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Former Member

My Fellow Guyanese,

I have decided to address you today on an issue that has been occupying the nation’s attention for more than a year now.

As you are aware, the Government laid in National Assembly the AML/CFT Bill in April of 2013.  This Bill, as was stated before, came out of an international process.  I thought that because of the nature of the Bill and the serious consequences that can follow from the National Assembly not passing the Bill that it would have passed unanimously and easily through the National Assembly.

That, unfortunately, was not to be.  The Bill was sent to a Special Select Committee by the joint Opposition on the grounds that they had amendments to make.  From April to November that year, they made no proposals for any change.

The Bill was then taken back to the National Assembly in November of 2013, just before the CFATF meeting.  This was done because that regional body had confirmed that the Bill met the requirements of that body.

Unfortunately on November 7, 2013 the joint opposition voted against it.

The Bill once again went back to the National Assembly on November 19, 2013.   The joint Opposition again sent it to a Special Select Committee.

From December 2013 to February 7, 2014, they made no proposals for amending the Bill.

It was not until Sunday, February 8 at 9 pm in the night that they proposed some amendments.

The amendments they proposed made the Bill non-compliant with CFATF standards.

This was not only the Government’s position, but was later confirmed by CFATF assessor Mr Roger Hernandez when he was invited to address the Select Committee.

Despite knowing this, the Opposition continued to hold on to their amendments.  Moreover they also put conditions including that the President should sign all Bills passed by National Assembly, and that the Government must agree to a Public Procurement Commission, without the issue of Government’s  concern of maintaining Cabinet’s role of granting its no-objection to all contracts above $15M (GYD).

On Friday last, June 13, 2014,  Gail Teixeira, Chairperson of the Special Select Committee tried to summon a meeting of the Committee in an attempt to have an anti-money laundering legislation passed in the National Assembly before the FATF meeting on June 23, 2014 in Paris.  Her efforts were re-buffed by the Opposition members.


On Monday, I spoke to the Leader of the Opposition urging him to have the members of his side attend the Parliamentary Special Select Committee meeting to be held on the same day or the next day.  I even told him that if he could not get a meeting for Monday, then they should meet on Tuesday.

I told him that I was willing to excuse the four (4) Government members sitting on the Special Select Committee from attending the Cabinet Meeting of Tuesday, June 17, 2014, so that they could meet.

On Tuesday night, contact was made with the Head of the Presidential Secretariat informing him that the Leader of the Opposition wanted to meet with me soonest.

On Wednesday morning, I called the Leader of the Opposition and he asked that we meet at 5 pm on the same day.

I met with the Leader of the Opposition on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 and I proposed to him that the Government was willing to pass the Bill with the Opposition’s amendments, even though we felt it was non compliant,  and even though we did not agree with it that we would vote for it so that we can have a Bill before the FATF meeting later in June, 2014.

I also proposed to him that if CFATF and FATF were to find that the Bill had non-compliant provisions, that the Opposition would support amending the Bill accordingly.

I also proposed that because of the urgency of the matter, that the Opposition would not link my offer to pass their Bill to their other demands: (1) My assent of all Bills passed by National Assembly and (2) My support for the Public Procurement Commission being established without Cabinet retaining its role in granting no-objection to awards above $15M (GYD).

The Opposition Leader declined my offer.

Fellow Guyanese,

We have worked hard to get the Legislation through because we believe that the consequences could be very serious for our people.  We said before that it was a patriotic duty to have this Bill passed and spare you the Guyanese people the negative consequences of not doing so.

Unfortunately the Opposition seems to have put more importance on its own narrow political, party agenda before the welfare and interest of our people.

Compatriots, I wish to assure you that we would continue to do all we can to protect our nation’s interests.

Regrettably, this is now being made much more difficult because of the clear unpatriotic stance taken by the Opposition, APNU.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

All Donald has to do is set up the procurement body and call Local government elections, why is that so difficult?


Better yet, he can call a snap election, since he is  confident that he, as the PPP presidential candidate and based on his track record, would win back a majority effortlessly.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

When Guyana is blacklisted (God forbid), every Guyanese will be directly or indirectly severely affected.....the AFC/APNU will be solely responsible.

Yes! for the PPP/C failures.


Granger denies refusing Ramotar's key concession on anti-money laundering law

DEMERARA WAVES, JUNE 20 --- Opposition Leader, David Granger has denied refusing a major concession by President Donald Ramotar for the passage of amendments to the financial crimes law.

“Contrary to recent pronouncements by his Excellency the President Donald Ramotar nothing was offered to the combined opposition, when he met with the Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday (Wednesday),” APNU said in a statement.


The opposition coalition was reacting to the President’s claim in an address to the nation that he had offered to support all of the opposition’s amendments to the 2009 Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism Act (AML/CFT) in exchange for a commitment that they would agree to undo them if the regional and global financial crimes watchdogs found that the changes were non-compliant.


At Wednesday’s meeting, which was held at the Opposition Leader’s request, APNU said it  was clear when the two sides met that the President was not willing to negotiate and definitely was not in a conciliatory mood.

“It is clear that the PPP-C (Peoples Progressive Party Civic) is not interested in giving the people of Guyana the strong and enforceable money-laundering legislation that they deserve. Instead the PPP-C has decided to use this situation and any concomitant events to achieve its narrow political objectives,” added APNU.


The opposition wants the AML/CFT amended to include the establishment of an Anti Money Laundering Authority to appoint the head and deputy head of the Financial Intelligence Unit and a Civilian Oversight body to monitor the enforcement of the law with a view to make recommendations. The opposition also wants the powers of police and customs to be widened to seize funds anywhere in Guyana if there is reasonable suspicion that such funds would be used for laundering or financing terrorism.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are no fools, and can see the sinister motives of the joint opposition.


Sach, I didn't know you're so creative. I'll have to hire you to illustrate my posts.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

My Fellow Guyanese,

I have decided to address you today on an issue that has been occupying the nation’s attention for more than a year now.

As you are aware, the Government laid in National Assembly the AML/CFT Bill in April of 2013.  This Bill, as was stated before, came out of an international process.  I thought that because of the nature of the Bill and the serious consequences that can follow from the National Assembly not passing the Bill that it would have passed unanimously and easily through the National Assembly.

That, unfortunately, was not to be.  The Bill was sent to a Special Select Committee by the joint Opposition on the grounds that they had amendments to make.  From April to November that year, they made no proposals for any change.

The Bill was then taken back to the National Assembly in November of 2013, just before the CFATF meeting.  This was done because that regional body had confirmed that the Bill met the requirements of that body.

Unfortunately on November 7, 2013 the joint opposition voted against it.

The Bill once again went back to the National Assembly on November 19, 2013.   The joint Opposition again sent it to a Special Select Committee.

From December 2013 to February 7, 2014, they made no proposals for amending the Bill.

It was not until Sunday, February 8 at 9 pm in the night that they proposed some amendments.

The amendments they proposed made the Bill non-compliant with CFATF standards.

This was not only the Government’s position, but was later confirmed by CFATF assessor Mr Roger Hernandez when he was invited to address the Select Committee.

Despite knowing this, the Opposition continued to hold on to their amendments.  Moreover they also put conditions including that the President should sign all Bills passed by National Assembly, and that the Government must agree to a Public Procurement Commission, without the issue of Government’s  concern of maintaining Cabinet’s role of granting its no-objection to all contracts above $15M (GYD).

On Friday last, June 13, 2014,  Gail Teixeira, Chairperson of the Special Select Committee tried to summon a meeting of the Committee in an attempt to have an anti-money laundering legislation passed in the National Assembly before the FATF meeting on June 23, 2014 in Paris.  Her efforts were re-buffed by the Opposition members.


On Monday, I spoke to the Leader of the Opposition urging him to have the members of his side attend the Parliamentary Special Select Committee meeting to be held on the same day or the next day.  I even told him that if he could not get a meeting for Monday, then they should meet on Tuesday.

I told him that I was willing to excuse the four (4) Government members sitting on the Special Select Committee from attending the Cabinet Meeting of Tuesday, June 17, 2014, so that they could meet.

On Tuesday night, contact was made with the Head of the Presidential Secretariat informing him that the Leader of the Opposition wanted to meet with me soonest.

On Wednesday morning, I called the Leader of the Opposition and he asked that we meet at 5 pm on the same day.

I met with the Leader of the Opposition on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 and I proposed to him that the Government was willing to pass the Bill with the Opposition’s amendments, even though we felt it was non compliant,  and even though we did not agree with it that we would vote for it so that we can have a Bill before the FATF meeting later in June, 2014.

I also proposed to him that if CFATF and FATF were to find that the Bill had non-compliant provisions, that the Opposition would support amending the Bill accordingly.

I also proposed that because of the urgency of the matter, that the Opposition would not link my offer to pass their Bill to their other demands: (1) My assent of all Bills passed by National Assembly and (2) My support for the Public Procurement Commission being established without Cabinet retaining its role in granting no-objection to awards above $15M (GYD).

The Opposition Leader declined my offer.

Fellow Guyanese,

We have worked hard to get the Legislation through because we believe that the consequences could be very serious for our people.  We said before that it was a patriotic duty to have this Bill passed and spare you the Guyanese people the negative consequences of not doing so.

Unfortunately the Opposition seems to have put more importance on its own narrow political, party agenda before the welfare and interest of our people.

Compatriots, I wish to assure you that we would continue to do all we can to protect our nation’s interests.

Regrettably, this is now being made much more difficult because of the clear unpatriotic stance taken by the Opposition, APNU.




Danald is a LIAR.



Mutual Evaluation Report

Anti-Money Laundering and
Combating the Financing of
JULY 25, 2011.


Please check the date?



Danald had 100% power in 2011, not he got 48%.


Why did he not pass the law in 2011????

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

All Donald has to do is set up the procurement body and call Local government elections, why is that so difficult?


Better yet, he can call a snap election, since he is  confident that he, as the PPP presidential candidate and based on his track record, would win back a majority effortlessly.

Procurement Bill is another Bill, WE are talking about an INTERNATIONAL sanction Bill that can and will because of the SENSELESS Opposition of Guyana(Ramjhaaaaaaaaaatan and Naga included) destroy the PROGRESS achieved and hinder the FUTURE of Guyana. The Opposition in Guyana are a special type of AHOLES!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

All Donald has to do is set up the procurement body and call Local government elections, why is that so difficult?


Better yet, he can call a snap election, since he is  confident that he, as the PPP presidential candidate and based on his track record, would win back a majority effortlessly.

Procurement Bill is another Bill, WE are talking about an INTERNATIONAL sanction Bill that can and will because of the SENSELESS Opposition of Guyana(Ramjhaaaaaaaaaatan and Naga included) destroy the PROGRESS achieved and hinder the FUTURE of Guyana. The Opposition in Guyana are a special type of AHOLES!!!!!!!!

...nothing like you, just one regular one tarass.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

All Donald has to do is set up the procurement body and call Local government elections, why is that so difficult?


Better yet, he can call a snap election, since he is  confident that he, as the PPP presidential candidate and based on his track record, would win back a majority effortlessly.

Procurement Bill is another Bill, WE are talking about an INTERNATIONAL sanction Bill that can and will because of the SENSELESS Opposition of Guyana(Ramjhaaaaaaaaaatan and Naga included) destroy the PROGRESS achieved and hinder the FUTURE of Guyana. The Opposition in Guyana are a special type of AHOLES!!!!!!!!

...nothing like you, just one regular one tarass.

Cain, Do I have to always remind you that a dope puffing idiot like you are always to high to realise that you are indeed an IDIOT???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

All Donald has to do is set up the procurement body and call Local government elections, why is that so difficult?


Better yet, he can call a snap election, since he is  confident that he, as the PPP presidential candidate and based on his track record, would win back a majority effortlessly.

Procurement Bill is another Bill, WE are talking about an INTERNATIONAL sanction Bill that can and will because of the SENSELESS Opposition of Guyana(Ramjhaaaaaaaaaatan and Naga included) destroy the PROGRESS achieved and hinder the FUTURE of Guyana. The Opposition in Guyana are a special type of AHOLES!!!!!!!!

Linking is a strategy used in every parliament. Even the US congress uses the strategy to get unpopular bills passed. It is a basis for negotiations and consensus building.  The PPP want to have their cake and eat it.


What progress is there if the opposition has to link a finance bill to a constitutional mandated need for local elections or a procurement commission.


You are the ******* here. You are on your knees bent over for the PPP.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The tactics the joint-opposition is using will boomerang in their faces. Enjoy the free ride while it last. PPP supporters are not going to give you, the AFC, their votes again. 

How come the lack of local elections or the mandated procurement commission or any of the corrupt thing the PPP do are not going to have any boomerang effect? The PPP will lose again and badly

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The opposition delayed local elections since it would have made them more isolated. Have you ever wondered why all these years they have never called for local elections until now?

You cannot be that stupid that you wrote the above.


New legislations had to be passed prior to the holding of local elections. The gov't. decided to wait until the opposition come to an agreement on changes. The opposition manipulated the gov't into making changes then shyied away which caused a delay. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

New legislations had to be passed prior to the holding of local elections. The gov't. decided to wait until the opposition come to an agreement on changes. The opposition manipulated the gov't into making changes then shyied away which caused a delay. 

Last edited by Former Member

This is no lie, Jalil. Gov't was kept busy with other things as the opposition happily sucked money out of the City of Georgetown through its corrupted Mayor, Hamiltong Green. I blame the PPP for not taking tough action against City Hall. This call for local elections only started two mornings ago. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This is no lie, Jalil. Gov't was kept busy with other things as the opposition happily sucked money out of the City of Georgetown through its corrupted Mayor, Hamiltong Green. I blame the PPP for not taking tough action against City Hall. This call for local elections only started two mornings ago. 

Then I Guess yuh saying Jagan

was Lieing when he Promise the Guyanese

under the PPP there would be Democracy

which include Regular Local Govt Elections.

So Billy Who Lie...Jagan..
Or the Bunch of Thiefman
who running the PPP Today
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The opposition delayed local elections since it would have made them more isolated. Have you ever wondered why all these years they have never called for local elections until now?

Your goat logics suit your handle " Billy Ramgoat Balgobin". Do you read your goat logics before posting?


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