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President, PAHO Director hold fruitful talks

–ahead of ‘Wellness Week’ activities


GUYANA’S health care system was the focus of discussions when Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) Director, Dr Carissa Etienne, met President Donald Ramotar yesterday at the Presidential Complex.


From left: Dr Kavita Singh, Coordinator Chronic Diseases Department; PAHO’s Representative Dr William Adu-Krow, Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, , President Donald Ramotar, PAHO’s Director, Dr Carissa Etienne, Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shamdeo Persaud and , Advisor, FCH and HIV PAHO/WHO, Rosalinda Hernandez Dr. Rosalinda Hernandez

From left: Dr Kavita Singh, Coordinator Chronic Diseases Department; PAHO’s Representative Dr William Adu-Krow, Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, , President Donald Ramotar, PAHO’s Director, Dr Carissa Etienne, Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsaran, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shamdeo Persaud and , Advisor, FCH and HIV PAHO/WHO, Rosalinda Hernandez Dr. Rosalinda Hernandez


Issues that confront the health care system, and developments were some of the main topics discussed, according to the PAHO head.

“The president seemed well versed on the health situation in the country; he was able to bring some attention to suicides, to non-communicable diseases particularly. He is a good example of lifestyle behaviour changes; he was very concerned about the situation in the country about NCDS, and suicides and what it is PAHO could do to assist with technical cooperation,” Dr Etienne said.


PAHO Director, Dr. Carissa Etienne and First Lady, Madame Deolatchmee Ramotar enjoy each other’s company briefly during the former’s visit to State House yesterday

PAHO Director, Dr. Carissa Etienne and First Lady, Madame Deolatchmee Ramotar enjoy each other’s company briefly during the former’s visit to State House yesterday


Subjects such as the chikungunya disease, now prevalent in Guyana and the Caribbean, and the emerging threat of Ebola in Africa, and what it could mean for countries like Guyana were also discussed, she said, adding:


“We spoke about the developments that the Ministry of Health and the actions they have been taking to prevent, and be prepared in cases of Ebola erupting.”

A native of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Carissa F. Etienne was elected Director of PAHO by the Member States of the Organisation on September 19, 2012 and began her five-year term on February 1, 2013.

From March 2008 until November 1, 2012, Dr. Etienne served as Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Services at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.




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Importance of primary health care services underscored -as PAHO Director tours Campbellville Health centre

Written by  , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, September 11, 2014, Source - GINA


 Director of the Pan American Health Organisation, Dr Carissa Etienne, accompanied by Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran, tour the Campbellville Health centre

Director of the Pan American Health Organisation, Dr Carissa Etienne, accompanied by Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran, tour the Campbellville Health centre


Director of the Pan American Health Organisation Dr Carissa Etienne today was taken on a guided tour of the Campbellville Health Centre where she urged the staff there to always remember how valuable their services are.

Minister of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsaran, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital, Michael Khan and other medical personnel were present. The health centre is the responsibility of the GPHC.


Coming from Dominica where a massive hurricane caused that country to look more into a primary health care system, Dr. Etienne said she knows and values any good primary health care system.


“I believe that this is the most important level of health care system, this is where people live, work, and it is here the health sector must interact with people to ensure that we deliver comprehensive services, including prevention and promotion, rehabilitation and palliative care very much what you are doing here.”


The Campbellville Health centre


Dr. Etienne underscored the importance of the services the staff offer at the health centre, while noting that these play a very critical role in a population’s health.


“Sometimes you are made to feel that what you are doing is second class and sometimes your hospital, doctors and nurses would try to make you feel what you are doing is less than what they are doing. The truth is no, the majority of people who live in the community you deal with and you help them to remain healthy, make sure that the children are immunised, you help with the promotion and education so the work that you do is of high importance.”


Director of the Pan American Health Organisation, Dr Carissa Etienne and team speaking with staff of the Campbellville Health centre


Reiterating the importance of a working primary care programme, the Director said she is aware of the effects that primary care service has on the health status of individuals as she has had first hand experience in the field.


“I saw countries that were much bigger than Dominica trying to implement primary health care service, they may have sophisticated equipment and big hospitals, but that does not bring health to people; the work that you do that is what ensures health and ensures people remain healthy.”


The PAHO Director also took the opportunity to congratulate the doctors and nurses who give their services to the Campbellville community and its environs.


“I want to congratulate you on the coverage you have been able to achieve. I know a lot of people benefit from what you do, and as we move forward, primary health care makes a significant contribution to the health care sector.”


Director of the Pan American Health Organisation, Dr Carissa Etienne, Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran, and PAHO Representative in Guyana, Dr Wiliam Adu-Krow with the head doctor and the dentist of the Campbellville Health centre


She also encouraged the staff to look into the possibility of interacting more with members of the community to get a better understanding of what their health care needs are. She also called on them to place more emphasis on preventative care.


“Preventative care and preventative service is good; this is of immense value to your population. I urge you to work assiduously”


While acknowledging the importance of referral services and hospitals, Dr. Etienne reminded the staff that, “increasing access to health care is what you are doing here, it’s of immense value, it’s a passion that has to drive you. I hope you have passion that will sustain you to continue to give service to your people.”


Meanwhile Dr. Ramsaran also took the opportunity to congratulate the staff at the health centre noting that he was impressed with the level of services they have been providing over the years.


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