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Former Member

President Donald Ramotar and Commissioner of Police [ag), Seelall Persaud earlier this year. [iNews' Photo]

The Opposition’s threat to pass a no confidence motion against the Government is not sitting well with President Donald Ramotar, who today lashed out at the Opposition and did not mix words about his take on this threat.


President Ramotar told iNews today that his administration remains defiant in the face of the Opposition’s plans and is prepared to deal with the consequences.

The Head of State says he is not worried about the no confidence motion.


“I am a warrior. I am prepared to deal with anything,” he declared.

Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Change, Moses Nagamootoo cited Government’s lack of accountability among other issues as their reason for considering this no confidence motion.


Nagamootoo said the recent revelation that government spent $4.5 billion of the $37.4 billion which had been cut by the joint opposition from the $220 billion 2014 budget was a case in point as a financial breach by the Government.


Government is now hoping it can cover that amount and has tabled a financial paper in Parliament but there is no guarantee that the Opposition will support it.


If the Opposition passes this ‘no confidence’ motion, it would become a resolution that only the President can act on. However, this has proven to be a failed attempt, and one example is the no confidence motion that was brought against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee.


The Opposition campaigned hard to have the Minister removed from his post for failure to effectively perform his duties, however, the President and his entire cabinet stood behind Rohee.

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I hope he knows that warriors who looses battles ends up being captives. And in deplorable abodes. He should comtemplate his strategies veeeery carefully. They have done tooooooo many wrong things for the past 22 years. Thank goodness they are out. 


A no-confidence motion against the government and a no-confidence motion against Clement Rohee are two different things.

President Ramotar was not bound to act on the passed Rohee motion although he might have breached the constitution. The opposition was still attending parliament to work on other issues.

If the House of Assembly passes a no-confidence motion against the government, however, President Ramotar is bound by the constitution to dissolve parliament and call elections within a specified time frame.

If the President refuses to do that, the opposition will not attend sittings of the House as such sittings would be unconstitutional and subject to court action.


The begining of the death of the Corrupt PPP/C. A rude awakening is waiting at the polls, hope that he does not get a heart attack by the time elections time comes around.


During his short reign, he has condone too many PPP/C wrong doings.

Last edited by Former Member

You all left Rumtar alone, senility stepping in.  He clear does not know what is a warrior.  let us introduce him to Jesus and Lord Krishna - true warriors for righteousness.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

President Donald Ramotar and Commissioner of Police [ag), Seelall Persaud earlier this year. [iNews' Photo]

The Opposition’s threat to pass a no confidence motion against the Government is not sitting well with President Donald Ramotar, who today lashed out at the Opposition and did not mix words about his take on this threat.


President Ramotar told iNews today that his administration remains defiant in the face of the Opposition’s plans and is prepared to deal with the consequences.

The Head of State says he is not worried about the no confidence motion.


“I am a warrior. I am prepared to deal with anything,” he declared.

Vice-Chairman of the Alliance for Change, Moses Nagamootoo cited Government’s lack of accountability among other issues as their reason for considering this no confidence motion.


Nagamootoo said the recent revelation that government spent $4.5 billion of the $37.4 billion which had been cut by the joint opposition from the $220 billion 2014 budget was a case in point as a financial breach by the Government.


Government is now hoping it can cover that amount and has tabled a financial paper in Parliament but there is no guarantee that the Opposition will support it.


If the Opposition passes this ‘no confidence’ motion, it would become a resolution that only the President can act on. However, this has proven to be a failed attempt, and one example is the no confidence motion that was brought against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee.


The Opposition campaigned hard to have the Minister removed from his post for failure to effectively perform his duties, however, the President and his entire cabinet stood behind Rohee.

When a donkey brays, no one takes him on.  Bray on Danald, bray on.


I like how Moses knuckle him today.


Let us see the AFC motion soon Moses.


No confidence in the PPP in the name of Moses Nagamootoo.


Let us see what the Carbin coward Granja will do.


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