, and promoting rural energy development and a current US$12M Power Sector Support Policy Based Loan aimed at promoting a more sustainable and efficient energy sector through the reduction of electricity losses; promote institutional, legal and regulatory measures to contribute to the sustainability of those reductions; and strengthen the power utility company capabilities.

The president and finance minister are currently attending the Board of Governors meeting of the IMF and the World Bank.

Recently, President Moreno praised President Jagdeo for his valuable leadership in global topics like renewable energy, and environmental preservation. The IDB President also acknowledged President Jagdeo’s vision and leadership which has transformed the economic landscape of Guyana and wider Latin America and Caribbean Region. (GINA)

Last Updated ( Saturday, 24 September 2011 05:01 )

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We have been borrowing for 19 years and still the electricity sector is a mess.

Can you imagine if we were purchasing 2 windmills per year for the past 19 years where we would have been today in terms of renewable and reliable power supply?

Think about the amount of skilled jobs that would have created.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
This is the right level of borrowing to maintain the masses at subsistence while the Pradoville elites enjoy the jet set lifestyle.

Do you think that the masses are paying enough taxes? That is why the Government has to borrow money from outside.

Tell me how an AFC government will balance their budget?

They will not borrow.
They will not tax the people to pay for new developments.
They will not beg for money from foreign Governments.
They wll ban remittances.

Do tell me where they will get money in order to run the government, and don't give me any bullshyte!!
RAMA_CYANT: Tell me how an AFC government will balance their budget?

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.

2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.

4. A state development bank.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.

Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
RAMA_CYANT: Tell me how an AFC government will balance their budget?

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.


2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

Mere Just words without an atmosphere of trust you cannot even get 3%.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.


4. A state development bank.

What a laugh! 88% of the population is poor.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

You have the population to sustain this.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.

Any form it's still begging.. One you criticize the PPP for.

Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.

Anybody or party can develop a PLAN. eXECUTING IS SOMETHING ELSE.
You are correct Uncle Rama but we in the PPP have failed to execute so we should be the last ones hollering about execution. We cannot even finish the plans we laid out in 2006 muchless anything else.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.

2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.

4. A state development bank.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.


Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.

No country, from historical times to now, has lifted EVERYONE from subsistence.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.

2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.

4. A state development bank.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.


Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.

No country, from historical times to now, has lifted EVERYONE from subsistence.

I dont think we are looking at lifting everyone from subsistence but we have to lift a fair bit in 20 years.

There is no doubt that we have some serious poverty issues in Guyana we are only barely a notch above haiti there is no sugar coating that.
Snakeoil anyone. These Guys are better than a Texan Sales Rep. partybanana partybanana No wonder people throwing Posey at dem at their Meetings. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.

2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.

4. A state development bank.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.


Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.

No country, from historical times to now, has lifted EVERYONE from subsistence.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Snakeoil anyone. These Guys are better than a Texan Sales Rep. partybanana partybanana No wonder people throwing Posey at dem at their Meetings. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

1. Economic growth target of 7% per year.

2. Massive inflows of foreign direct investments.

3. Active pursuit of diaspora investments and a diaspora bond.

4. A state development bank.

5. Development of domestic equity and bond markets.

6. Concessional bi-lateral and multi-lateral borrowing...this will be the least important category.


Our plan is to lift EVERYONE from subsistence.

No country, from historical times to now, has lifted EVERYONE from subsistence.

My friend hollering snake oil on the ground in GY and here resonates with no one if these guys are whipping our asses daily when they are campaigning.

The people in Guyana would believe the PPP are the snake oil salesmen vs the AFC today. That is how difficult things are for us right now. We have a lot of wind in our faces today.

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