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Former Member
By , Georgetown, December 19, 2012, -- Source - GINA


The Government is offering help in whatever way possible to families of the victims who suffered in the tragic Pomeroon River boat collision, President Donald Ramotar said during a visit to the riverain community today.


President Donald Ramotar meets Elaine Walcott a resident of the Pomeroon River who lost her daughter and grandson in the Siriki boat crash. Son Charles Williams looks on


Accompanied by a team of Ministers and Regional officials, the President travelled by boat to the crash site at Siriki in the Upper Pomeroon area and visited the relatives of the victims at their homes.


Up to the time of his visit persons were seen still trying to remove the wrecked boat from the area of vegetation it got stuck in after the collision.


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai talking to Ornan Rodrigues survivor of the Pomeroon River boat accident, at the Suddie Hospital


At the home Elaine Walcott at Siriki who lost her daughter and grandson in the accident, President Ramotar offered words of comfort; “I know we can’t resolve and replace, but whatever help we can offer we’re ready to give,” he said.


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai consoling Violet Singh grandmother of Amrita and Rajkumar who perished in the Pomeroon River boat mishap


At Abrams Creek, President Ramotar met the wife of the boat driver among other relatives offering words of comfort and the commitment of the government to offer assistance.


The wrecked boat at Siriki in the Pomeroon River


Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai and Permanent Secretary Nigel Dharamlall who were also part of the visiting team met Beverly and Albert Narine, and Violet Singh, relatives of Amrita and Rajkumar, the two children who perished. At their Charity home, President Ramotar also paid a visit.


President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn taking a first-hand look at the wrecked boat in the Pomeroon River


Ornan Rodrigues, survivor of the crash who was resting comfortably at the Suddie Regional Hospital was also visited by Minister Sukhai.


President Donald Ramotar consoling Beverly Narine mother of Amrita and Rajkumar Narine who perished in the Pomeroon River boat mishap


Six persons died after the boat they were travelling in collided with another vessel carrying staff of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme who were returning from the distribution exercise in the Upper Pomeroon river.

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