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President Ramotar attends NBS Christmas celebration

Georgetown, GINA, December 18, 2011
Source - GINA

President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuels Hinds with some of the executive members of NBS

President Donald Ramotar, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Finance Minister Ashni Singh on Saturday evening joined the staff of the New Building Society (NBS) at the organisation’s annual Christmas party. The get-together was hosted at what will soon be the organization’s offices at Robb and Avenue Streets.

President Ramotar expressing pleasure at being a part of the organisation’s festivity and praised the organisation’s staff for the work which it has been doing with regards to the development of the country, especially towards the development of the housing sector.

He told the NBS staff that “the housing sector has taken off a lot and this is due to the loans that have been disbursed from NBS.”

NBS staff at the organisation’s annual Christmas party

President Ramotar also congratulated the NBS management team and Board of Directors for taking the initiative to erect what he called ‘another showpiece in the city,’ referring to the site of the celebration, the building that houses the organisation’s new offices.

NBS staff at the organisation’s annual Christmas party

He told the NBS staff that the construction of the new building substantiate the growing investment dynamics of the country’s economy, a dynamism the President anticipates will continue to grow and gain momentum under the current administration.

President Donald Ramotar addressing the staff of NBS

Minister of Labour and Chairman of the Board of NBS, Dr. N. Gopaul, addressing the President on behalf of NBS, assured him that “NBS stands primarily on the side of the Government in promoting housing development and in promoting the all- round development of the country.”

Prime Minister Samuels Hinds mingles with staff at the party

Gopaul said that up to about a week ago, the organisation disbursed $4B as loans to build homes and added that this was the highest recorded amount of loans during a year that the organisation has ever recorded. He further stated that given the present rate of the market, the organization will have the capacity to disbursed $6B in 2012.

President Donald Ramotar poses with some NBS staff

Replies sorted oldest to newest

From these photos there seems to be very little diversity in employment. This cannot be due to lack of ample qualifications by African- and Mixed Race-Guyanese. Thousands of them graduate every year from Guyana's top high schools and UG. There's something unfair and perhaps discriminatory about the picture at NBS. This I would more expect to see at the Bank of Baroda Frown
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
From these photos there seems to be very little diversity in employment. This cannot be due to lack of ample qualifications by African- and Mixed Race-Guyanese. Thousands of them graduate every year from Guyana's top high schools and UG. There's something unfair and perhaps discriminatory about the picture at NBS. This I would more expect to see at the Bank of Baroda Frown

I saw quite a few Afros/mixed in the crowd. Maybe your eyes are trained to see what you want.

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