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Former Member

Dear Editor,

I refer to the headline titled, `Gov’t won’t be ‘intoxicated’ by oil, Granger says  – international best principles for government sector’ (SN August 18).  That is all very reassuring and comforting.  But I have a problem; several problems in fact.

First, I will stake my own reputation (such as it is) to vest confidence in the president’s pronouncement about “won’t be ‘intoxicated’ by oil.”  My confidence is in his own sobriety and almost only his, whenever oil is the subject.  The problem is that Mr. David Granger, like the King of England not being England, is not representative of the entirety of the government.  If that were so, then there would be unswerving grounds for belief in non-intoxication where oil features.  Instead, and regrettably, the government consists of a lot of those same picturesquely attired ladies and gentlemen gathered over there in Sophia.  Truth be told, oil has already gone to their heads, and given them “a head,” as it is said here.  Now if the rest of the population is ready to believe that a significant number of the verdantly clad “won’t be ‘intoxicated’” by oil, then I say, God bless Guyana.  It is forward and upward.

Once again, I beg to differ.  There are many in this government (some over there in Sophia) that are old school.  Meaning that they have been long schooled in the great rewarding arts of graft, venality, and self-help, so much so that they have made those practices into a rich science.  They are greedy and some of the leading figures have earned national recognition for shady reputations.  Mark my warning: they can’t help but to be intoxicated.  Some are already inebriated today (cheers to fancy parliamentary sauce), but they hold their liquor well.  Steady ahead!  In more familiar Guyanese language, deh only sweet.  To continue with His Excellency’s choice of the word “intoxicated,” it is my position that some of these senior characters, even from this early stage, have been successful at displaying the reverse.  That is, they have concocted ways and means to take legitimate shop rum (petroleum discovery) to erect stills for bush rum (underground) business ‘runnins’.  I take liberties with the work of the Mighty Sparrow: where there is plenty money, there will be plenty love; plenty greedy fellers hustling, too.  It is oil involved.  Some just can’t help themselves; cleaner people have succumbed.  And that is as sure as there will be claims of hijinks in that election process yonder.

The secondary part of the same trumpeting headline from SN had the leader vowing adherence to “international best principles for petroleum sector.”  I paused on the subtle selection of that word “principles” as opposed to the infinitely better “practices.”  I have learned that principles in this country can be an abstraction, something best left to textbooks and warming speeches, but not for implementation.  Again, I extend full faith and credit to the president himself; but I shrink from reaching much further, as Mr. Granger alone may have monopoly rights to such faith and credit; he just might own the copyright.  But there is another consideration.

From a commonsense perspective, I take a bow to that ancient adage that the stricter the government the wiser the population.  Amidst all this utterly lovely chatter of controlling oversight mechanisms and checks and balances, I remind everyone that these are only as good if the right people can be found to enforce them.  Very specifically and sharply, that there are conscientious patriots on the ground who can be entrusted to dedicate life and limb (and honour) to make those principles come alive and work; work for the benefit of the waiting excited nation.  Thus, I must be the spoiler and ask: Where are they?  Where are they in government when formidable ethical presences are in such severe short supply?  I am ready to listen to incontestable responses, especially from those making the sturdiest and most attractive sounds on oil.  Experience has taught all Guyanese that principles, good intentions, and robust proclamations either have been ignored or circumvented at will and with skill.  Oil promises to be the perfect proving ground, regardless of who is in charge.

So, when I examine the president’s assertions, I arrive at this desolate place: the president might be one of the very few unintoxicated by oil.  In fact, he might the only sober one standing before the oil bar.  Moreover, he might be distressed by the lyrics of the song being chanted by his comrades (crude revellers all).  Those lyrics resonate like this: all is mine.  Aaaal is miiiiine!  Good luck, to all Guyanese.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?


I would be careful underestimating HE Granger.  He is no fool, not very articulate, but not stupid either.  

He and First Lady will soon visit me in my basement for lil bake and salt fish.  I will try to figure out if he intoxicated or not!

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?

No, I was never a fowl thief like you. People like you should step away from the PPP and give it some fresh air to survive. A bunch of scums calling themselves PPP supporters and hating black man pan tap. Join Prashad and take Berbice as your coolie country under that baldhead fowl ****er leadership.

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?

No, I was never a fowl thief like you. People like you should step away from the PPP and give it some fresh air to survive. A bunch of scums calling themselves PPP supporters and hating black man pan tap. Join Prashad and take Berbice as your coolie country under that baldhead fowl ****er leadership.

Oh skoant. Listen to this pea-sized half brain. I see you can now decipher between foul and fowl? Jagdeo gun ketch you one day and bugger you until the cows come home and you will gladly return with your sore batty for more the next day.

Last edited by Former Member

Buggery, beastiality, racist posts abound about who devaluing neighborhood etc. And they are allowed to remain. Yet my posts addressing a FACT that a known racist like Seignet was embraced by black people in his youth thereby demonstrating his hypocrisy, and other facts about black support for Jagan were hastily deleted. SMFH

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Etc, etc, etc ... etc.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

No Jagdeo is ahead on both except that his beneficiaries were PPP officials.

I know that these same PPP officials are extremely enraged that all of this largesse that will flow will only get to them via the dribbles that corrupt PNC officials drop in their hands.  Oh yes they learned that from Jagdeo. Steal $100 but make sure that your enemies get $1 of it so that if they are tempted to turn you in you can tell them that they will also join you in jail.

Iguana posted:

Buggery, beastiality, racist posts abound about who devaluing neighborhood etc. And they are allowed to remain. Yet my posts addressing a FACT that a known racist like Seignet was embraced by black people in his youth thereby demonstrating his hypocrisy, and other facts about black support for Jagan were hastily deleted. SMFH

This is par for the course on GNI.  Bigotry against blacks is OK. Not seen as racist, or if so only minimally so. 

What is "racist" is a discussion of the fact that these comments are indicators of a larger problem of Indian racism.  Then this person (black, Indian or other) will be accused of collaborating with an Indo Holocaust.

I have yet to see anyone post the bigoted stereotypes that blacks have of Indians on GNI. Now THAT would be racist.

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?

No, I was never a fowl thief like you. People like you should step away from the PPP and give it some fresh air to survive. A bunch of scums calling themselves PPP supporters and hating black man pan tap. Join Prashad and take Berbice as your coolie country under that baldhead fowl ****er leadership.

Prince, I was at a gathering recently and your name came up.  The people there were surprised upon hearing of your opinions here on GNI.  One of them said, "Dah can't be true.  Dah man hate Blackman bad bad.  He mussey making joke wid ayuh."   Now I'm confused.  Which one is the real Prince, the coolie hater, or the Blackman hater?  Or you just hate everybody?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
 Now I'm confused.  Which one is the real Prince, the coolie hater, or the Blackman hater?  Or you just hate everybody?

Interesting that you mention that because one person here who does come up with comments about Indians that could pour straight out of the mouth of an Indian hating black person is Prince.  It took me a while to be sure that he was an Indian.

He reminds me of a Trini who used to be rude enough to come to a Guyanese forum and say foul things about Guyanese.   This man blamed the CAL crash several years ago on the fact that the pilots were Indian and were "flying while intoxicated".  Of course no such evidence of this was ever established.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?

No, I was never a fowl thief like you. People like you should step away from the PPP and give it some fresh air to survive. A bunch of scums calling themselves PPP supporters and hating black man pan tap. Join Prashad and take Berbice as your coolie country under that baldhead fowl ****er leadership.

Prince, I was at a gathering recently and your name came up.  ?

Did his name come up, or did you bring up his name along with his background report?

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
 Now I'm confused.  Which one is the real Prince, the coolie hater, or the Blackman hater?  Or you just hate everybody?

Interesting that you mention that because one person here who does come up with comments about Indians that could pour straight out of the mouth of an Indian hating black person is Prince.  It took me a while to be sure that he was an Indian.

He reminds me of a Trini who used to be rude enough to come to a Guyanese forum and say foul things about Guyanese.   This man blamed the CAL crash several years ago on the fact that the pilots were Indian and were "flying while intoxicated".  Of course no such evidence of this was ever established.

Eric Revenge was a nutcase!

You should not cozy up to people conveniently as you know people post here and it may not be their full position.  You should not want to be judged by all what you post here, I don't judge you in any way.  You have a viewpoint, but I also realize in reality, you will be balanced and give and take.

Not everyone here is like Bibi, WYSIWYG!  But then again, she adores her PNC friends.  I met a few, but I will never comment on her comments here.

Baseman posted:

Not everyone here is like Bibi, WYSIWYG!  But then again, she adores her PNC friends.  I met a few, but I will never comment on her comments here.

...I think Bibi must be a fine one eight black sista , which is why I feel kinship with her. Own attracts own.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Don't underestimate Granger. So far he is ahead of Jagdeo. Oil is important and the upcoming general election is utmost important. He is ahead on both.

Of doing what? Nepotism, Racism, fostering corruption, setting up useless commissions to benefit PNC members, sport up and wine down, stealing, being dictatorial?

Whatever you can come up with, Granger is ahead of that baldhead foul buggerer. 

Are you not going to refute the accusations? Do you know the difference between foul and fowl? You mean fowl buggerer? How do you know the man buggered fowls? Did you partner with him committing the acts?

No, I was never a fowl thief like you. People like you should step away from the PPP and give it some fresh air to survive. A bunch of scums calling themselves PPP supporters and hating black man pan tap. Join Prashad and take Berbice as your coolie country under that baldhead fowl ****er leadership.

Prince, I was at a gathering recently and your name came up.  The people there were surprised upon hearing of your opinions here on GNI.  One of them said, "Dah can't be true.  Dah man hate Blackman bad bad.  He mussey making joke wid ayuh."   Now I'm confused.  Which one is the real Prince, the coolie hater, or the Blackman hater?  Or you just hate everybody?

So, is that what you do?  Take info. from this site where people post many times out of character then go to their private real lives and put your spin on what you think they mean?  YOU admitted knowing posters here who are very different in real life.  For years we posted here but never take anything from here as gospel of the poster.  You are a proven pathological LIAR so why does anyone here believe YOU will tell the truth?  Do you tell your PNC friends what you post here about them and their leaders?  Do you tell YOUR friends about the lies and slanderous statements YOU make about people?  Do you tell them how you buse down fellow posters about your money and taxes, etc.?  Do you tell them you cuss out anyone who feels differently about Jagdeo?  How about the triple felony act in PA against a woman, did you tell them that?  Woman, you are a loathsome, despicable proven liar.  Who gives you the right to speak about anyone here? You are indeed a chamar. 

Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

He and First Lady will soon visit me in my basement for lil bake and salt fish.  I will try to figure out if he intoxicated or not!


Suppose he walk with some of the precious oil when visiting you?  

Granger:  How are you keeping?

Answer: Safe & Sound

Granger: What did they teach you?

Answer: Don't bend Down.

Granger: Don't bend down! Don't bend down? If they promise you to be a minista:

Answer: Don't bend down

Granger: Or a trip to Florida?

Answer: Don't Bend Down

Granger: Or accept pepper like Mitwah?

Answer: Don't Bend Down

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:

I would be careful underestimating HE Granger.  He is no fool, not very articulate, but not stupid either.  

He and First Lady will soon visit me in my basement for lil bake and salt fish.  I will try to figure out if he intoxicated or not!

Bake and fish for such VIPs? You should call Sybil's to deliver some gourmet meals to your basement.  

Last edited by Former Member

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