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President observes third year in office – spends time with Rupununi residents

Written by Gina Webmasters, Published in News, December 6, 2014 - by Gina-Webmaster, Source - GINA
 President Donald Ramotar with students of Sand Creek Secondary
President Donald Ramotar with students of Sand Creek Secondary

President Donald Ramotar observed three years in office on December 3, 2014. The Head of state took the time off to spend some time with people of the Rupununi in Region Nine.


President Donald Ramotar being welcomed at Achiwib


President Donald Ramotar addressing residents of Rupunau



President Donald Ramotar being welcomed at Sawariwau


Head of State, Donald Ramotar being swarmed by residents and children at one of the villages in the Rupununi


Taking a photo opportunity with residents in the Rupununi


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Let me explain to them fellas on GNI. When you plant baigan, you will reap baigan. When you invest in education, you reap educated children that makes their country proud. Allyou understand? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let me explain to them fellas on GNI. When you plant baigan, you will reap baigan. When you invest in education, you reap educated children that makes their country proud. Allyou understand? 

Thanks for the succinct explanation, Cobra.


Now ah hundastand prappa.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let me explain to them fellas on GNI. When you plant baigan, you will reap baigan. When you invest in education, you reap educated children that makes their country proud. Allyou understand? 




You are like a professor these days.

Originally Posted by kp:

The Chief In Control.

Of Course the Ideological racist running Ramouatar with a remote control from the Beach front property at Pradoville.


Ramu go there and say this.



Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP have a sold record to run on. Every day it shows and the people knows. Meeting, greeting and engaging in communities around the country will go a long way.


Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by kp:

The Chief In Control.

Of Course the Ideological racist running Ramouatar with a remote control from the Beach front property at Pradoville.


Ramu go there and say this.



KishanB, as a matter of fact, the president is in control and he promise election early next year or next month rather. Isn't that what you guys been waiting for? Now you have you chances to get rid of the racist Ramotar. Why you kicking and bucking like a wild bull?


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