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President pardons several jailed women for Christmas

President David Granger announcing the pardon of the 11 women for Christmas 2015. President David Granger announcing the pardon of the 11 women for Christmas 2015.

President David Granger has announced the pardon of several women convicted for non-violent offences and that they are expected to be released from prison on Monday.

Speaking on his weekly television programme, Public Interest, the Guyanese leader said he exercised his compassion in pardoning 11 women who were convicted and imprisoned for non-violent, narcotics and trafficking in persons.

“My emphasis is on women, women who are mothers and also parents of young children. I want them to be home for Christmas,” he said.

The President said he intended to begin a tradition of pardoning men on each Independence anniversary and women at Christmas. At the same time, he warned that pardoned persons who end up in jail would have to stay behind bars until the end of their sentences. "They would make themselves ineligible in my eyes for release again. I am not a sort of perpetual releaser. If given an opportunity and they waste the opportunity, then they will serve the time," he said.

In apparent reference to critics of his decision to pardon non-violent critics, he said he receives advice from the Ministry of Public Security and so his decision is “not arbitrary.” He said plans are in train to provide rehabilitation services for pardoned prisoners.

“I do feel that if a person remains in jail too long, he or she will become a habitual or repetitive offender whereas if he was given a chance to make a turnaround in his life  and follow a good career, a useful career,” he said

The President was asked what happens to the victims, from whom-for example-their cellular phones have been stolen- to which he responded that the convicts would have a stained record when they apply for jobs.

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I hope these women have the proper resources and mentoring to keep them on track to live purposeful lives.  If not they could become a menace to society.  That being said, I have little faith in what he is doing.  I don't understand why he is so focused on releasing prisoners yet he has not produced a development plan for the country and the year is coming to an end.  Poor poor leadership.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I hope these women have the proper resources and mentoring to keep them on track to live purposeful lives.  If not they could become a menace to society.  That being said, I have little faith in what he is doing.  I don't understand why he is so focused on releasing prisoners yet he has not produced a development plan for the country and the year is coming to an end.  Poor poor leadership.


I have to say that your response is accurate. This government has no roadmap for the next year and have proven to be a total failure.


The eleven eligible women are in jail for non-violent, non-cocaine related and non-human trafficking offenses. In short, petty crimes.

In the spirit of the Christmas season, President Granger is exercising compassion and forgiveness. The 11 women should count their blessings and resolve to sin no more.They will get rehabilitation help from the government.

The President has warned that if anyone breaks the conditions of pardon, that person will return to prison to complete his/her sentence.




There are many starving children in Guyana who would like a dry bread and some water for Christmas form the generous Grainger. The first set of convicts were never accounted for despite the public concern. One that we know of committed rape after he was released and everything were done secretly to save Grainger from embarrassment. What proof do we have that these women will seek rehabilitation when the public will have no knowledge of their whereabouts or activities? This is a cheap effort to make a criminal lover dictator look good. Next year look out for more criminals on the street for independence.

Cobra posted:

. . . What proof do we have that these women will seek rehabilitation when the public will have no knowledge of their whereabouts or activities? This is a cheap effort to make a criminal lover dictator look good. Next year look out for more criminals on the street for independence.

how can we have "proof" of future acts?

and when did even antiman get this frightened by non-violent homan convict?

banna go rent a spine . . . jeez

Cobra posted:

What proof do we have that these women will seek rehabilitation when the public will have no knowledge of their whereabouts or activities?

President Granger said that the government has a plan that will seek to ensure that young persons who are released from jail are offered some rehabilitation, “so they don’t go for jail again”.


Nehru posted:
Mr.T posted:

Not much noise from the PPP batty lickers since most of those women are East Indians.

You are nothing but a RACIST Dog, even criminals are looked with your color lenses.

Not so long ago you were shouting how Granger let out all those black criminals, without even a mention of the East Indian criminals that were amongst the figures. But that was not considered racist to you. How come?


Mr. President Granger, thank you for making this kind, humane and heart warming gesture to these eleven Moms during this Xmas season. This act of forgiveness shows that humanity is still alive.

I hope their release is actively monitored, such as weekly reports to a probation officer with an understanding they are back to the slammer for any infraction of the rules.

This act shows a government with compassion, common sense, integrity and empathy for their citizens, attitudes that were severely lacking in the past 23 years of the  former government.


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