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December 21 ,2020


On Thursday, on the margins of the conferral of silk on three attorneys at State House, President Ali launched an attack on the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC).

Asked about his absence from the ERC’s National Conversation on ethnic relations which was held in conjunction with the United Nations Resident Co-ordinator’s Office and the University of Guyana (UG), the President accused the ERC of “hiding” during the five-month electoral crisis.

“Every single stakeholder in Guyana agrees that democracy was under threat but the ERC did not issue a single statement. The ERC went hiding. The ERC has a responsibility to the country to stand up and to recognize when there is wrong. I did not see this from the ERC”, the President told reporters.

He also cited a lack of consultation by the ERC with his government on the forum.

“We have a Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs (and) not the courtesy (by the ERC) of reaching out (to her). So you know I’ve said I’ve been leading this country in a manner in which I’ve been reaching out, in the manner in which I’ve been consulting and I think all stakeholders need to understand this”, the President added.

He also suggested that the ERC is not functioning properly.

“I am aware that there have been many discussion in the public domain on the functioning of ERC itself with minority reports; disagreement among commissioners. These are things that they have to sort out,” he said.

It was entirely within the province of the President to have decided whether to attend the National Conversation or not though in passing it must be said that non-attendance at a forum on as serious an issue as ethnic relations convened by a constitutional agency and supported by the UN and UG may be another sign that the PPP/C government has no plan to engage in any meaningful dialogue on matters leading up to the reform of the constitution.

What is immediately troubling is the unfounded attack on the ERC. It was not the responsibility of the ERC to address the attempted rigging of the March 2nd general elections. Its primary responsibility as enshrined in the  constitution would have revolved around how the attempt to rig the elections might have inflamed ethnic tensions. Even so, the ERC did issue two statements during the election period which reflected an intention to tread carefully in what was a minefield.

The primary responsibility for addressing rigged elections lay with GECOM and it must be held accountable for the fiasco. Having chosen the Chair of GECOM and having three representatives sitting on the body, it was the PPP/C’s own ineffectiveness that contributed in no small measure to the five-month trauma and the President should reflect on  his party’s own shortcomings in this matter.

While no constitutional agency should be immune from criticism, such examination should be founded and constructive lest their standing in the eyes of the public be unnecessarily eroded and their effectiveness diminished. Criticism of this sort coming from a member of the public is one thing. Coming from the President and Head of State it comes across as an attempt to browbeat this constitutional agency as if to direct its business. The President would be acutely aware of how the ERC functioned under the long tenure of the PPP/C and how inappropriate such an attack would have been had it come from the then opposition. It is entirely acceptable that the President is concerned with the optimal functioning of the ERC and there are channels through which this could be conveyed such as at last week’s forum.

The President should also be fully engaged in ensuring that other pivotal institutions function effectively and that he himself takes the necessary measures within his mandate to ensure their success. One such body that immediately comes to mind is the Integrity Commission. It remains underfunded and incapable of playing the key anti-corruption role it must play with the advent of the oil and gas economy.

Considering that he remains deeply concerned about the elections imbroglio and the need to ensure that it doesn’t occur again, President Ali has not lived up to his promise  to have an elections review established. He gave this solemn commitment at the National Cultural Centre at his inauguration address on August 8th when he stated: “All of us are painfully aware of the trauma and anguish that our people endured over the past five months as vigorous attempts were made to destroy our democratic credentials, and deny the will of the electorate.

“All of us have an obligation to the nation and to ourselves to ensure that never again should any generation of our people be subjected to such unlawful behaviour.

“Therefore, a review of events – related to the electoral process over the last five months – will begin shortly in order to determine, forensically, exactly what transpired, and to hold accountable any persons who sought to pervert and corrupt the system”.

This review could provide answers that the President and the country seeks and may spare constitutional agencies like the ERC from misdirected barbs.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Totaram posted:

Ali is blowing hot air.  He is really not very intelligent and just shoots his mouth off. It is just incredible that this academic fraudster is the president.  What a disgrace.

Sez biased YOU, Ramgoat! For my part, I'm watching him keenly to see if Jagdeo is his backseat driver or he is his own man!  I'm still waiting to hear how Jagdeo was made Vice President! Does he get a salary as V-P in addition to his large pension? F'ing cane cutter with ambitions beyond his capability! Just how did he afford his mansion? Through means that made him avoid meeting with Pompeo?

Good post, Django!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Sez biased YOU, Ramgoat! For my part, I'm watching him keenly to see if Jagdeo is his backseat driver or he is his own man!

I'm still waiting to hear how Jagdeo was made Vice President! Does he get a salary as V-P in addition to his large pension?

F'ing cane cutter with ambitions beyond his capability! Just how did he afford his mansion? Through means that made him avoid meeting with Pompeo?

Good post, Django!

VP gets  salary and pension ,also as VP he is supposed to be a Minister. Noticeably all his supporters are quiet ,when the LAW is broken .



Images (1)
  • Vice_President
Last edited by Django

During the 2020 election, I witness that the ERC leans towards the coalition and whet after Indian and leave out the Afros. This played out right in front of my eyes. I have clips in my file to show they were biased. The ERC is the same as the National Cohesion under AMNA ALI, a waste of resources that serves as a smokescreen to make matters worse. The ERC cannot expect results from being bias.

President Ali was not telling or demanding the ERC what to do, he was simply requesting the ERC to be fair and not to be afraid to do what it was designed to do.

Last edited by Viper

Aha! Just as I expected, the corruption has already started here! Ali, you are an untrustworthy bastard and you WILL fail! How DID you get YOUR large mansion! All these fkheaded politicians CANNOT be ever trusted! We might as well let the GDF run things! The poseur ex-President, Granger and Harmon were both top GDF personnel! You can be recalled anytime by God who sent you and the money will be used by other fools wastefully! The Jewish obsession! Money, money, money! Kaka! The 'god' of the Old Testament was/is an alien! Go read Exodus Chapters 25, 30 and 31 and decide for yourself if this creature, who killed for merely touching his Ark, his Communications center, was really Jesus' God as he defined in John 4: 24! Jesus called him the devil and his high priests, his children! When he tried to tempt Jesus, Jesus reminded him - see Matthew Chapter 5! I am NOT religious! ALL religion is nonsense! Jesus taught TRUTH not religion! 'Christianity' was created by Paul to corrupt what Jesus taught among the more numerous Gentiles, goyim or cattle to the Jews! This 'god' is still around as gravity is the MAIN Cause of ageing as it keeps pulling you down to the grave and he knows how to combat it! I suspect how it can be combatted but this will take a long time to reverse as I am now 85 years old! The Hindu yogis claim, according to Paul Brunton, there are 3 causes of ageing, ABuse of sex, ABuse of food and ABuse of emotions! But these are all secondary causes! I don't know if the Hindus ever investigated gravity and its effects!

@Former Member posted:

Aha! Just as I expected, the corruption has already started here! Ali, you are an untrustworthy bastard and you WILL fail! How DID you get YOUR large mansion! All these fkheaded politicians CANNOT be ever trusted! We might as well let the GDF run things! The poseur ex-President, Granger and Harmon were both top GDF personnel! You can be recalled anytime by God who sent you and the money will be used by other fools wastefully! The Jewish obsession! Money, money, money! Kaka! The 'god' of the Old Testament was/is an alien! Go read Exodus Chapters 25, 30 and 31 and decide for yourself if this creature, who killed for merely touching his Ark, his Communications center, was really Jesus' God as he defined in John 4: 24! Jesus called him the devil and his high priests, his children! When he tried to tempt Jesus, Jesus reminded him - see Matthew Chapter 5! I am NOT religious! ALL religion is nonsense! Jesus taught TRUTH not religion! 'Christianity' was created by Paul to corrupt what Jesus taught among the more numerous Gentiles, goyim or cattle to the Jews! This 'god' is still around as gravity is the MAIN Cause of ageing as it keeps pulling you down to the grave and he knows how to combat it! I suspect how it can be combatted but this will take a long time to reverse as I am now 85 years old! The Hindu yogis claim, according to Paul Brunton, there are 3 causes of ageing, ABuse of sex, ABuse of food and ABuse of emotions! But these are all secondary causes! I don't know if the Hindus ever investigated gravity and its effects!


You really read what you saying here? You are confused.

Are you Guyanese? You sound like you in la la land.


Jagdeo's cum is obviously affecting your comprehension or is it a natal thing? You know, at birth! Your father used the wrong orifice, clumsy dolt that he was! Or was it his preference, like yours?

Incidentally, I was tested for my IQ by a psychologist and the line on the graph went upwards off the graph! Don't bother to have yours tested! I can tell you now to save time, imbecile!

Last edited by Former Member
@VishMahabir posted:


You really read what you saying here? You are confused.

Are you Guyanese? You sound like you in la la land.

Vish, leff deh man alone. He is 85. He is a "suppository" of information. Chap also referencing anal sex and earlier seh aging is caused by sex, food and emotions......and he is 85.


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