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One cannot help but to admire this President. I do not know how he does it but he do. He won the Presidency against great odds. A little known Senator from Chicago won the primaries against a former first lady.


Fast forward  to the bully of the World, Israel. Yesterday Obama made the PM of Israel apologize to Turkey for the killing of the peaceful ship crew who were taking supplies to the suffering people of Gaza. Only last summer the the PM of Israel was indirectly involved or was trying to endorse the republican candidate Mitt Romney and here six months later Mr Obama HAS HIM EATING OUT OF HIS HANDS.

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I am bit confused here Nehru what is wishful thinking, please expound. 

Are you saying that Israel did not apologize yesterday?


What is funny is the American press is saying this morning about normalization of ties between Turkey and Israel without mentioning the word aplogize unlike the British tabloids that carried the full story.

Originally Posted by Chief:

One cannot help but to admire this President. I do not know how he does it but he do. He won the Presidency against great odds. A little known Senator from Chicago won the primaries against a former first lady.


Fast forward  to the bully of the World, Israel. Yesterday Obama made the PM of Israel apologize to Turkey for the killing of the peaceful ship crew who were taking supplies to the suffering people of Gaza. Only last summer the the PM of Israel was indirectly involved or was trying to endorse the republican candidate Mitt Romney and here six months later Mr Obama HAS HIM EATING OUT OF HIS HANDS.



Obama has shown great skill in his foreign policy.


As a Muslim and someone who protested in the streets of London in the 70s over the Palestinian problem, I certainly do not like the outcomes we have today. I cannot see how a nation that suffered the Holocaust and seen apartheid and now look at the Arabs living in Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and see the same thing, and feel good about itself.


Having said that we have to be cognizant of the realities. Obama understands that Israel policy is driven largely by Congress - and both Dems and Repubs (as Nehru alluded to) lack backbone in their dealings with Israel, especially the settlements in the West Bank and the stranglehold in Gaza. Obama also knows the political shenanigans of the Iran/Alawite Syria/Hezbollah/Hamas grouping, and the Sunni responses of the Saudis and Jordanians especially.


Obama may just be starting an Israeli Spring by talking directly to the youths in Israel, just like he did with that brilliant Cairo speech shortly after taking office. Bib Netanyahu has a weak coalition and he has to play politics too. Abass runs with the half a loaf is better than none approach. As an Israeli says Abass knows he can't have the dessert before the soup. Obama is playing all parties like a maestro. And now the Turks, importantly, are back in the game. It will take a while (like we see with health care and education reforms by Obama) but you are seeing slivers of hope that the Middle East does not have to be intractable.


Obama is indeed showing how special he is.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has shown great skill in his foreign policy.


As a Muslim and someone who protested in the streets of London in the 70s over the Palestinian problem, I certainly do not like the outcomes we have today. I cannot see how a nation that suffered the Holocaust and seen apartheid and now look at the Arabs living in Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and see the same thing, and feel good about itself.


Having said that we have to be cognizant of the realities. Obama understands that Israel policy is driven largely by Congress - and both Dems and Repubs (as Nehru alluded to) lack backbone in their dealings with Israel, especially the settlements in the West Bank and the stranglehold in Gaza. Obama also knows the political shenanigans of the Iran/Alawite Syria/Hezbollah/Hamas grouping, and the Sunni responses of the Saudis and Jordanians especially.


Obama may just be starting an Israeli Spring by talking directly to the youths in Israel, just like he did with that brilliant Cairo speech shortly after taking office. Bib Netanyahu has a weak coalition and he has to play politics too. Abass runs with the half a loaf is better than none approach. As an Israeli says Abass knows he can't have the dessert before the soup. Obama is playing all parties like a maestro. And now the Turks, importantly, are back in the game. It will take a while (like we see with health care and education reforms by Obama) but you are seeing slivers of hope that the Middle East does not have to be intractable.


Obama is indeed showing how special he is.

Shows how stupid you are.  You are good at talking a lot, but little thought.  This is not about Obama, he is making the same errors as Bush and others.  This "change agent", who opposed water boarding is proposing "Droning" America.


Obama will accomplish less than Clinton or Carter, but I guess even that would be an achievement to you.

Originally Posted by Chief:

One cannot help but to admire this President. I do not know how he does it but he do. He won the Presidency against great odds. A little known Senator from Chicago won the primaries against a former first lady.


Fast forward  to the bully of the World, Israel. Yesterday Obama made the PM of Israel apologize to Turkey for the killing of the peaceful ship crew who were taking supplies to the suffering people of Gaza. Only last summer the the PM of Israel was indirectly involved or was trying to endorse the republican candidate Mitt Romney and here six months later Mr Obama HAS HIM EATING OUT OF HIS HANDS.

Alyuh soooooo stupid.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman put in your pipe and smoke it, when  Mr Barack Hussain Obama born, azaan was called in his ears, aqquekah was done for him and he was circumcised. All in keeping with with what has to be done when a muslim child comes into this world.


Now go and cry!!

Bai, me don't cry, Obama gon come and go and is alyuh fulla gon leff crying.  Only only thing, he is slowly weakening the USA in the process.


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