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Georgetown, GINA, November 2, 2012


The inter- services annual athletics championships 2012 got off on today at the Camp Ayanganna sports ground with the Guyana police force, prison, fire services and the army competing for gold, silver and bronze in races, high jump and tug-o-war.


President Donald Ramotar congratulates Guyana Defence Force athlete Major Kester Craig who won gold at the 80 metre senior officers’ sprint in the inter services annual athletics championships 2012


Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, President Donald Ramotar made his first appearance at the event which has its genesis in 2008 when it resumed after a ten – year hiatus. He also bestowed awards on some of the gold silver and bronze winners.


The overall objective of the inter services annual athletics championships is to foster greater cohesion and camaraderie among members of the joint services through the medium of athletics.


President Donald Ramotar chats with Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff Gary Best upon arrival at the inter services annual athletics championships 2012


In the early years, the event was dubbed the largest athletic championship in history with participation from the police army, prison, fire and national services, people’s militia, city constabulary and the National Guard service.


President Donald Ramotar bestowing awards to female gold silver and bronze participants at the inter services annual athletics championships 2012

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