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Burning need for high-order political leadership to re-energize climate change process

Thursday, 22 September 2011 03:39
President Jagdeo at UN General Assembly
As he made his last address to the United Nations (UN) General
Assembly, President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday reminded world leaders that
in order to avert the biggest economic and social catastrophe ever
seen, planet earth has to be stabilised, which, at the unlimited limit,
means stabilizing global temperatures at a maximum of two degrees
above pre-industrial levels.
President Bharrat Jagdeo, Presidential Advisor Donald Ramotar and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett at the United Nations 66th General Assembly meeting.

Speaking at the 66th session in New York, President Jagdeo stated that
even though this is known, countries are on track towards perhaps a
four or five-degree rise, according to the United Nations Environment
Climate security is one of the challenges the Head of State spoke of
as he outlined several challenges that countries of the world face.
“The disaster that this could represent is beyond anyone’s
comprehension. And the fact that we are not treating it as the
emergency it is will be viewed by history as the biggest derogation of
responsibility by societies and governments to ever take place. How
can we rapidly change this situation before we run out of time?” he
“We need to move beyond the global insanity that is our response to
climate security. Existing pledges on greenhouse gas emissions under
the Copenhagen Accord will not contain global temperature rises within
limits that will avert catastrophic climate change, and some states
will face extinction,” the Guyanese leader stated.
“Moreover, the anaemic delivery on financial pledges made at
Copenhagen, and formalised in the Cancun Agreements, is leading to a
disastrous breakdown in trust between the developed and developing
world. And the prospects for reaching an international legally binding
agreement on climate change at COP 17 in Durban, South Africa, would
appear rather bleak.”

President Jagdeo said he feels strongly that there is a burning need
for ‘high-order political leadership’ to re-energize the climate
change process and deliver credible results.
As he recalled his almost 12 years in office, President Jagdeo told
the UN session that three aspects of the UN’s role over that period is
recollected, namely, that while values which inform the UN’s work
(peace, equality and justice) are timeless, they are not of much use
unless the UN uses them to catalyze practical and meaningful
responses to the contemporary, changing challenges now being faced by
He alluded to how the development of countries such as China, India,
and Brazil is transforming the globe, taking large numbers of
people out of poverty, and creating businesses generating millions of jobs
and growth and capital.
President Jagdeo noted that their development is totally different from
those powers in the past, as they ‘ are rising in a world that is
inter-connected through instant communications capabilities, and
globalized trading and financial systems.
“ What we are witnessing is unlike anything that has happened before, and there are few
communities, and there is no country on the planet that is not
impacted by these changes almost in real time”, he said.
The third aspect he mentioned is the hunt for justice and the
achievement of rights for all that requires expanding the traditional
understanding of security.
Speaking of food security, President Jagdeo noted that with
population increase and rising prosperity, then greater amounts of,
and more nutritious, food would be needed
With respect to energy security, he said , “We are likely to
demand 36% more energy by 2035. How do we generate the energy needed
to meet this demand in a way that helps people everywhere to develop,
and does not choke off economic growth through high prices caused by
energy scarcity?” he asked.
The challenge of resource security was also addressed, and climate security.
“These four challenges represent both opportunity and difficulty. The
difficulties are obvious. But they are opportunities in the sense that
we have enough land, innovation and human ingenuity to feed the world.
We have enough energy to power future prosperity. We have enough
resources to provide the foundations for economic growth. And we know
that if we are to avert climate change, that means using fossil fuels
and land in the right way. Once we start realizing these
opportunities, we can create new platforms for peace, development and
physical security,” he stated.
While it may sound an impossible task, President Jagdeo noted that it
is not, as are solutions to enable these opportunities to be
grasped today, and the United Nations can provide the stage for making
the requisite changes.
“Pursuing this integrated response to our global challenges presents
unparalleled opportunities for peoples across today’s developing
world. The food we need, the energy we generate, the minerals and
other commodities that catalyse economic growth, and the forests and
other land that can be the drivers of climate solutions – these are
all largely in the developing world, and with the right international
action, the developing world can lead the world in the creation of the
transformational shift we need to see people across our planet
be truly healthy and secure.”

Countries therefore need to quickly upgrade their response to
supporting development, food, and energy and resource security.
“We need to see the Doha trade round not as some zero-sum game
between the developed and developing world, but as a critical
component to enable the world to meet the urgent challenges that an
increasingly prosperous, growing population will present.”
Additionally, there is need to intensify efforts to meet the
Millennium Development Goals, and to overcome non-communicable
Dealing with the interlinked challenges, he said Guyana, four
years ago, began to look at an integrated sustainable response,
explaining that after one of the most comprehensive national
consultations on climate change, Guyana began implementing its Low
Carbon Development Strategy.
“ We are maintaining over 99.5% of our forest cover; Norway is paying
Guyana for climate services we provide; we are using some of these
payments to eliminate 92% of our energy-related emissions, and we are
using the rest of the payments, coupled with domestic resources, to
shift our entire economy onto a low-carbon, low-deforestation,
climate-resilient trajectory.”
As he spoke of holding close the new world order that is now upon
countries, and finding a way that enables the new powers to continue
their peaceful emergence in a way that lifts the possibilities for
people everywhere, action from individual countries is not enough,
hence, the UN and other international bodies need to modernise fast,
and the international system needs to correct the inconsistencies
between aid, trade and climate policies outlined by him.
The Guyanese leader also spoke of the UN Security Council needing to
be more democratic, transparent and legitimate, as 54 African countries
have no permanent seat on the Council, neither do the 33 countries
that comprise Latin America and Caribbean region, and assured that
Guyana strongly supports early reform of the Council through an
expansion in both the permanent and non-permanent categories and
enhanced representation of developing countries.
He expressed that, “the developed world needs to catch up with the
realisation that the world has changed, and it is in their vital
national interests to make the changes to the global system that will
make progress possible.
Food security is not just about people in poor
countries – prices in Europe and the United States are rising too.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nehru:
GREAT Speech by Guyana's beloved president. Guyana will surely miss his VISION and WISDOM.

Nice on hypothetics and theoretics, nothing tangible to point to. LFSB was one of the great regional speakers yet he ran the nation into the ground and thwarted democracy in a major way.

don't think anyone apart from Haiti was listening. They trying to take over our positon in the hemisphere.
This is a stupid man. The wold does not care about carbon as a derivative. That is remnants of environmental thought of the past decade and died in Denmark and was buried in Mexico. Lacking in forward thinking he cannot transition to environmentalism as a good in itself but he still sees coins in the hostage taking of our forests. It will not work.
Originally posted by D2:
This is a stupid man. The wold does not care about carbon as a derivative. That is remnants of environmental thought of the past decade and died in Denmark and was buried in Mexico. Lacking in forward thinking he cannot transition to environmentalism as a good in itself but he still sees coins in the hostage taking of our forests. It will not work.

Jagdeo is no way stupid. Most of the people on this GNI when they come face to face with jagdeo, they are lost for words.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by D2:
This is a stupid man. The wold does not care about carbon as a derivative. That is remnants of environmental thought of the past decade and died in Denmark and was buried in Mexico. Lacking in forward thinking he cannot transition to environmentalism as a good in itself but he still sees coins in the hostage taking of our forests. It will not work.

Jagdeo is no way stupid. Most of the people on this GNI when they come face to face with jagdeo, they are lost for words.
the man is a dunce with nary a seminal thought emergent from his mind so why in the world should anyone be reluctant to speak directly to him?
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.
Originally posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

Sometimes there is so much respect for you. Big Grin

Originally posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

at this point carbon emissions in Europe and the USA will be resolved by a plunging economy. The BRIC countries dont care teh slightest about this problem.

How often do you hear Brazil, way more important on this topic than Guyana, offering any opinion?

Whats funny are the numbers of trees that were probably killed to ensure this conference had enough paper for reports that will be filed away and forgotten. Just as Jagdeo will be in a year or two.

By the way he said "Norway is paying". For what services? Because Guyana hasnt gotten squat yet.
BRIC countries are not looking for handouts they are experiencing fantastic growth through skillful management of their economies.

They also have the people, the process and the technology to make things happen.

GY though has one thing they do not have and that is his Excellency!
When Dr. Jagan first mooted the idea behind A New Global Human Order, many scoffed at the topic. As I recalled later UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali had to retract or excuse his use of the NWGHO to some reporters. Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit, justice and equity for poor and developing nations. While the BRIC countries, US and the EU would like to keep LCDS on the back burner, or ditch it totally, only time will prove that on this particular issue, Bharrat Jagdeo stood on the right side of history.
Originally posted by Mara:
When Dr. Jagan first mooted the idea behind A New Global Human Order, many scoffed at the topic. As I recalled later UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali had to retract or excuse his use of the NWGHO to some reporters. Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit, justice and equity for poor and developing nations. While the BRIC countries, US and the EU would like to keep LCDS on the back burner, or ditch it totally, only time will prove that on this particular issue, Bharrat Jagdeo stood on the right side of history.

Which side is the right side exactly? embracing all that is burnham or ?
Originally posted by Mara:
Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit,

So what. How do the starving people of Africa and India benefit?

Just another excuse for an expensive conference and more trees cut to make the paper utilized.

And as for BhaRAT. Under his rule his OWN SUPPORTERS flocked in larger numbers than ever to nearby tiny islands as they fled PPP rule.

Jagdeo=Burnham. Great oratory about the world's problems while engaging in dictatorial behavior at home as his own people suffer and are forced to flee in order to feed their families.
Originally posted by The Judge:
[FLASH_VIDEO]<object codebase=",0,0,0"
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All hypotecs, money talks, bull sh1t walks. Cheddie Human order saw his constituency migrating enmass. In a few years BJ's green cause will be a subject of discussion at UG.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mara:
Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit,

So what. How do the starving people of Africa and India benefit?

Just another excuse for an expensive conference and more trees cut to make the paper utilized.

And as for BhaRAT. Under his rule his OWN SUPPORTERS flocked in larger numbers than ever to nearby tiny islands as they fled PPP rule.

Jagdeo=Burnham. Great oratory about the world's problems while engaging in dictatorial behavior at home as his own people suffer and are forced to flee in order to feed their families.

The benefit of a New Global Human Order is palpable around the world for those with class and grace. However, for ingrates and chronic bellyachers who are accustomed to chow & wipe their mouth on grass, what can I say? Even when God offered them milk & honey, the ate the cow and got stymied the little bees. Wink
Originally posted by Mara:
When Dr. Jagan first mooted the idea behind A New Global Human Order, many scoffed at the topic. As I recalled later UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali had to retract or excuse his use of the NWGHO to some reporters. Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit, justice and equity for poor and developing nations. While the BRIC countries, US and the EU would like to keep LCDS on the back burner, or ditch it totally, only time will prove that on this particular issue, Bharrat Jagdeo stood on the right side of history.
A new Global order is not a Jagan origination. Everyone of our international agencies Inclusive of the Atlantic Charter, New Deal NATO, Bretton Woods etc asks for a new order. Further there is the call for everything from a New Human Order to a New globalization order etc There are scholars who envision what it is and wrote long thesis on the subject ie ***yama, Huntington et al. Dr J Cobbled ideas already in programmatic form from orgs like UNDP etc and asks for a reorientation al la a New Deal with heavy emphasis on impoverished states getting more social oriented aid and through different channels. Bhuddo, one with whom he consulted for an alternative economic recovery assessment also had such a plan. Dr J had Gail overseeing his initial recovery program along this line.

However, my point is not to demean his call but to emphasized it was a call in chorus with many voices seeking alternative sustainable developmental remedies for global blight in general. It is also to highlight a gap in his thinking about Guyana in particular. If he had a little more foresight he would have realized that the social, financial, environmental and demographic arms of development rely heavily on political solutions. He never saw that we needed one or never articulated one when he came into power. We are in dire need of political solutions to augment our development strategy.

As for LCDS. It is going to be a failure because it is paying the thin man to starve so the fat man can eat. Carbon trading only achieve worth if the industrial nations can offset their gluttony for pollution with paying forested nations to preserve their forests. It also means the forests are seen as carbon suction. China said it will not pay as it will use its funds to replentiash its own green space and offset its personal carbon usage. India said the same and the US which had allocated 34 billion withdrew its offer because of loud howls from republicans and anti carbon trading elements. Further, there is alternative tech to carbon absorption. Plankton are the largest extractors of carbon from the atmosphere and promising tech attempts at making the large regions of the mid ocean deserts bloom with low tech methodologies.

We need to see our forests for their native worth first to be called environmentalists. We can use them as a financial lure in many areas rather than hold they hostage to a dead idea of carbon trading.
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mara:
Today , 'A NEW WORLD GLOBAL HUMAN ORDER' is a catch phrase at the UN and in the corridors of power around the world with tangible economic benefit,

So what. How do the starving people of Africa and India benefit?

Just another excuse for an expensive conference and more trees cut to make the paper utilized.

And as for BhaRAT. Under his rule his OWN SUPPORTERS flocked in larger numbers than ever to nearby tiny islands as they fled PPP rule.

Jagdeo=Burnham. Great oratory about the world's problems while engaging in dictatorial behavior at home as his own people suffer and are forced to flee in order to feed their families.

The benefit of a New Global Human Order is palpable around the world for those with class and grace. However, for ingrates and chronic bellyachers who are accustomed to chow & wipe their mouth on grass, what can I say? Even when God offered them milk & honey, the ate the cow and got stymied the little bees. Wink
It is not fair to assault dissenters on grounds of rejection of NGHO in spite of its potential. That is a non starter since Dr. J never articulated a comprehensive strategy or I have never seen any. He had an overview that relied heavily on infusion of technology and capital without the usual strings attached as we see at the WB. His was mainly anti bretton woods strategy with demands on rich states to give more direct aid.

God should be severely reprimanded for offering milk and honey. His omniscience should have informed him the scope of human nutritional requirements are vastly in excess of his paltry offering. Then there is the omission of shelter
Originally posted by D2:

It is not fair to assault dissenters on grounds of rejection of NGHO in spite of its potential. That is a non starter since Dr. J never articulated a comprehensive strategy or I have never seen any. He had an overview that relied heavily on infusion of technology and capital without the usual strings attached as we see at the WB. His was mainly anti bretton woods strategy with demands on rich states to give more direct aid.

God should be severely reprimanded for offering milk and honey. His omniscience should have informed him the scope of human nutritional requirements are vastly in excess of his paltry offering. Then there is the omission of shelter

Fair enough for an objective dissenter, but a chronic whiner who cannot see good in anything is a different ball of wax. When God offered milk & honey, he also cautioned " From the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread... and plantain & cassava..." Wink
Originally posted by Mara:
Originally posted by D2:

It is not fair to assault dissenters on grounds of rejection of NGHO in spite of its potential. That is a non starter since Dr. J never articulated a comprehensive strategy or I have never seen any. He had an overview that relied heavily on infusion of technology and capital without the usual strings attached as we see at the WB. His was mainly anti bretton woods strategy with demands on rich states to give more direct aid.

God should be severely reprimanded for offering milk and honey. His omniscience should have informed him the scope of human nutritional requirements are vastly in excess of his paltry offering. Then there is the omission of shelter

Fair enough for an objective dissenter, but a chronic whiner who cannot see good in anything is a different ball of wax. When God offered milk & honey, he also cautioned " From the sweat of thy brow thou shall eat bread... and plantain & cassava..." Wink
Even god could not get around the law of scarcity so he simply worded it his way ie about sweat for bread! In any event, I put all griping etc directly at his doorstep. As Ivanovich in the Brothers Karamazov noted; god is the prime mover of our suffering.
Originally posted by Mara:
The benefit of a New Global Human Order is palpable around the world for those with class and grace. . Wink

Yes corrupt govt officials, UN funded consultants and others. FUNDED BY TAXERS.

For the rest of us its another farcical talk show.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
The Babu John speech was much better. .

yes "blackman (he said PNC but you know what he meant) will kill ayyu collie if you dont vote we back in".
Originally Posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

Now folks like tola is reduced to just making excuses for the new government.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

Now folks like tola is reduced to just making excuses for the new government.


Like you got dis thing for Tola.


Why don't you stop speaking from your ass, get off your holy pedestal  and come help the  young Muslim and Hindu women who were raped by officials, when applying for jobs. Unlike your children, they might never get married and are on the brink of suicide.

Too bad your children were not here to experience similar treatment by your own.

Get off your comfortable ass and come see what the PPP did to young Muslim and Hindu woman in Berbice. They need your help in Masjids.

Furthermore, bring your wife and children, they might learn and experience something you cant teach them.  Unless you are good at raping young women.  

Don't just pray, the young women need you help now. We have many volunteer position you and your family can choose.

Chicken shit !!   

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

Now folks like tola is reduced to just making excuses for the new government.


Like you got dis thing for Tola.


Why don't you stop speaking from your ass, get off your holy pedestal  and come help the  young Muslim and Hindu women who were raped by officials, when applying for jobs. Unlike your children, they might never get married and are on the brink of suicide.

Too bad your children were not here to experience similar treatment by your own.

Get off your comfortable ass and come see what the PPP did to young Muslim and Hindu woman in Berbice. They need your help in Masjids.

Furthermore, bring your wife and children, they might learn and experience something you cant teach them.  Unless you are good at raping young women.  

Don't just pray, the young women need you help now. We have many volunteer position you and your family can choose.

Chicken shit !!   

Not interested. You go ahead. It gives you the opportunity to toot your horn. I am not nor do I profess to be anyone's savior.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Chief:
What we have on GNI posting are the haves and haves not!!!

Face it and lets be honest President Jagdeo is no fool we may disagree with many of his policies but overall the man has done fair and at international forums the man is a star.

So some of you need to stop the foolish comments because one day many of you who are in oppossition may very well be in the new Gov't of Guyana.

Now folks like tola is reduced to just making excuses for the new government.


Like you got dis thing for Tola.


Why don't you stop speaking from your ass, get off your holy pedestal  and come help the  young Muslim and Hindu women who were raped by officials, when applying for jobs. Unlike your children, they might never get married and are on the brink of suicide.

Too bad your children were not here to experience similar treatment by your own.

Get off your comfortable ass and come see what the PPP did to young Muslim and Hindu woman in Berbice. They need your help in Masjids.

Furthermore, bring your wife and children, they might learn and experience something you cant teach them.  Unless you are good at raping young women.  

Don't just pray, the young women need you help now. We have many volunteer position you and your family can choose.

Chicken shit !!   

Not interested. You go ahead. It gives you the opportunity to toot your horn. I am not nor do I profess to be anyone's savior.


You think its tooting a horn when young Muslim women like your children are committing suicide, while you sit on your ass and think you know.

Come hear the bullets, cutlass, chain saw and sledge hammer, you might run and hide like a friggin coward, or a stray dog with its tail between its legs.   

You are not here  and have no creditability to speak about Guyana.

Come see for yourself and if your god gives you the strength, you might stay and help...OR SHUT UP BECAUSE YOU ARE ONLY SPEAKING FROM YOUR ASS, WITH NO REAL GROUND EXPEREICE.


What a friggin laugh, your religion on a pedestal don't teach you to help those in need, even your own. What a selfish thought.


How is this for laugh CHICKEN SHIT COWARD KSAZMA    


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