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President rumbles sinister plot to derail economic growth


–‘it’s not a one-off act’ he says, but well orchestrated

THE Government of Guyana has been spending huge sums of money to create a country with a highly improved infrastructure base, to propel rapid economic growth and a better life for its citizens. 
At the same time, it has been putting in other services to attract both foreign and direct investment which aid in economic development and wealth creation and job opportunities.
But while the country has been experiencing year after year of economic growth, there seems to be a pattern emerging; a coordinated attack on investments in the country.
President Donald Ramotar, in a recent interview with the National Communications Network, said, “That pattern has been shown from the beginning of last year; it’s not a one-off act. How do you explain the non-support of the Amalia Falls, the Specialty Hospital, the expansion of the CJIA (Cheddi Jagan International Airport)?”
Citing as another “clear pattern of attack” the many attempts to villify any investment plan involving the Chinese, President Ramotar said: “This is extremely worrying, because China has proven to be a very reliable developmental partner, not only to us in Guyana, but to the Caribbean.”
In some instances, he said, Opposition politicians initially supported some of the projects, only to withdraw their support along with the requisite funding. “Is it intended to put us in an awkward position to lose a lot of money?  Because your voting for these things in the past has allowed us to have contractual arrangements in many areas; and now voting against them.”
As the President was at pains to explain, whenever queries arise about any investment, the government and investors are, and remain, prepared to provide answers to those enquires. And the fact that comprehensive measures were taken by government to provide details, some of which were highly confidential, to Opposition politicians, who still decided to oppose the investments, raises the issue of the true purpose of their actions.
But in spite of all the aggravation, Guyana still remains open to investment, foreign or local, President Ramotar said, once interested companies abide by the country’s rules and regulations.
“You are welcome to invest in our economy and our society,” he urged whoever may be thinking seriously about investing in Guyana, in spite of the two main Opposition parties’ obvious anti-developmental agenda.
But ours is a magnanimous President; and he is not above calling on the political Opposition to show maturity and cooperate with the Government for the betterment of all Guyanese.

Government still remains open to dialogue, at any time, with other Parliamentary political parties, he said, adding that he hopes good sense will prevail as efforts continue to have Guyana further advance on the path of development that it has taken over the last two decades.


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Head crook of the PPP  defending the source of this slush fund means little to us.


Not until there is transparency in all things this fat head will not be believed in anything. His entire lot and their rapid rise to obscene wealth is evidence enough they are not to be trusted.


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