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AG Williams unschooled in financial laws – Opposition Leader


Signing bonus case

In the matter relating to the signing bonus, an affidavit submitted to the court by Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams has been described as shameful.

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, who had a look at the document — which explains why the Government has kept the US$18 million signing bonus outside of the Consolidated Fund – has described it as nonsensical.
“It is shameful that an Attorney General would be so unschooled in the financial laws of the country that he would subscribe to such an affidavit, or have his office send in an affidavit like that,” Jagdeo opined.
Jagdeo, an economist and former Finance Minister, said he finds the explanation, which is filled with meaningless legal jargon, to be atrocious, and doing more damage than repair to the AG’s argument.
He said, “It goes off in fairyland about definitions of the Consolidated Fund, and confuses it with Deposit Fund; and it makes absolutely no sense, based on what I read there.”
The Opposition Leader has said he would like to see a specialist is hired to testify and clarify the issue.
Jagdeo reiterated that his party feels there was a specific reason why the money was not placed into the Consolidated Fund. That reason is: so that the money is not audited by the Auditor General, and it could possibly get stolen.

Attorney General Basil Williams

“So while parts of it would have been used to pay a lawyer et cetera, we would have seen inflated bills and a whole range of other issues – expenditure that would have used up all the money,” Jagdeo explained.
Jagdeo said that is the main reason why the Opposition, through its Member of Parliament, former Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, had filed a case in the High Court to have the money transferred into the Consolidated Fund.
Shifting his attention back to the affidavit, Jagdeo said there isn’t any defence for keeping the money outside of the Consolidated Fund, and it therefore meant that something had to be said otherwise.
In light of recent reports that the signing bonus that was placed in a private account at the Bank of Guyana (BoG) was reportedly removed, several senior Government Ministers have dismissed the claim.
Local economist Ramon Gaskin said in a letter to the media that the Bank of Guyana’s financial statement was recently issued, and there was no trace of the signing bonus.
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, has also denied that the money was used, and despite the ongoing case, he said Government would take steps to have the money placed into the Consolidated Fund.
“The signing bonus is monies that belong to Guyana, but that bonus — wherever it is — will be placed into the Consolidated Fund, and it is from that Fund that any team whatsoever will be paid,” he has stated.
Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman has declined to pronounce on the matter, but told media operatives that there is nothing sinister afoot if the monies were to be moved.
He said there is nothing untoward or sinister about monies from the signing bonus being used for the purpose for which it is intended, that is: to pay legal fees for the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy case.
Government’s decision to deposit the signing bonus received from ExxonMobil into a private account is being challenged by Nandlall, who is contending that Government is in “breach of, and contrary to, the letter and spirit of Article 216 of the Constitution of the Republic of Guyana, and Section 38 (1) of the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act, Chapter 73:02.”
At the last hearing — on March 13, 2018 — timelines were given for the parties to file the requisite documents. Nandlall had to file an affidavit in reply on or before March 26. Thereafter, the applicant has to file the submissions before April 20, and the respondents have to file their submissions before May 11.
The matter has been adjourned to June 14 for hearing or ruling.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP takes Jack Williams and the PNC to court for attempting to allegedly stealing 18 Million US. 

Tables have been turned. 

Go PPP Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bray William Bray.

Last edited by Former Member

When the Jagabaat was diverting  money from sale of state properties, lotto funds and gtt into NACIL was sweet then. Now he like a mangy mongrel slut daag trying to distract others from the stench he created. Only retarded fools would believe PPP/opposition could hold anyone accountable for thiefing/diverting funds from consolidated account, a runnings they themselves created and benefit form.... 

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:

When the Jagabaat was diverting  money from sale of state properties, lotto funds and gtt into NACIL was sweet then. Now he like a mangy mongrel slut daag trying to distract others from the stench he created. Only retarded fools would believe PPP/opposition could hold anyone accountable for thiefing/diverting funds from consolidated account, a runnings they themselves created and benefit form.... 

Look at how we Bai Sachin is trying to sell snake oil. Guyanese people ain't buying snake oil anymore.

Listen, the PNC spent a few hundreds of millions of dollars of audits which proved ZERO, Nada, Nothing of PPP theft.

There was a bunch of Guyanese buying and selling snake oil during the last election, where are they today ? They do not even have a party left, they are going from door mouth to door mouth mopping Granger's floor.

How would you feel if someone calls you a thief and cannot prove it ? 

Same thing, until you can prove it, shake up that snake oil bottle and please try again.

It is unfortunate that the PNC attempted to steal 18 Million U.S. dollars and you are still with that Nancy Story about PPP dis and PPP dat. How about you start calling out the PNC for in your face daytime theft.

Let we add the bondgate, let we add the hundreds of millions missing from de Independence celebrations theft, how about the millions stolen for the Airport project ? The project was scaled down but costs the same.

Talk na, talk, cat bite your tongue ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
sachin_05 posted:

When the Jagabaat was diverting  money from sale of state properties, lotto funds and gtt into NACIL was sweet then. Now he like a mangy mongrel slut daag trying to distract others from the stench he created. Only retarded fools would believe PPP/opposition could hold anyone accountable for thiefing/diverting funds from consolidated account, a runnings they themselves created and benefit form.... 

Look at how we Bai Sachin is trying to sell snake oil. Guyanese people ain't buying snake oil anymore.

Listen, the PNC spent a few hundreds of millions of dollars of audits which proved ZERO, Nada, Nothing of PPP theft.

There was a bunch of Guyanese buying and selling snake oil during the last election, where are they today ? They do not even have a party left, they are going from door mouth to door mouth mopping Granger's floor.

How would you feel if someone calls you a thief and cannot prove it ? 

Same thing, until you can prove it, shake up that snake oil bottle and please try again.

It is unfortunate that the PNC attempted to steal 18 Million U.S. dollars and you are still with that Nancy Story about PPP dis and PPP dat. How about you start calling out the PNC for in your face daytime theft.

Let we add the bondgate, let we add the hundreds of millions missing from de Independence celebrations theft, how about the millions stolen for the Airport project ? The project was scaled down but costs the same.

Talk na, talk, cat bite your tongue ?


yuji22 posted:
sachin_05 posted:

When the Jagabaat was diverting  money from sale of state properties, lotto funds and gtt into NACIL was sweet then. Now he like a mangy mongrel slut daag trying to distract others from the stench he created. Only retarded fools would believe PPP/opposition could hold anyone accountable for thiefing/diverting funds from consolidated account, a runnings they themselves created and benefit form.... 

Look at how we Bai Sachin is trying to sell snake oil. Guyanese people ain't buying snake oil anymore.

Listen, the PNC spent a few hundreds of millions of dollars of audits which proved ZERO, Nada, Nothing of PPP theft.

There was a bunch of Guyanese buying and selling snake oil during the last election, where are they today ? They do not even have a party left, they are going from door mouth to door mouth mopping Granger's floor.

How would you feel if someone calls you a thief and cannot prove it ? 

Same thing, until you can prove it, shake up that snake oil bottle and please try again.

It is unfortunate that the PNC attempted to steal 18 Million U.S. dollars and you are still with that Nancy Story about PPP dis and PPP dat. How about you start calling out the PNC for in your face daytime theft.

Let we add the bondgate, let we add the hundreds of millions missing from de Independence celebrations theft, how about the millions stolen for the Airport project ? The project was scaled down but costs the same.

Talk na, talk, cat bite your tongue ?

All the above didn't address Sachin's post.

Jagdeo is the last person to condemn misappropriation.Bear in mind i don't condone such.

yuji22 posted:

".......There was a bunch of Guyanese buying and selling snake oil during the last election, where are they today ? They do not even have a party left,..." 

Last time I check the PPP are still the one in exile from the 'last election' licking their for the snake oil salesmen who predict 60% landslide, they self exile them selves from GNI. While the ones with self esteem an a little honor never return. The lowlife ones rub black pot on them face and still around..look in the mirror you will see one...

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Odinga took most of the Lotto funds to help Linden.  PPP appeasing tactics on some people have been a failure.

PPP gave some people Banks and Fry Chicken last Election but come Election Day, Dem BORE the PPP CUP ):

Nehru posted:

Sachin still believes Oranges are mangoes.):

With the 'shit' and 'filth' excrete from your mouth daily, you still believe your mouth and kakahole is the same...

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
Nehru posted:

Sachin still believes Oranges are mangoes.):

With the 'shit' and 'filth' excrete from your kakahole daily, you still believe your mouth and kakahole is the same...

A DUMB DONKEY like you is verse at BRAYING cause that is what DONKEYS DO. You so stupid that you eat with yuh Kakahole and SHIT wid yuh mouth. I hope Pavlov can come back to this world and help you to shit wid yuh Kakahole and eat wid yuh mouth. Until them enjoy your meal!!!

sachin_05 posted:
Nehru posted:

Come on in Sachin. weh yuh gone??):

Eh eh....this must be the first post that didn't contain any excretement...wah happen, like you constipated


Nehru posted:
sachin_05 posted:
Nehru posted:

Come on in Sachin. weh yuh gone??):

Eh eh....this must be the first post that didn't contain any excretement...wah happen, like you constipated


Oh yuh just tek some anti par to open up...


I am eager to know what Moses will say to the people on the next election campaign. The last time he spoke about his struggles and sacrifices against the PNC dictatorship and the terrible rewards he received from the PPP.

Billy Ram Balgobin

What does Namakaram Crabdaags say : I gun make sure Sugar workers are employed, I am gun make sure PNC dont steal, I gun make sure TRansparency, Democracy and thing"  Then wan Berbican gun throw 1 bucket stale shit and 1 bucket stale piss on Panty Face Namakaram Crabdaag Parasite!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Nehru posted:

What does Namakaram Crabdaags say : I gun make sure Sugar workers are employed, I am gun make sure PNC dont steal, I gun make sure TRansparency, Democracy and thing"  Then wan Berbican gun throw 1 bucket stale shit and 1 bucket stale piss on Panty Face Namakaram Crabdaag Parasite!!!!

De man is a smooth talker but dem people not bothering wid that anymore. 

Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

What does Namakaram Crabdaags say : I gun make sure Sugar workers are employed, I am gun make sure PNC dont steal, I gun make sure TRansparency, Democracy and thing"  Then wan Berbican gun throw 1 bucket stale shit and 1 bucket stale piss on Panty Face Namakaram Crabdaag Parasite!!!!

De man is a smooth talker but dem people not bothering wid that anymore. 

Translation: AFC can no longer sell snake oil. That is why they are hiding under President Granger's Umbrella.

Labba posted:
Nehru posted:

What does Namakaram Crabdaags say : I gun make sure Sugar workers are employed, I am gun make sure PNC dont steal, I gun make sure TRansparency, Democracy and thing"  Then wan Berbican gun throw 1 bucket stale shit and 1 bucket stale piss on Panty Face Namakaram Crabdaag Parasite!!!!

De man is a smooth talker but dem people not bothering wid that anymore. 

I must admit (and you to Labba/TK), BJ giving the PNC real shittings!!


The very fact that they are fixated on BJ is testimony of their biggest fear.

Moses and Ramjattan decided to hide under President Granger's umbrella at the upcoming Local Elections.

I wonder why ?


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