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President Ramotar meets Guyanese in Richmond Hill"

September 28, 2013

by Stabroek editor"


In Richmond Hill, New York on Friday evening, President Donald Ramotar addressed a packed house at Fairfield Pavilion owned by a Guyanese American where he spoke about the current political situation in Guyana and fielded questions from the audience.  After the event, he interacted with the large gathering posing for photographs.  Ramotar was in New York to address the UN General Assembly. A section of the gathering at the event.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

Jagdeo had to remind de Dummies....
He is Large......and still in charge.

and...Donald Duck is Just another Dummy...Quacking.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

Jagdeo had to remind de Dummies....
He is Large......and still in charge.

and...Donald Duck is Just another Dummy...Quacking.

Donald was visibly upset at Jagdeo's presence and lenghty speech ....we found out later that Jagdeo was invited to the podium by Raj Singh who chaired the function....later that evening one of the old stalwarts challenged Raj Singh's qualifications for the GUYSUCO top job.....


Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

You are free to believe what you want....I was there and saw it all.....

Originally Posted by Vish M:

Many folks were asking if this was a GOG event or a PPP/C event?


Can we have a feedback on this issue?

it was the usual ****** people jamboree; a chance to dress up and bask in the glow of awee pon top. Black people know well to stay out of the way. The few non sheep who were there were quickly shut up. The PPP knows how to screen for sheep. I bet you churchill came away from there with an increased distance between him and those crooks. The same goes for all of those who watched the PPP morph into that  hideous necrotizing corrupt party of yes men that now bend the knees to the jagdeo crew.

Originally Posted by Sunil:

President Ramotar meets Guyanese in Richmond Hill"

September 28, 2013

by Stabroek editor"


In Richmond Hill, New York on Friday evening, President Donald Ramotar addressed a packed house at Fairfield Pavilion owned by a Guyanese American where he spoke about the current political situation in Guyana and fielded questions from the audience.  After the event, he interacted with the large gathering posing for photographs.  Ramotar was in New York to address the UN General Assembly. A section of the gathering at the event.



The PPP will win a majority at the next election. Indo Guyanese are nervous at recent reports of a new strategy by the PNC to overthrow the PPP by brutal force and installing a PNC dictatorship then using a few Indo Guyanese as window dressers.



Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Chruchill is bitter and envious. Envy is a dangerous thing.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Chruchill is bitter and envious. Envy is a dangerous thing.

you accuse others of not commenting on the issue, and you choose to attack Churchill who was actually at the event

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Chruchill is bitter and envious. Envy is a dangerous thing.

you accuse others of not commenting on the issue, and you choose to attack Churchill who was actually at the event


Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see. It is amazing how the PPP made so many East Indians stupid. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, did you attended the meeting? It was your neighborhood venue that caused the aftershock from your dancing quake the night before.

No Sir, I was busy this weekend but I heard he looked and sounded Presidential. Churchy is RIGHT if what he said occurred with Jagdeo. We don't need no Putin in Guyana!!!!

Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Did he go to Brooklyn...or black folks from Guyana don't merit the attention?

 He was in Brooklyn on Thursday night at a meeting which was attended by about 100 persons....there were several picketers ouside of the venue.....

YUh Happy now Ray. Your brothers were included. A President for ALL Guyanese.

Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill is dying with envy. Poor chap was begging for a photo with the President but the President knows that he is worthless and chased him away.

There is nothing to be envious about !....


Your handlers told you to keep an eye on me and perhaps thats why you missed the cozy body lauguage between Jagdeo and Raj Singh !......

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Churchill:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Did he go to Brooklyn...or black folks from Guyana don't merit the attention?

 He was in Brooklyn on Thursday night at a meeting which was attended by about 100 persons....there were several picketers ouside of the venue.....

YUh Happy now Ray. Your brothers were included. A President for ALL Guyanese.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Chruchill is bitter and envious. Envy is a dangerous thing.

you accuse others of not commenting on the issue, and you choose to attack Churchill who was actually at the event


Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see. It is amazing how the PPP made so many East Indians stupid. 

Your post is a reflection of your frustration towards PPP and your hate towards Indo Guyanese. Listen, the PPP will rule Guyana for another 100 years. Get used to it and keep burning in Envy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

I don't believe a former president will overshadow a current president during an overseas gathering as how Churchill described it. I have to get the facts before commenting further. Today is three days after, and I haven't seen or heard anything to that nature.

Chruchill is bitter and envious. Envy is a dangerous thing.

you accuse others of not commenting on the issue, and you choose to attack Churchill who was actually at the event


Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see. It is amazing how the PPP made so many East Indians stupid. 

Your post is a reflection of your frustration towards PPP and your hate towards Indo Guyanese. Listen, the PPP will rule Guyana for another 100 years. Get used to it and keep burning in Envy.

Yugi22, you are a brainless bigot. Get lost!

Originally Posted by genius:

Churchill is just another PPP reject who became sour because he begged Janet Jagan for a job and was chased away. He even announced himself as an ambassador in his drunken state at a public function.Smart woman. Looks like he abandoned Moses and wants to run back to the PPP.Kissing Ramotar ***



Another assinine disingeniass post by the troll Geniass.

Originally Posted by JB:

Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see.

It is amazing how the PPP Black House of Isreal Thugs made so many East Indians stupid. 


Anil pair them off ......

Rev love Kwame

EweGee Love Lamumba

Big_Seed Love Hamilton

De PNC Engineer.....Still love eee boss Hammie


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see.

It is amazing how the PPP Black House of Isreal Thugs made so many East Indians stupid. 


Anil pair them off ......

Rev love Kwame

EweGee Love Lamumba

Big_Seed Love Hamilton

De PNC Engineer.....Still love eee boss Hammie


The inbred Yugli is a yellow belly pariah.

Originally Posted by Churchill:

Former President Jagdeo walked in and upstaged Ramouthar's presentation....Jagdeo kept rambling over the same issues Ramouthar covered earlier until Ramouthar told him to " wrap it up "...


Many in the audience felt that Jagdeo should not have attended the meeting and some wondered what he was doing in the USA.....

Churchill, lots of Guyanese bigshots have been visiting NY lately.  Were you able to attend Cecilia's funeral yesterday, meet Amb. Ishmael, etc.?  

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PPP will win a majority at the next election. Indo Guyanese are nervous at recent reports of a new strategy by the PNC to overthrow the PPP by brutal force and installing a PNC dictatorship then using a few Indo Guyanese as window dressers.



The last election should have showed you two things.


1.  Indians are the largest bloc, but are no longer the majority.


2.  Indians are also no longer a monolithic bloc and increasing numbers are tired of the PPP?



The nore you play the race card the more you mobilize non Indians against the PPP, and the more you turn off those Indians insulted by the notion that they must support a corrupt and incompetent set of thieves merely because they share the same ethnicity.


Just look at how GNI has evolved.  10 years ago one immediately knew who teh Indians were because almost all supported the PPP...even if grudgingly. Now a huge % no longer do, and some even contemplate supporting APNU.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yuji is a troll. Just like Mr Rev Subraj the bigot. They keep repeating the same thing over and over thinking they're saying something new. The other troll if BGurd_see.

It is amazing how the PPP Black House of Isreal Thugs made so many East Indians stupid. 


Anil pair them off ......

Rev love Kwame

EweGee Love Lamumba

Big_Seed Love Hamilton

De PNC Engineer.....Still love eee boss Hammie


And just the other day some one was moaning that increased homosexuality in Guyana was resulting in more Indians submitting their rear ends to blacks.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PPP will win a majority at the next election. Indo Guyanese are nervous at recent reports of a new strategy by the PNC to overthrow the PPP by brutal force and installing a PNC dictatorship then using a few Indo Guyanese as window dressers.



The last election should have showed you two things.


1.  Indians are the largest bloc, but are no longer the majority.


2.  Indians are also no longer a monolithic bloc and increasing numbers are tired of the PPP?



The nore you play the race card the more you mobilize non Indians against the PPP, and the more you turn off those Indians insulted by the notion that they must support a corrupt and incompetent set of thieves merely because they share the same ethnicity.


Just look at how GNI has evolved.  10 years ago one immediately knew who teh Indians were because almost all supported the PPP...even if grudgingly. Now a huge % no longer do, and some even contemplate supporting APNU.


That is progress Mr CaribJ.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ramotar's headstone will read the following.....


We're like so many puppets hung on the wall, waiting for someone to come and move us or make us talk.


And yours could read:


TK was a jumping Jack Spratt

Jumping jumping like a rat

When he went to heaven's gate

They said he was second rate

He jumped again and lost his thinking cap

Who cares? He was in Granger's lap! 


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

Many folks were asking if this was a GOG event or a PPP/C event?


Can we have a feedback on this issue?

it was the usual ****** people jamboree; a chance to dress up and bask in the glow of awee pon top. Black people know well to stay out of the way. The few non sheep who were there were quickly shut up. The PPP knows how to screen for sheep. I bet you churchill came away from there with an increased distance between him and those crooks. The same goes for all of those who watched the PPP morph into that  hideous necrotizing corrupt party of yes men that now bend the knees to the jagdeo crew.

Were you there?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 The PPP will win a majority at the next election. Indo Guyanese are nervous at recent reports of a new strategy by the PNC to overthrow the PPP by brutal force and installing a PNC dictatorship then using a few Indo Guyanese as window dressers.



The last election should have showed you two things.


1.  Indians are the largest bloc, but are no longer the majority.


2.  Indians are also no longer a monolithic bloc and increasing numbers are tired of the PPP?



The nore you play the race card the more you mobilize non Indians against the PPP, and the more you turn off those Indians insulted by the notion that they must support a corrupt and incompetent set of thieves merely because they share the same ethnicity.


Just look at how GNI has evolved.  10 years ago one immediately knew who teh Indians were because almost all supported the PPP...even if grudgingly. Now a huge % no longer do, and some even contemplate supporting APNU.

Some of what you say are valid, Indians have always held divergent views from the PPP however, Indians are united when it comes to the thought of the PNC back in power.  You see, Afros/PNC don't care about the political views of Indians, they put all Indians in one group and they discriminated and oppressed against all the same, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, non-believers, katahars, patriots, all are just "C00lies" to be robbed and plundered.  Indians know, when it comes to the PNC, it's an existential threat to all the same.


Katahars hope to ride a wave being a favorite pet in the PNC camp at the expense of the 99%.  They know, even if mediocre, they will get preferential treatment to be the face of "political participation.  But when they step out of line, they will get the Vincent Teekah, David Singh, Chandrika Sukul treatment.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The PPP will win a majority at the next election. Indo Guyanese are nervous at recent reports of a new strategy by the PNC to overthrow the PPP by brutal force and installing a PNC dictatorship then using a few Indo Guyanese as window dressers.



The last election should have showed you two things.


1.  Indians are the largest bloc, but are no longer the majority.


2.  Indians are also no longer a monolithic bloc and increasing numbers are tired of the PPP?



The nore you play the race card the more you mobilize non Indians against the PPP, and the more you turn off those Indians insulted by the notion that they must support a corrupt and incompetent set of thieves merely because they share the same ethnicity.


Just look at how GNI has evolved.  10 years ago one immediately knew who teh Indians were because almost all supported the PPP...even if grudgingly. Now a huge % no longer do, and some even contemplate supporting APNU.

Right on Mr. Caribj.


Most Indians are fed up of the corruption and stay away from the polls as a form of protest; they have just lost interest; most are waiting for the opportunity to leave the country. 


How can you build a country when you have an exodus of the youths who are the backbone of future generations and the country? 


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