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Former Member

Opposition Leader rejects President’s nominees


Appointment of Chancellor, CJ…

– green-lights persons for Integrity Commission

By Samuel Sukhnandan

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has rejected the appointment of Justice Kenneth Benjamin as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards as Chief Justice following their nomination by President David Granger.
In a letter dispatched to the media late Wednesday evening and addressed to the President, Jagdeo said, “I have duly considered the two nominees for whom you seek my agreement for appointment as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice, respectively, in accordance with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution of the

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

Cooperative Republic of Guyana.”
However, he noted that his decision was made following due diligence done on the candidates. “As promised, I have done the requisite due diligence. It is with deep regret that I inform you that I am unable to offer my agreement to the appointment of Mr Justice Kenneth Andrew Charles Benjamin, as Chancellor of the Judiciary and Madam Justice Yonette Decina Cummings-Edwards, OR, as Chief Justice”.
When contacted for a comment on the reason for his decision, the Opposition Leader told Guyana Times that he will discuss this matter at length today during a scheduled

Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards

press conference.
Jagdeo also defended a report that was published by the Department of Public Information (DPI) with the headline: “Opposition Leader a no show at scheduled meeting with President Granger.” Accompanying the article is a picture with the President, along with Attorney General Basil Williams and Minister of State Joseph Harmon seated at a table staring at three empty chairs across the table.
The Opposition Leader said, “This odd photograph bears the caption: ‘No Show’. It

is accompanied by a brief statement explaining that the Leader of the Opposition did not show up at a

President David Granger

meeting with the President which was scheduled a month ago, to take place today.”
However, Jagdeo said having received no information confirming the meeting for Wednesday, which he said is a usual practice; he dispatched three letters which contain his response to issues raised at the last meeting. Minister Harmon was later contacted about the letters and stated that he remains ready and willing to meet with the President at a mutually convenient time.
The last meeting held in January was held in keeping with Article 127 (1) of the Constitution which speaks to the appointment of the Chancellor and Chief Justice.

It states that both the Chancellor and Chief Justice shall be appointed by

Justice Kenneth Benjamin

the President, acting after obtaining the agreement of the Leader of the Opposition. The provision was a key aspect of the 2001 amendment to the instrument.
President Granger had announced at his first press conference in two years, in

December last year, that he has accepted a proposal from a committee that had been set up to review and interview applicants interested in the top judicial post after it advertised locally, regionally and internationally.

Jagdeo had earlier warned t

hat ev

en though the President has to make the first move to resolve the decade-long failure to appoint a substantive Chancellor and Chief Justice, he would not allow himself to be coerced into accepting nominees just to fix the situation.

Meanwhile, the Opposition Leader in another

missive to the President noted his approval of the appointment of members of the Integrity Commission. “I offer no objection to the four persons whom you have identified for appointment to the

Integrity Commis

Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards

sion, in accordance with Section 3 (4) of the Integrity Commission Act Cap 19:12, Laws of Guyana. “I consider the totality of our engagement on this issue to be in satisfaction of the requirements of “consultation” as contemplated by the letter and spirit of section 3 (4)…”
Under the Integrity Commission Act, the President is to appoint a chairperson and other Commissioners. Although the number of nominees has been identified, the names were never disclosed.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

Last edited by Former Member

Granger's aim is to appoint Afro Guyanese in every major sector and the judiciary. Jagdeo disagreement has no value or weight to change much if any. Indians are second-class citizens and Yuji God, Jagdeo is just as bad as the Indians who helped to installed Granger in power. 

Firework my ass, Yuji. This is how Indians get satisfaction by listening to tough talk that means piss.

Jagdeo gets to sound off while Granger gets what he wants. 


Cobra posted:

Granger's aim is to appoint Afro Guyanese in every major sector and the judiciary. Jagdeo disagreement has no value or weight to change much if any. Indians are second-class citizens and Yuji God, Jagdeo is just as bad as the Indians who helped to installed Granger in power. 

Firework my ass, Yuji. This is how Indians get satisfaction by listening to tough talk that means piss.

Jagdeo gets to sound off while Granger gets what he wants. 


Lots of them on this board, pretending to support the PPP now.  Unfortunately there are pictures of their close relatives campaigning in Indian neighborhoods for Soulja boy!!

alena06 posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger's aim is to appoint Afro Guyanese in every major sector and the judiciary. Jagdeo disagreement has no value or weight to change much if any. Indians are second-class citizens and Yuji God, Jagdeo is just as bad as the Indians who helped to installed Granger in power. 

Firework my ass, Yuji. This is how Indians get satisfaction by listening to tough talk that means piss.

Jagdeo gets to sound off while Granger gets what he wants. 


Lots of them on this board, pretending to support the PPP now.  Unfortunately there are pictures of their close relatives campaigning in Indian neighborhoods for Soulja boy!!

It’s a free country. People support and vote for who they wish.  The threats by BJ and his side kicks against them left them no obligation to support the “crew”.

My brother’s in laws did, and in their village, true. And Bibi knew where I stood, even sacrificing the relationship and protecting her from slander accusation.  I sacrificed that for her and for the PPP and still live with it!  I even declined a private meeting with Granger!

I always preferred the PPP but their corruption and callousness was nauseating.  I saw it, you did not. You or Bibi did nothing of substance in Guyana to know the reality on the ground!  We were/are there among the people in the villagers, none of you are!

I joined the AFC in 2011 and was accused of being a PPP plant shortly after because of my pro PPP, anti PNC stance.  

Like I said, it’s a free country and people support who the hell they want.  People in Guyana have relatives in all the parties, so who are any of us in the diaspora to judge them?  They live there, that’s their right, their choice.  My relatives were at the oil conference!  Where was any of us?  Posting inconsequential shit on GNI.  That was the limits of our participation!

Apart from GNIers, you also need to pick your gripes with Joey Jagan who threw his father’s party and BJ under the bus.  Why??

i will support the position of the PPP and speak out when I see fit. I’m not a poodle of lackey of any political party or politician in Guyana.  

My support for the PPP is not blind and full throated like their  lackeys.  I’m just not that type!!

Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:
Cobra posted:

Granger's aim is to appoint Afro Guyanese in every major sector and the judiciary. Jagdeo disagreement has no value or weight to change much if any. Indians are second-class citizens and Yuji God, Jagdeo is just as bad as the Indians who helped to installed Granger in power. 

Firework my ass, Yuji. This is how Indians get satisfaction by listening to tough talk that means piss.

Jagdeo gets to sound off while Granger gets what he wants. 


Lots of them on this board, pretending to support the PPP now.  Unfortunately there are pictures of their close relatives campaigning in Indian neighborhoods for Soulja boy!!

It’s a free country. People support and vote for who they wish.  The threats by BJ and his side kicks against them left them no obligation to support the “crew”.

My brother’s in laws did, and in their village, true. And Bibi knew where I stood, even sacrificing the relationship and protecting her from slander accusation.  I sacrificed that for her and for the PPP and still live with it!  I even declined a private meeting with Granger!

I always preferred the PPP but their corruption and callousness was nauseating.  I saw it, you did not. You or Bibi did nothing of substance in Guyana to know the reality on the ground!  We were/are there among the people in the villagers, none of you are!

I joined the AFC in 2011 and was accused of being a PPP plant shortly after because of my pro PPP, anti PNC stance.  

Like I said, it’s a free country and people support who the hell they want.  People in Guyana have relatives in all the parties, so who are any of us in the diaspora to judge them?  They live there, that’s their right, their choice.  My relatives were at the oil conference!  Where was any of us?  Posting inconsequential shit on GNI.  That was the limits of our participation!

Apart from GNIers, you also need to pick your gripes with Joey Jagan who threw his father’s party and BJ under the bus.  Why??

i will support the position of the PPP and speak out when I see fit. I’m not a poodle of lackey of any political party or politician in Guyana.  

My support for the PPP is not blind and full throated like their  lackeys.  I’m just not that type!!

Well said, Baseman. 

cain posted:

Oi Nehru, as Baseman said, you are a fullthroated lackey. Is what full up yo throat deh bai?

Oye banna, dont go setting strife between abie coolies.  We agree and we disagree, but we agree, Guyana is better off under the PPP!!

yuji22 posted:

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

We can't find them on Monday mornings to come to work. When they do turn up they are drunk or high on drugs.  Go figure. 

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

We can't find them on Monday mornings to come to work. When they do turn up they are drunk or high on drugs.  Go figure. 

Please don't share your personal experiences on GNI. We figure.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

We can't find them on Monday mornings to come to work. When they do turn up they are drunk or high on drugs.  Go figure. 

Please don't share your personal experiences on GNI. We figure.

Teach, you have spoken like a true drunk. 

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Oi Nehru, as Baseman said, you are a fullthroated lackey. Is what full up yo throat deh bai?

Oye banna, dont go setting strife between abie coolies.  We agree and we disagree, but we agree, Guyana is better off under the PPP!!

Tell him deh.

We Indos are united in our cause.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Homeless drunk. Bloody pedophile start you cussing.

It's snowing and you are so drunk. What have you been drinking? That's what the P is,  as part of your handle. 

You are an embarrassing piece of crap . Go bang drums and collect donation, get a life Lil girl.

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

We can't find them on Monday mornings to come to work. When they do turn up they are drunk or high on drugs.  Go figure. 

Condemnation by association or stereotyping?

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Separate Question:

Are there no Indos in Guyana to fill these positions considering that Afros make up only 28 percent of the population ?

We can't find them on Monday mornings to come to work. When they do turn up they are drunk or high on drugs.  Go figure. 

Condemnation by association or stereotyping?

Actual experience.  My Associate went to Mabaruma and handed out long boots, rain coats, hats and gloves to his 30 workers. Next morning only two showed up. On the Corentyne coast, by 9:00 AM, young able bodied men are already intoxicated.  


Why wear long boots, rain coats and cloves in 100 degrees F, temperature in bush, the people ain't stupid you can't bribe them coat,boots and gloves in HOT weather. You and your so called associate stupid alike. Next time offer the people RUM and they will show up to work.

kp posted:

Why wear long boots, rain coats and cloves in 100 degrees F, temperature in bush, the people ain't stupid you can't bribe them coat,boots and gloves in HOT weather. You and your so called associate stupid alike. Next time offer the people RUM and they will show up to work.

You are an idiot and you have my Kindest Pity. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Why wear long boots, rain coats and cloves in 100 degrees F, temperature in bush, the people ain't stupid you can't bribe them coat,boots and gloves in HOT weather. You and your so called associate stupid alike. Next time offer the people RUM and they will show up to work.

You are an idiot and you have my Kindest Pity. 

You talk Anancy story, "You and your Associate" ah sell long boots, rain coat and gloves to Buckman in Bush. Next you gon sell snow cone to Eskimos.

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