The newly elected officials of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) met yesterday with President David Granger at State House.

A statement from the PSC today said that officials expressed their commitment to work closely with Government for the greater good of the nation and the President responded with similar sentiments saying that he would seek to encourage this collaboration among the members of Cabinet and Government agencies.

The statement said that the PSC pointed to its good relationships with the Ministers of Finance, Business and Foreign Affairs, in particular, and said that it looked forward to similar cooperation with the rest of the Cabinet.

Relations between the government and the PSC have been uneasy as a result of severe criticisms by the latter about the state of the economy under the APNU+AFC administration and matters such as the oil and gas sector.

The PSC release said that matters discussed included the participation of the Private Sector Commission in the development of the Green State Development Strategy where it has representatives on all seven thematic groups and the inclusion of PSC representatives on Government Boards and bodies across the country.

The PSC, the statement said, also voiced the view that, in keeping with the Government’s thrust for localised development, members of private sector organisations in the communities should be part of the governance and regulatory systems in their communities. This idea found favour with the President, the release added.

Both President Granger and the officials of the PSC expressed the view that their encounter augured well for the forging of ties between Government and the private sector, the release said.