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Since Megan Markle added some colour to the Royal family, I was sure to be invited to tea by the Queen last summer in London. But all she did was waved at me near Piccadilly Circus. Where I was disappointed of not seeing any elephants and circus rides, but just an intersection of bright lights. What a let down !!

The Obamas added much colour to the brown White House and  I am again hopeful that Kamala Devi Harris will have me over for some fry breadfruit and ginger beer.  Hopefully soon.   


The Secret Meaning of the Lotus Flower

Nothing is more spiritual than the lotus—it experiences immaculate conception every single day.

white lotus flower

At first glance, one might not think much of the lotus flower. The plant’s symmetry and colors are striking, sure, but beneath the lotus’s delicate exterior lies a deeper meaning nearly as old as time. The flower holds great symbolic weight in many Eastern cultures and is considered one of the most sacred plants in the world. So, what is it about this specific bloom that makes it oh so special?

To start, the lotus has a life cycle unlike any other plant. With its roots latched in mud, it submerges every night into river water and miraculously re-blooms the next morning, sparklingly clean. In many cultures, this process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment. With its daily process of life, death, and re-emergence, its no wonder that the lotus holds such symbolism.

Because of these meanings, the lotus is often seen alongside divine figures in some cultures. For the Egyptians, the flower represents the universe. In Hindu culture, it is said that gods and goddesses sat on lotus thrones. And a longstanding Buddhist story states that the Buddha appeared atop a floating lotus, and his first footsteps on Earth left lotus blossoms

As divine as the Gods, the flower of rebirth was thought to contain magical properties as well. The ancient Egyptians believed lotuses had the ability to resurrect the deceased, as seen in Book of the Dead transformation spells.

“The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud.”

Each flower color also has its own symbolism. For Buddhist practitioners, a white lotus symbolizes purity, whereas a yellow lotus is associated with spiritual ascension. However, the real question remains: how has the flower acquired such all-encompassing spiritual significance?

lotus flower meaning
A sea of lotus flowers in Italy.

The lotus flower's daily resurrection is certainly interesting, and surely symbolic of revival. (This makes it the perfect gift for anyone recovering from injury or a traumatic experience.) But the flower also has a fascinating will to live. A lotus seed can withstand thousands of years without water, able to germinate over two centuries later.

The flower also blooms in the most unlikely of places such as the mud of murky river water in Australia or Southern Asia. Not only does it find sanctuary in the muck, but due to the waxy protection layer on its petals, its beauty is blithely unaffected when it re-blooms each morning. It continues to resurrect itself, coming back just as beautiful as it was last seen. With such refusal to accept defeat, it's almost impossible not to associate this flower with unwavering faith. Although cultures have largely dubbed the lotus as a spiritual figurehead, it is most emblematic of the faith within ourselves. It is particularly what the Buddhist proverb, aims to edify; living life with unwavering faith, as the lotus does, ensures the most beautiful revivals.

@Former Member posted:

I remember the word Kamalghata from childhood days. Maybe Mits or Rama can help out.

Kamal Gatta Mala, Uses and Benefits of Kamal Gatta

Mere Prabhu - āĪŪāĨ‡āĪ°āĨ‡ āĪŠāĨāĪ°āĪ­āĨ

Mere Prabhu - āĪŪāĨ‡āĪ°āĨ‡ āĪŠāĨāĪ°āĪ­āĨ

Apr 12, 2018·2 min read

Kamal Gatta is the seeds found in a Lotus Bloom. This blossom is considered very promising as Goddess Laxmi is discovered situated on this bloom. The Goddess is otherwise called “Kamalvaasini” for this very reason. Kamal Gatta Mala is accordingly very full of feeling to mollify the Goddess. Every one of the mantras and Jaap droned for Goddess Laxmi can be performed with this Mala.

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Individuals with terrible obligations, temperamental business/misfortunes, ominous association with the mate, can discuss the Mantra, “Om Mahalakshmyai Ch Vidmahe Vishupatneem Ch Dheemahi Tanno Laxmi Prachodayat”, 108 times (which is one mala), starting from a Friday. You may accomplish unforeseen advantages from it. It is by and by essential to contact a prepared celestial prophet to know the methodology for hawan and the correct mantras to be discussed so as to guarantee that you get greatest picks up and benefits.

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One can utilize this mala to recount all jaaps or mantras to the Goddess Laxmi. The Goddess Laxmi is very satisfied when a fan utilizes this Mala for droning of the Mantras. Accordingly, she gives riches and common solaces to her fans. The individuals who are experiencing a troublesome stage inferable from budgetary misfortunes or destitution can keep this Mala with them. The advantages of Kamal Gatta Mala are gigantic as it brings all the wealth that one wants. The Mala can likewise be utilized amid Laxmi-Kuber Homan.

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A Kamal Gatta Mala is produced using lotus seeds. These seeds have certain properties that influence the lover to acknowledge of its forces while playing out any reverential custom. The lotus seeds are blended together with a red string. This Mala can’t be utilized to wear; it is utilized for droning mantras or when playing out any custom that includes Jaap.

@Tola posted:

Since Megan Markle added some colour to the Royal family, I was sure to be invited to tea by the Queen last summer in London. But all she did was waved at me near Piccadilly Circus. Where I was disappointed of not seeing any elephants and circus rides, but just an intersection of bright lights. What a let down !!

The Obamas added much colour to the brown White House and  I am again hopeful that Kamala Devi Harris will have me over for some fry breadfruit and ginger beer.  Hopefully soon.   

This is like Cleopatra coming to Rome and Julius paying homage to the Black Queen out of Africa.

@Tola posted:

Thanks. I just Google it.  These things were big part of my life in the logies, but I did not know much about their correct name.

It's customary to see the leaves used here at religious functions. It's imported from Florida.

The Blue Lotus Flower is imported from Sri Lanka for Shivraatri night celebration. It's sold for about $25US each.


When kamalana mother married the Jamaican she may have been thinking that she could pass off two stale roti on the black man for breakfast not knowing that the Jamaican was expecting fresh curry goat and a fresh roti with it for breakfast. That is why the man may have said to her a few years later to stay away from him as far as the East is from the West.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

When kamalana mother married the Jamaican she may have been thinking that she could pass off two stale roti on the black man for breakfast not knowing that the Jamaican was expecting fresh curry goat and a fresh roti with it for breakfast. That is why the man may have said to her a few years later to stay away from him as far as the East is from the West.

Wa kin a chupidness is dis?  Dr. Gopalan, Kamala's mother, was an accomplished scientist, a cancer researcher, so good that one of Canada's best universities, McGill, hired her.  Do you think that all she was good at was making roti?  I am certain that Dr. Harris, a Stanford economist, doesn't see the world the way you do.  The more I see of Guyanese on social media the more I realize that the education system in Guyana needs a lot of help.

@Totaram posted:

Wa kin a chupidness is dis?  Dr. Gopalan, Kamala's mother, was an accomplished scientist, a cancer researcher, so good that one of Canada's best universities, McGill, hired her.  Do you think that all she was good at was making roti?  I am certain that Dr. Harris, a Stanford economist, doesn't see the world the way you do.  The more I see of Guyanese on social media the more I realize that the education system in Guyana needs a lot of help.

This Totaram is a prime target for an East Indian woman to pass off two stale cassava bread on him for breakfast.

@Totaram posted:

I make my own breakfast.

It is the problem with some men. Like their male ancestors, they feel women should be their slave in the kitchen and not make some meals themselves.

When our son once mentioned that serving food was a girl's job. He was not served any more, until he apologized and took his turn preparing and serving the meals.

One of the most unusual service calls I made in a home was when the man was in the bathtub, whom I had to ask for instructions. He had a washcloth covering his private parts and while talking to him, his wife put a board across the bath tub and placed his bacon, eggs and toast with coffee on it. My first thought was, he trained her well and my second thought : What an ass.     


This election was a fraud, I believe Trump and why are you all supporting a Biden win. They should put surveillance in each and every household in America monitored by ADT. My question is how are the conspirators communicating so that they stay in accordance with each other. They must be using a central computer to coordinate their minds so they correlate with each other in agreement. I think the Aliens will permit Trump's legal investigation as to what really happened in this presidential election so that the corrupt cannot succeed.

Aliens a question: Are you monitoring from within these people of GNI and who are they really. It is very suspicious that they're supporting Biden as if they're receiving and opening Christmas presents and it's not Christmas yet.

If you have to Trump go ahead and let the supreme court query them if you can trust that Court. The postal service is not to blame for the absentee ballots but it is the people who counted the votes on the ballots. After what happened to the guyanese election I'm surprised that these guyanese believe the position of the Biden claim to win with votes. They refuse to explain the impropriety of election falsehood with paranoria that's why you can't trust them. For example, God played a direct role in the Biden claim to victory or that the voting machines were programmed for an incorrect count. I think the Italian mafia is still operating in America right now and they would do this organized crime. Talk about keeping up with the times.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Look at these hypocrites from the AFC and PNC who supported racism and electoral fraud in Guyana trying to capitalize on the Biden/Harris victory.  I see no shame in you people. You are no different from those brazen characters like Mingo and Lowenfield who perpetrated blatant fraud on the Guyanese people.

Kerr ayuh ass daside and stop talk about Kamala's Hindu roots.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Look at these hypocrites from the AFC and PNC who supported racism and electoral fraud in Guyana trying to capitalize on the Biden/Harris victory.  I see no shame in you people. You are no different from those brazen characters like Mingo and Lowenfield who perpetrated blatant fraud on the Guyanese people.

Kerr ayuh ass daside and stop talk about Kamala's Hindu roots.

You are a congenital racist. Haul yuh ass dahside eh!


Call me what you want to call.  I speak the truth about you AFC/PNC hypocrites who tried to rob the Guyanese people of their constitutional rights. Those who incite racial attacks on Indo-Guyanese must never be given a place our society - isolate them and let them continue to palaver with the likes of Granger and Harmon.

Who incited racial attacks on Indo-Guyanese?

What is your PPP/C plan to heal the great race divide?

You live a comfortable life in NY, but yet you push the race divide button for Guyanese from the armchair in your basement apartment. How do you account for the hundreds of blacks that got killed during the 23 years of the PPP rule?

Did you listen to Biden's speech where he is  calling for unity? Would you call on Ali to do the same?


Call me what you want to call.  I speak the truth about you AFC/PNC hypocrites who tried to rob the Guyanese people of their constitutional rights. Those who incite racial attacks on Indo-Guyanese must never be given a place our society - isolate them and let them continue to palaver with the likes of Granger and Harmon.

Haul your miserable ass, no one gives a flying F... about your nonsense, this is about Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris.


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