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The Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by imo:


Some of these people did not experience the PNC destroy all days. I know in Skeldon and the surrounding areas, progress is looking you in the face at every turn.

I have no doubt the PNC did not take as these guys are doing today.


If someone had more than Forbes, he would nationalise what the someone had. The PNC took everything. It was said jokingly that if Forbes knew you had a bigger penis than he did, he would nationalise it.

So where did the PPP find all dem land to sell to foreigners at a knock down price? That includes the sale of part of the jungle for U$3M, which then was resold for U$150M.

Where did the PPP find the land to give to those thieving Canadian gold mining companies? Where did the PPP find oil to give away the territory to some so called oil exploration company?


The fact is that the PNC stole nothing. There is no evidence to support that. It is a fabrication made up by the PPP in order to justify the thefts done by PPP members.

The PPP show progress, where as PNC steal and destroy, you are so right MR T what they steal was spend, EASY COME EASY GOES SO THERE IS NOTHING TO SHOW HAHAHAHA  It like the sugar cane field they did not know to re plant it cause all of them in the pnc had no brains I PITY YOUR THINKING no brainer, go eat your heart out


Burnham would eliminate any PNC member who would think of stealing. Only Burnham was allowed to steal. So if Burnham spent what he stole, what did he spend it on? You just digging a deeper hole for yourself with all the lies.

By the way, my grandfather was locked up for attempting to get rid of Burnham. So I do know a lot more about the man than you.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Burnham would eliminate any PNC member who would think of stealing. Only Burnham was allowed to steal. So if Burnham spent what he stole, what did he spend it on? You just digging a deeper hole for yourself with all the lies.

By the way, my grandfather was locked up for attempting to get rid of Burnham. So I do know a lot more about the man than you.

So you admit Forbes was a dictator and a murderer?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Burnham would eliminate any PNC member who would think of stealing. Only Burnham was allowed to steal. So if Burnham spent what he stole, what did he spend it on? You just digging a deeper hole for yourself with all the lies.

By the way, my grandfather was locked up for attempting to get rid of Burnham. So I do know a lot more about the man than you.

So you admit Forbes was a dictator and a murderer?

WHo ever said he wasn't??? As is well known Jagdeo modelled himself in the image of Burnham, instead of in the image of Jagan. That's how much BUrnham is admired in certain circles within the PPP.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Burnham would eliminate any PNC member who would think of stealing. Only Burnham was allowed to steal. So if Burnham spent what he stole, what did he spend it on? You just digging a deeper hole for yourself with all the lies.

By the way, my grandfather was locked up for attempting to get rid of Burnham. So I do know a lot more about the man than you.

So you admit Forbes was a dictator and a murderer?

WHo ever said he wasn't??? As is well known Jagdeo modelled himself in the image of Burnham, instead of in the image of Jagan. That's how much BUrnham is admired in certain circles within the PPP.

I am happy Jagdeo fix allyou ass good and prappa and still aiming high in Guyana. Yall think he was going to turn the other cheek. Do fuh do nah obeah.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Construction of the Marriot will help make the hotel industry more competitive.  For too long Guyanese returning home for holiday have had to pay exhorbitant prices for hotel rooms. The small hotels will have to lower their rates to stay in business. Capitalism works best when there is healthy competition.


You are obviouslu ignorant of the hotel trade.

What percentage of visiting emigrants ever stay in a hotel for any length of time. They go and stay with families and friends instead of in a hotel that is in most cases at least a day's travel from their final destination.

The cost of a hotel room is very much dependent on the facilities on offer. A bed for the night is at the budget end of the market. Poor service is also quickly noted on the net, and not even cut price sleeping facilities won't compensate a visitor who is accustomed to a better standard of care.


Take a flight to Suriname for a weekend and go and visit the top hotels there. Customers are spoilt for comfort and choice. The Guyanese marketing mentality of the government has to change from a focus on cut price rooms for visiting emigrants to one of facilities for potential tourism.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

.when the Cricket Stadium was being constructed it also attracted negative criticisms from the joint opposition, they were later put to shame, the same will occur with the Marriott Hotel



How exactly were critics of the cricket ground put to shame?  You must pay India back in US$ even though the ground generates little of that.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

WHo ever said he wasn't??? As is well known Jagdeo modelled himself in the image of Burnham,.

Thats why they call him Baby Kong, son of King Kong.  Seeing Jagdeo among blacks reminds me of Burnham among Indians.  A few soup lickers, and others terrified of his rage and so fake welcomes in these communities.


Bottom line is that neither Burnham, nor Jagdeo attracted many cross racial votes.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Progress progress progress, now I can kick back in a real 5 star hotel instead of the fake ones like Princess and Pegasus where bedbugs bite. ahahah 


I see they have sent you out to spread the rumors to help kill Princess and Pegasus. Never mind Princess is jagdeo's creation using the people's monies. 

The Princess served its purpose at the time, and it was not a Jagdeo creation, the loan to keep it on schedule was approved by parliament and had the support of the majority of Guyanese. It was only you naysayers who stand to benefit by lack of progress that made a fuss over the loan which has since been repaid in full.


You look up the reviews of both Princess and Pegasus and tell me if you don't agree that these are substandard accommodations.  I am surprised that you want the nation to settle for mediocrity instead of excellence. No wonder they say that your PHD was honorary and not earned.    


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