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President David Granger on Friday afternoon met with Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo and PPP Presidential Candidate, Irfaan Ali to discuss issues surrounding national elections.

Speaking with reporters outside State House following the meeting, Mr. Jagdeo said the two sides took the time to clarify their position on those issues which include the September 18 deadline for elections.

They also discussed the resignation of the Cabinet and the ongoing House to House registration exercise consistent with the work programme of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

“I think it is early and we hopefully will meet again sometime soon,” Jagdeo told the press following the meeting which lasted for just over one hour.

While he is holding firm to his position that elections should be held by September 18, Mr Jagdeo was asked about possibly agreeing to an extension of this deadline under certain conditions.

In response, he said: “what should happen is what I asked the President to do- which he has not done – and is not willing to do, which is to issue a proclamation dissolving the Parliament, name a date for the elections consistent with what the Constitution says and then that is a positive signal to start the work and have the Cabinet resign.

“Then…in that context, I don’t mind sitting down again, myself and Irfaan [Ali] and talking about this.”

“Right now we have not made a decision on that because there is no date and there is no reasonableness on the part of the Government,” Mr Jagdeo said.

The Opposition Leader referred to statements made recently by PNCR Member Dr George Norton who had noted the Government will accept the ruling of the High Court as it relates to House-to-House registration, however, Jagdeo also noted that there are other PNCR members who believe that the registration should be completed.

The PPP believes the registration exercise is being used to delay the elections and has argued that a simple Claims and Objections period can be used to register persons who would have reached the age to vote after the last elections.

Friday’s meeting came one day after the President met with Chairman of GECOM Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh and Commissioners.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This caretaker President is playing a **** up nasty, dangerous game. 

He has been meeting with the ABC and European ambassadors providing updates that has no foundation.

He meets with Gecom for 8 mins, now he meets BJ and nothing comes out of these meetings. 

I believe he’s is displaying a false hope to the international community. 

This is a dangerous **** in man. 


Cde Granger is complying with all aspects of the constitution.  Elections will be held in the first half of 2020. The govt is doing it’s utmost to ensure the wholesomeness and peace of the nation is preserved. 

Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will be returned to office by the majority of Guyanese!

Zara posted:

Cde Granger is complying with all aspects of the constitution.  Elections will be held in the first half of 2020. The govt is doing it’s utmost to ensure the wholesomeness and peace of the nation is preserved. 

Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will be returned to office by the majority of Guyanese!

Why don’t you go stick your thumb up your Arss Ali. 


PPP/C presidential candidate sets the record straight about meeting between Jagdeo and Granger


President, Opposition Leader meet again

Dave posted:
Zara posted:

Cde Granger is complying with all aspects of the constitution.  Elections will be held in the first half of 2020. The govt is doing it’s utmost to ensure the wholesomeness and peace of the nation is preserved. 

Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will be returned to office by the majority of Guyanese!

Why don’t you go stick your thumb up your Arss Ali. 

Cde Dave, One don’t need to be nasty. Guyana need politeness like we see in Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. 

Cde Dave, is that your photo?  Cde with such a face do not make fun of Arss.


Any elementary grade child would have no trouble understanding that to not have elections by September 18, 2019 (already 6 months later because of the PNC backed Coalition refusal to obey the laws) would be a violation of the Constitution. I remember many Coalition supporters here stating that they will wait until the CCJ give their consequential order and they will obey those orders. It is now nearly a month since those consequential orders were given and unfortunately for those supporters' reputation, they have back tracked on their promise. But those supporters are just mere aiders and abetters. The real  culprit is Granger and those who follow him. The PNC is indeed a scourge to Guyana.


August 9 2019

Georgetown, Guyana – (August 9, 2019) President David Granger, this afternoon, met Opposition Leader, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo at State House to discuss matters relative to the holding of General and Regional Elections (GRE).

President Granger, who was accompanied by Director General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Mr. Joseph Harmon, maintained that the Elections Commission has to advise him of its readiness before a date can be named.

The President explained that there is a “zone of convergence” in that both sides have maintained their existing positions. “I will continue to abide by the Constitution and pay attention to the Chairman of the Elections Commission who will advise me,” the President said.

The Head of State said reference was made to the Consequential Orders of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and their respective interpretations. Government maintained that the CCJ did not issue any coercive orders.

“I made it clear that it is impossible if not impractical for me, even though in the final analysis I have to proclaim a date, I could not do so without the advice of the Elections Commission,” he said.

The President is hopeful that Chairman of the Elections Commission Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, SC, CCH, would communicate the Commission’s position to him in a week’s time.

“We agreed that it is the Elections Commission which is central to this process; it is an electoral process; it is not a governmental process or parliamentary process. It is an electoral process which is entirely in the hands of the Elections Commission,” the President stated at the conclusion of the meeting.

He has noted the dates and timelines which have been mentioned in the media but reminded that it is the Elections Commission which has to advise him before he proclaims a date.

“Everything hangs on what we are told by the Chairman speaking on behalf of the Commission,” the President said while remaining optimistic that the Commission will communicate with him next week.

“We are looking to hear something, maybe in a week’s time. At the same time, I would like to assure the public that the meeting today with the Leader of the Opposition was important and beneficial. It helped to clarify issues which still exist within the two sides. There has been no agreement but greater clarity on the positions of the two sides,” President Granger said.

During the meeting, the Head of State maintained that the Official List of Electors (OLE) has to be credible.

“We referred to our meeting with the Chairman of Elections Commission on Thursday and we feel that her request, to be given an opportunity to hear the judgment of the Supreme Court and meet with the members of the Commission, was a reasonable one. We would like to engage with her after she has done those two things. So, the two sides are working towards a consensual outcome and the Government’s position has not changed. We are pursuing a course that can guarantee a credible list and can be the basis of credible elections…We are working towards seeking common ground so that the Guyanese people can be assured that we would have credible elections in the shortest possible time,” he said.

Similarly, Mr. Harmon made it clear that no agreement has made between the two sides with respect to a date for GRE. “It is clear that the Opposition had their views on how they see the activities with respect to having credible elections…but the President has made it clear that he will not be naming a date which can in fact become impractical for the Commission to accomplish,” he said.

The Director General reminded that the Government has to ensure that the Commission has all its resources to facilitate the holding of GRE.

“The President made it clear that he would like to see early elections and that he has provided all of the resources that the Elections Commission required for them to work…it would not be in our interest to super-impose any coercive measures on the Commission that they cannot meet,” Mr. Harmon added.

The two sides have agreed to meet again after both the Chief Justice’s ruling scheduled for August 14 and the meeting of the full Commission.

Mr. Jagdeo was accompanied by Mr. Irfaan Ali.

Last edited by Django
Dondadda posted:

Look at  BJ smiling with the DEVIL. What is that all about?

That is what politicians do. He is hoping that some human decency will register with Granger. But so far, Granger is proving that he is not worth the oxygen he is breathing.

Zara posted:
Dave posted:
Zara posted:

Cde Granger is complying with all aspects of the constitution.  Elections will be held in the first half of 2020. The govt is doing it’s utmost to ensure the wholesomeness and peace of the nation is preserved. 

Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will be returned to office by the majority of Guyanese!

Why don’t you go stick your thumb up your Arss Ali. 

Cde Dave, One don’t need to be nasty. Guyana need politeness like we see in Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. 

Cde Dave, is that your photo?  Cde with such a face do not make fun of Arss.

Miss Ali, you wants me to be polite and nice with you eh 

Dave posted:
Zara posted:
Dave posted:
Zara posted:

Cde Granger is complying with all aspects of the constitution.  Elections will be held in the first half of 2020. The govt is doing it’s utmost to ensure the wholesomeness and peace of the nation is preserved. 

Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will be returned to office by the majority of Guyanese!

Why don’t you go stick your thumb up your Arss Ali. 

Cde Dave, One don’t need to be nasty. Guyana need politeness like we see in Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo. 

Cde Dave, is that your photo?  Cde with such a face do not make fun of Arss.

Miss Ali, you wants me to be polite and nice with you eh 

Ms Ali should explain why she supports Granger and Nagamootoo disobeying the constitution instead of her comrade this and that shit. 

Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

cain posted:

 Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

The greatest i have learned growing up without a golden spoon, i will rather starve than satisfy my hunger accepting food. i am very cautious of accepting a meal from folks, will make excuses for not accepting.

Only dutty people coined and utter such insults.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

Looks like Naga, you would sell out for attention and personal gains too. You would deny that you are a putagee.

Django posted:
cain posted:

 Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

The greatest i have learned growing up without a golden spoon, i will rather starve than satisfy my hunger accepting food. i am very cautious of accepting a meal from folks, will make excuses for not accepting.

Only dutty people coined and utter such insults.

The dog the brings the bone, also carries the bone.  Anyone who talks down of food they ate, even from their siblings, are dangerous and dutty creatures!

You saw I attended that PPP meeting in NY, first ever for me, I never touched the food.  Even if I’m starving, the stray dogs could have it.  I had a beer with one PPP GNI Banna 16 years ago, I hearing till today I want free beer.

Them Crab Louse can gorge and get fat and lethargic on their own supply, I prefer to eat lilbit, but do so with dignity!


If someone invites me to their home, I hope it is for conversation and not food. I am a very picky eater and would prefer having to endure the burden. Cleanliness is foremost. So important that I still believe I introduced the roti wrap to businesses by having people see me eat my chicken curry wrapped in roti when I go to the amusement parks in Orlando. 

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
cain posted:

 Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

The greatest i have learned growing up without a golden spoon, i will rather starve than satisfy my hunger accepting food. i am very cautious of accepting a meal from folks, will make excuses for not accepting.

Only dutty people coined and utter such insults.

The dog the brings the bone, also carries the bone.  Anyone who talks down of food they ate, even from their siblings, are dangerous and dutty creatures!

You saw I attended that PPP meeting in NY, first ever for me, I never touched the food.  Even if I’m starving, the stray dogs could have it.  I had a beer with one PPP GNI Banna 16 years ago, I hearing till today I want free beer.

Them Crab Louse can gorge and get fat and lethargic on their own supply, I prefer to eat lilbit, but do so with dignity!

You going to 56th birthday bash?



You live by the sword, you die by the sword. Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in his NY cell last night. By all means, live good, clean and stay away from lawless activities always.

cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

I gon Address your “ HUMAN BEING “ comment. Yes we should forgive,  as non of us are perfect . But how much time you should forgive that person if they don’t even demonstrate some remorse and recognized their faults. 

Nagamootoo did wrong things within PPP when Cheddi was alive ( when PPP was in the opposition) Janet and some CC members want him gone. It was Cheddi who kept him. 

Naga is on video at a PPP public meeting as saying “ he will never be a nemakaram “  see the video here

When Naga jump ship and joint  AFC, he did so on condition of getting the PM portfolio although he was NOT one of the founder member. He went to Whim and told his supporters to vote for AFC, the AFC will NEVER join with PNC. 

Not only have Naga join forces with PNC, but he is in bed with the same people at congress place who beat and torcher him in his early political life. 

Naga lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming he was promised the president position. 

When PPP won election in 1992, Nago took time of for two years to study law much to the displeasure of his colleagues who said “ we now got into government to rebuild the nation “ 

Naga then insult PPP of having a donkey cart economy with big pay raise. But the same traitor empty the tax payers money to enhance his Cadillac lifestyle with customized million dollar vehicle. He brought in duty free 20 vehicles that is used for out riders and his personal use. He rebuilt the street and playground to his home in Linlendaal. He gives himself a 50% increase in salary and double his pension. 

He said the residence where former PM Sam Hinds was living is not fit for a dog - he spend millions in upgrades. 

While enjoying his Cadillac lifestyle, he turn his backs on Sugar workers who he was fighting for during his political ambitions. 

He is on record as saying the NCM defeat means APNU/ AFC will go to the poll. He is known for speaking with many mouth .. we all saw what he did now.

Today Naga is causing conflicts and setting strife within AFC for the PM position, he turn around to contest the position with Ramjattan ( one of the founder who was instrumental in bringing him over to AFC) 

Hey I can go on and on about this traitor Naga. How much more forgiveness you want for him. 

That “eating food and bore the pate bottom “ has many meaning. I gon give you one. 

In Buxton company path rd. There is two sets of Putagee families born and raise three generations families - the Vasconcellos and the Periarra . Vasconcellos- The father has a retail liquor store and son - a general store, they provide food and employment to Buxtonians for decades. During the 1997 violence , the same Buxton residents threatened them, they had to leave their homes where they were born in. 

Across from the Vasconcellos was the Perierra - a big mining company ( they provide hundreds of jobs also to Blacks ... they were driven out. 

So, these Putagee businesses were feeding the community and them blacks Afro Negroes turn around and bore them bottom . 

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

Looks like Naga, you would sell out for attention and personal gains too. You would deny that you are a putagee.

You doan HAVE TO POST SHIT just for the sake of posting.

Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

I gon Address your “ HUMAN BEING “ comment. Yes we should forgive,  as non of us are perfect . But how much time you should forgive that person if they don’t even demonstrate some remorse and recognized their faults. 

Nagamootoo did wrong things within PPP when Cheddi was alive ( when PPP was in the opposition) Janet and some CC members want him gone. It was Cheddi who kept him. 

Naga is on video at a PPP public meeting as saying “ he will never be a nemakaram “  see the video here

When Naga jump ship and joint  AFC, he did so on condition of getting the PM portfolio although he was NOT one of the founder member. He went to Whim and told his supporters to vote for AFC, the AFC will NEVER join with PNC. 

Not only have Naga join forces with PNC, but he is in bed with the same people at congress place who beat and torcher him in his early political life. 

Naga lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming he was promised the president position. 

When PPP won election in 1992, Nago took time of for two years to study law much to the displeasure of his colleagues who said “ we now got into government to rebuild the nation “ 

Naga then insult PPP of having a donkey cart economy with big pay raise. But the same traitor empty the tax payers money to enhance his Cadillac lifestyle with customized million dollar vehicle. He brought in duty free 20 vehicles that is used for out riders and his personal use. He rebuilt the street and playground to his home in Linlendaal. He gives himself a 50% increase in salary and double his pension. 

He said the residence where former PM Sam Hinds was living is not fit for a dog - he spend millions in upgrades. 

While enjoying his Cadillac lifestyle, he turn his backs on Sugar workers who he was fighting for during his political ambitions. 

He is on record as saying the NCM defeat means APNU/ AFC will go to the poll. He is known for speaking with many mouth .. we all saw what he did now.

Today Naga is causing conflicts and setting strife within AFC for the PM position, he turn around to contest the position with Ramjattan ( one of the founder who was instrumental in bringing him over to AFC) 

Hey I can go on and on about this traitor Naga. How much more forgiveness you want for him. 

That “eating food and bore the pate bottom “ has many meaning. I gon give you one. 

In Buxton company path rd. There is two sets of Putagee families born and raise three generations families - the Vasconcellos and the Periarra . Vasconcellos- The father has a retail liquor store and son - a general store, they provide food and employment to Buxtonians for decades. During the 1997 violence , the same Buxton residents threatened them, they had to leave their homes where they were born in. 

Across from the Vasconcellos was the Perierra - a big mining company ( they provide hundreds of jobs also to Blacks ... they were driven out. 

So, these Putagee businesses were feeding the community and them blacks Afro Negroes turn around and bore them bottom . 

Before all that occurred, soon as Naga jumped ship he was called derogatory names, he was called a # igger Indian and other nasty shyte, that is what I am speaking about, it had nothing to do with the rest of your post of which I am aware. This is because Indians feel the PPP is the party for Indians regardless of their actions, same as some blacks view the PNC.

cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

I gon Address your “ HUMAN BEING “ comment. Yes we should forgive,  as non of us are perfect . But how much time you should forgive that person if they don’t even demonstrate some remorse and recognized their faults. 

Nagamootoo did wrong things within PPP when Cheddi was alive ( when PPP was in the opposition) Janet and some CC members want him gone. It was Cheddi who kept him. 

Naga is on video at a PPP public meeting as saying “ he will never be a nemakaram “  see the video here

When Naga jump ship and joint  AFC, he did so on condition of getting the PM portfolio although he was NOT one of the founder member. He went to Whim and told his supporters to vote for AFC, the AFC will NEVER join with PNC. 

Not only have Naga join forces with PNC, but he is in bed with the same people at congress place who beat and torcher him in his early political life. 

Naga lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming he was promised the president position. 

When PPP won election in 1992, Nago took time of for two years to study law much to the displeasure of his colleagues who said “ we now got into government to rebuild the nation “ 

Naga then insult PPP of having a donkey cart economy with big pay raise. But the same traitor empty the tax payers money to enhance his Cadillac lifestyle with customized million dollar vehicle. He brought in duty free 20 vehicles that is used for out riders and his personal use. He rebuilt the street and playground to his home in Linlendaal. He gives himself a 50% increase in salary and double his pension. 

He said the residence where former PM Sam Hinds was living is not fit for a dog - he spend millions in upgrades. 

While enjoying his Cadillac lifestyle, he turn his backs on Sugar workers who he was fighting for during his political ambitions. 

He is on record as saying the NCM defeat means APNU/ AFC will go to the poll. He is known for speaking with many mouth .. we all saw what he did now.

Today Naga is causing conflicts and setting strife within AFC for the PM position, he turn around to contest the position with Ramjattan ( one of the founder who was instrumental in bringing him over to AFC) 

Hey I can go on and on about this traitor Naga. How much more forgiveness you want for him. 

That “eating food and bore the pate bottom “ has many meaning. I gon give you one. 

In Buxton company path rd. There is two sets of Putagee families born and raise three generations families - the Vasconcellos and the Periarra . Vasconcellos- The father has a retail liquor store and son - a general store, they provide food and employment to Buxtonians for decades. During the 1997 violence , the same Buxton residents threatened them, they had to leave their homes where they were born in. 

Across from the Vasconcellos was the Perierra - a big mining company ( they provide hundreds of jobs also to Blacks ... they were driven out. 

So, these Putagee businesses were feeding the community and them blacks Afro Negroes turn around and bore them bottom . 

Before all that occurred, soon as Naga jumped ship he was called derogatory names, he was called a # igger Indian and other nasty shyte, that is what I am speaking about, it had nothing to do with the rest of your post of which I am aware. This is because Indians feel the PPP is the party for Indians regardless of their actions, same as some blacks view the PNC.

Of course he was called those names when he jump ship because of this

you are also biased in your comments, painting all Indians as PPP and only some blacks as PNC. 

And you “ likeee” is so dumb she is a Indian by birth 

cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

I gon Address your “ HUMAN BEING “ comment. Yes we should forgive,  as non of us are perfect . But how much time you should forgive that person if they don’t even demonstrate some remorse and recognized their faults. 

Nagamootoo did wrong things within PPP when Cheddi was alive ( when PPP was in the opposition) Janet and some CC members want him gone. It was Cheddi who kept him. 

Naga is on video at a PPP public meeting as saying “ he will never be a nemakaram “  see the video here

When Naga jump ship and joint  AFC, he did so on condition of getting the PM portfolio although he was NOT one of the founder member. He went to Whim and told his supporters to vote for AFC, the AFC will NEVER join with PNC. 

Not only have Naga join forces with PNC, but he is in bed with the same people at congress place who beat and torcher him in his early political life. 

Naga lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming he was promised the president position. 

When PPP won election in 1992, Nago took time of for two years to study law much to the displeasure of his colleagues who said “ we now got into government to rebuild the nation “ 

Naga then insult PPP of having a donkey cart economy with big pay raise. But the same traitor empty the tax payers money to enhance his Cadillac lifestyle with customized million dollar vehicle. He brought in duty free 20 vehicles that is used for out riders and his personal use. He rebuilt the street and playground to his home in Linlendaal. He gives himself a 50% increase in salary and double his pension. 

He said the residence where former PM Sam Hinds was living is not fit for a dog - he spend millions in upgrades. 

While enjoying his Cadillac lifestyle, he turn his backs on Sugar workers who he was fighting for during his political ambitions. 

He is on record as saying the NCM defeat means APNU/ AFC will go to the poll. He is known for speaking with many mouth .. we all saw what he did now.

Today Naga is causing conflicts and setting strife within AFC for the PM position, he turn around to contest the position with Ramjattan ( one of the founder who was instrumental in bringing him over to AFC) 

Hey I can go on and on about this traitor Naga. How much more forgiveness you want for him. 

That “eating food and bore the pate bottom “ has many meaning. I gon give you one. 

In Buxton company path rd. There is two sets of Putagee families born and raise three generations families - the Vasconcellos and the Periarra . Vasconcellos- The father has a retail liquor store and son - a general store, they provide food and employment to Buxtonians for decades. During the 1997 violence , the same Buxton residents threatened them, they had to leave their homes where they were born in. 

Across from the Vasconcellos was the Perierra - a big mining company ( they provide hundreds of jobs also to Blacks ... they were driven out. 

So, these Putagee businesses were feeding the community and them blacks Afro Negroes turn around and bore them bottom . 

Before all that occurred, soon as Naga jumped ship he was called derogatory names, he was called a # igger Indian and other nasty shyte, that is what I am speaking about, it had nothing to do with the rest of your post of which I am aware. This is because Indians feel the PPP is the party for Indians regardless of their actions, same as some blacks view the PNC.

I think the reaction from PPP supporters towards Nagamootoo jumping ship was because Nagamootoo himself professed that he for him to do so, he would have to be a neemak haram. Therefore we just started calling him what he said he would be  he joined the AFC. What made him worthy of the deeper disgust was the appearance that he only joined the AFC because they agreed to let him be the PM candidate demonstrating that his actions was driven by personal greed and not the motivations he once espoused causing him to regard himself as a neemak haram if he were to join the AFC. I am not a PPP supporter but I side with the PPP because I am definitely against the PNC. It is now a binary vote between the PPP and PNC. However, I liked the AFC when they were independent as I saw them as the power broker between the two major parties. They could have played the pivotal role in ensuring that all citizens get a piece of the pie. By joining with the PNC, they initially allowed themselves to become diminished and today, they are a virtually nonexistent party.


@ Dave, did you write that piece ? never seem you present a lengthy post. Any way some are factual and some not, the Prime Minister salary wasn't increased by 50%, the AG salary was more than the PM, so a balancing act took place.The twenty vehicles seems like an overstretch.

Me thinks the Leadership of the AFC reached out to Nagamottoo for the Prime Minister position, also there is no rift between Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamottoo.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

@ Dave, did you write that piece ? never seem you present a lengthy post. Any way some are factual and some not, the Prime Minister salary wasn't increased by 50%, the AG salary was more than the PM, so a balancing act took place.The twenty vehicles seems like an overstretch.

Me thinks the Leadership of the AFC reached out to Nagamottoo for the Prime Minister position, also there is no rift between Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamottoo.

I pen every word DJ. 

Django posted:

@ Dave, did you write that piece ? never seem you present a lengthy post. Any way some are factual and some not, the Prime Minister salary wasn't increased by 50%, the AG salary was more than the PM, so a balancing act took place.The twenty vehicles seems like an overstretch.

Me thinks the Leadership of the AFC reached out to Nagamottoo for the Prime Minister position, also there is no rift between Prakash Ramjattan and Moses Nagamottoo.

I was still with the AFC when Nagamootoo defected to the AFC.  Nagamootoo provided a lifeline of votes that the AFC was not able to muster.  There is no rule written that the founding members take precedent over any other, it was about votes,  In 2011 Ramjattan lost in his home constituency and clearly lacked any constituency!

Had the AFC used their balance of power to further the agenda of the People, today they would have likely moved up the food chain and become much more relevant.

Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:

Ms Ali, I hope you’re not a drunk.. because is only drunk does listen to Nagamootoo 

Nagamootoo did more and stood up for the PPP much more than many but because of HIS CHOICE he is everything but a human being, you people should be ashamed of yourselves. Reminds me of something regurgitated here often, "dem does eat yo food, an when deh done, is bore deh does bore yo plate man"

No thanks whatsoever, but instead, insult. 

I gon Address your “ HUMAN BEING “ comment. Yes we should forgive,  as non of us are perfect . But how much time you should forgive that person if they don’t even demonstrate some remorse and recognized their faults. 

Nagamootoo did wrong things within PPP when Cheddi was alive ( when PPP was in the opposition) Janet and some CC members want him gone. It was Cheddi who kept him. 

Naga is on video at a PPP public meeting as saying “ he will never be a nemakaram “  see the video here

When Naga jump ship and joint  AFC, he did so on condition of getting the PM portfolio although he was NOT one of the founder member. He went to Whim and told his supporters to vote for AFC, the AFC will NEVER join with PNC. 

Not only have Naga join forces with PNC, but he is in bed with the same people at congress place who beat and torcher him in his early political life. 

Naga lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming he was promised the president position. 

When PPP won election in 1992, Nago took time of for two years to study law much to the displeasure of his colleagues who said “ we now got into government to rebuild the nation “ 

Naga then insult PPP of having a donkey cart economy with big pay raise. But the same traitor empty the tax payers money to enhance his Cadillac lifestyle with customized million dollar vehicle. He brought in duty free 20 vehicles that is used for out riders and his personal use. He rebuilt the street and playground to his home in Linlendaal. He gives himself a 50% increase in salary and double his pension. 

He said the residence where former PM Sam Hinds was living is not fit for a dog - he spend millions in upgrades. 

While enjoying his Cadillac lifestyle, he turn his backs on Sugar workers who he was fighting for during his political ambitions. 

He is on record as saying the NCM defeat means APNU/ AFC will go to the poll. He is known for speaking with many mouth .. we all saw what he did now.

Today Naga is causing conflicts and setting strife within AFC for the PM position, he turn around to contest the position with Ramjattan ( one of the founder who was instrumental in bringing him over to AFC) 

Hey I can go on and on about this traitor Naga. How much more forgiveness you want for him. 

That “eating food and bore the pate bottom “ has many meaning. I gon give you one. 

In Buxton company path rd. There is two sets of Putagee families born and raise three generations families - the Vasconcellos and the Periarra . Vasconcellos- The father has a retail liquor store and son - a general store, they provide food and employment to Buxtonians for decades. During the 1997 violence , the same Buxton residents threatened them, they had to leave their homes where they were born in. 

Across from the Vasconcellos was the Perierra - a big mining company ( they provide hundreds of jobs also to Blacks ... they were driven out. 

So, these Putagee businesses were feeding the community and them blacks Afro Negroes turn around and bore them bottom . 

Before all that occurred, soon as Naga jumped ship he was called derogatory names, he was called a # igger Indian and other nasty shyte, that is what I am speaking about, it had nothing to do with the rest of your post of which I am aware. This is because Indians feel the PPP is the party for Indians regardless of their actions, same as some blacks view the PNC.

Of course he was called those names when he jump ship because of this

you are also biased in your comments, painting all Indians as PPP and only some blacks as PNC. 

And you “ likeee” is so dumb she is a Indian by birth 

Bai, I wouldn't consider that 'likee' dumb but I would certainly suggest that she may be very wicked. She recently seemingly gleefully disclosed to me through PM that a former poster was currently experiencing a very severe illness. She added that he used to gang up with another poster to pick on her. Now that former poster is highly respected on GNI and it is for that very reason that I am abstaining from disclosing his identity. One has to be really wicked to gleefully talk about another's severe illness.

In another PM, she asked me to go pick a fight with another poster. I told her that she knows I would have a problem doing that. Being that I am a smooth operator, that was my polite way of telling her to get the fuvk out of my face.


Nagga is a piece of shit, a Dutty Indian, he sold out his Mattie Indians, the Rice farmers, the sugar workers just to mention. Question, what has he done or proposed to help the poor class much less he mattie coolie. NOTHING!!! His life as a politician is over, he has NO HEART.


@ Django, Naga security details out number Granger bhai. 

I personally have nothing against him but is very disappointed how he turned  his back on the Sugar workers and betray his community. 

I will never forget that day when I walk into my parents home and saw Naga and Feroz Mohamed trying to convince my dad to stay on in the party. 

It was too late then .. 

all because I had to supply a 32” TV and donate $50,000 cash to the office of Home Affairs - who knows where it went... to get my gun licence knowingly I am a businessman who’s family was target and was shot and I would also loan my pick up vehicle to the community policing group for night patrol and would joint them on these patrols sometimes. I was also locked  up with my dad for political work for PPP. 

My dad made reference of what I experience  at the party regular meeting and the messages were send to Jagdeo. When my in laws apply for gun licenses ( they have huge business also) Gagraj made these references of what my dad say and denied my in-laws that licence. Fortunately, they got it after I intervened. 

When the Canadian embassy issued us Residence visa and said go. At the airport that morning of leaving, immigration officers  detain my wife after lifting the seal of her photo and claim tampering  . My wife cry and insist I Board the plane with two of my three kids and she was held back. She knew I will go after who ever ?? 

It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. 

My wife give a interview to my cousin / a journalist which was broadcast on national TV the same night she was flying out .. one week after that Timeheri incident. 

I am so disappointed with PPP but will not betray them. I will speak out never the less of the injustices. And can do more but I respect my dad wish.. I can feel his pain for what the PPP is today. 


"It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. "

Great man, known him for years, since he was with Yasin,my sister-in-law (Ex-wife sister ) home was a depot for embroidery,the work was farmed out to villagers mostly women folks, when she migrated, my ex took over.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

"It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. "

Great man, known him for years, since he was with Yasin,my sister-in-law (Ex-wife sister ) home was a depot for embroidery,the work was farmed out to villagers mostly women folks, when she migrated, my ex took over.

Interesting. He was a very close friend to my dad. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

"It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. "

Great man, known him for years, since he was with Yasin,my sister-in-law (Ex-wife sister ) home was a depot for embroidery,the work was farmed out to villagers mostly women folks, when she migrated, my ex took over.

Interesting. He was a very close friend to my dad. 

We were very close, like family. After i migrated heard his business expanded, sad he passed away young.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

"It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. "

Great man, known him for years, since he was with Yasin,my sister-in-law (Ex-wife sister ) home was a depot for embroidery,the work was farmed out to villagers mostly women folks, when she migrated, my ex took over.

Interesting. He was a very close friend to my dad. 

We were very close, like family. After i migrated heard his business expanded, sad he passed away young.

He’s a gentleman. You know his other brother Frank from Happy Acres. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

"It was Vastie Jagdeo and Dennis Morgan who drove to Timehri and got my wife and 3 months old daughter driven in a Government vehicle with security patrols she arranged to a safe location. "

Great man, known him for years, since he was with Yasin,my sister-in-law (Ex-wife sister ) home was a depot for embroidery,the work was farmed out to villagers mostly women folks, when she migrated, my ex took over.

Interesting. He was a very close friend to my dad. 

We were very close, like family. After i migrated heard his business expanded, sad he passed away young.

He’s a gentleman. You know his other brother Frank from Happy Acres. 

Can't recall meeting him.


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