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Former Member


President David Granger arrives at the Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport in Brasilia, Brazil at the invitation of His Excellency Michel Temer, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil in December 2017.

The Government has spent $209.4 million on travel for President David Granger between May 2015 and October 2018.

Details of the expenses were provided in a written statement to the National Assembly following a question by Opposition Parliamentarian and Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.

The expenses covered a total of 37 overseas trips made by the President.

During 2015, the President made 11 overseas trips at a cost of $57 million.

In 2016, he made eight overseas trips valued at $44.7 million.

In 2017, the President’s expenses covered eight overseas trips; these were valued at $42.7 million.

As of October this year, the President made ten overseas trips at a total cost of $64.4 million.

The Government said the since taking office, President Granger has attended several regional and international conference as part of the Government’s overall policy of advancing Guyana’s foreign policy objectives in respect of multilateral and specific bilateral issues at the highest level.

“It must be recognised that Guyana, as a small member of the international community must ensure that it is presented and its voice heard if it is to be respected and taken seriously,” Minister of State Joseph Harmon stated in the answer provided to the National Assembly.  

Among the trips the President made were to the MERCOSUR Summits, the Commonwealth Heads of Government meetings, the CARICOM Heads of Government meetings, Union of South American (UNSAUR) summits, summits of Latin American And Caribbean States, United Nations General Assembly meetings,and meetings of the Members of the Solar Alliance, among others.

The President also responded positively to the invitations by Guyana’s close friends and partners to undertake official and state visits.


“This has led to increased and heightened collaboration in several areas between Guyana and those countries and organisations,” the Government stated.

According to the Minister of State, the attendance at the international conference and meetings listed provided the President and his delegation with an opportunity to bring to the attention of the global community issues of concern to Guyana.

“Our interested were also taken into account in the outcome documents, especially those relating to the presentation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity, climate change, the 2030 development agenda among others,” Harmon stated.

The President’s engagements with the United Nations Secretary-General contributed also to the decision to refer the longstanding border controversy with Venezuela to the international court of justice for final settlement.

“Participation in the high-level encounters provided the President with the opportunity to meet world leaders and to discuss ways to elevate our bilateral cooperation programmes.”

As a consequence of these engagements, Guyana has received additional support for its Green State Development Strategy throughfunding for renewable energy projects.

Several offers were also received in the area of capacity building for Guyana’s emerging oil and gas sector from various countries.

In 2018, Guyana became a founding member of the International Solar Alliance and will be benefitting from expertise, training and equipment as a result of its membership.

“This is in keeping with government’s focus on developing alternative sources of energy,” Harmon added.

Overseas trips were made to the World Water Forum in Brasilia as well as the Global Environment Facility in Vietnam.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Oohhh rass, Cain, mars,cribby and distinguished members of the sloppy crew cry day and night over PPP travel expenses. Now the same set of hypocrites staan quiet as Granger and company blow out taxpayers dollars with nothing to show for their high maintenance lifestyles while in govt.

Drugb posted:

Oohhh rass, Cain, mars,cribby and distinguished members of the sloppy crew cry day and night over PPP travel expenses. Now the same set of hypocrites staan quiet as Granger and company blow out taxpayers dollars with nothing to show for their high maintenance lifestyles while in govt.

Like a day cyan go by without you calling my name. I don’t have what you want and neither does your fellow Piss Pot Porters. And Carib say he ain’t giving you his aubergine. Guess you gotta stick with the out-laws from Newark.


The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.


This government is under heavy scrutiny over many things that the previous government was criticized for. If they continue to squander and misappropriate the Guyanese taxpayers' money in this fashion they will face the consequences at the polls.  The LGE has already indicated how disenchanted people have become with this government.  The arrogance of the speaker in parliament and his blatant show of favoritism towards the ruling parties have been one of the most shameful thing in Guyana.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Oohhh rass, Cain, mars,cribby and distinguished members of the sloppy crew cry day and night over PPP travel expenses. Now the same set of hypocrites staan quiet as Granger and company blow out taxpayers dollars with nothing to show for their high maintenance lifestyles while in govt.

Like a day cyan go by without you calling my name. I don’t have what you want and neither does your fellow Piss Pot Porters. And Carib say he ain’t giving you his aubergine. Guess you gotta stick with the out-laws from Newark.

Where did I mention Andraggy in my post? Yall rass like you got homosexuality on your mind. Remember, parading around as a hetero does not make it so, the urges will come and there is nothing to be done but to satisfy that itch. 

Gilbakka posted:

The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.

Neither did you have a problem with the plight of the sugar workers as they were kept waiting for severance checks as Granger et al lavishly enjoyed overseas trips. Not in line with the spending of a 3rd world country. Imagine when oil money start flowing what will happen. They will get their own airforce 1. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.

Neither did you have a problem with the plight of the sugar workers as they were kept waiting for severance checks as Granger et al lavishly enjoyed overseas trips. 

Not accurate. Check the archives for my posts on sugar workers severance pay. Also,  my posts on the 50% ministerial pay increases. Were Presidents Jagan, Jagdeo & Ramotar stay-at-home heads of state? How did Mr Jagdeo become Champion of the Earth if not by travelling far and wide to articulate his climate change/low carbon sustainable development strategy message? Wasn't GuySuCo in trouble simultaneously? Be fair.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.

Neither did you have a problem with the plight of the sugar workers as they were kept waiting for severance checks as Granger et al lavishly enjoyed overseas trips. 

Not accurate. Check the archives for my posts on sugar workers severance pay. Also,  my posts on the 50% ministerial pay increases. Were Presidents Jagan, Jagdeo & Ramotar stay-at-home heads of state? How did Mr Jagdeo become Champion of the Earth if not by travelling far and wide to articulate his climate change/low carbon sustainable development strategy message? Wasn't GuySuCo in trouble simultaneously? Be fair.

PPP is a different story I don't know the details of their spending on world travel nor do I think it is relevant now.  PNC in power now, they came in on a platform of prudence but did not deliver as they immediately began wasteful spending on overseas trips that did not deliver any bang for the bucks. There were articles of PNC henchmen taking their sweetwomen on these trips on tourism in the guise of doing government business. Yall rass blink lakka bat sometimes. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Oohhh rass, Cain, mars,cribby and distinguished members of the sloppy crew cry day and night over PPP travel expenses. Now the same set of hypocrites staan quiet as Granger and company blow out taxpayers dollars with nothing to show for their high maintenance lifestyles while in govt.

Like a day cyan go by without you calling my name. I don’t have what you want and neither does your fellow Piss Pot Porters. And Carib say he ain’t giving you his aubergine. Guess you gotta stick with the out-laws from Newark.

Where did I mention Andraggy in my post? Yall rass like you got homosexuality on your mind. Remember, parading around as a hetero does not make it so, the urges will come and there is nothing to be done but to satisfy that itch. 

You have to call the name Mars every single day and it's a bit creepy coming from a known fag like you, Demerara Sewer Head. I don't play the homo games you play with black baigan. Sounds like you're making a confession there girly boy but if you want to satisfy your itch, call up one of your brothers that you acquired after you went black. You know what they say. There's no going back once you take a walk on the dark side.  

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How much does Naga and the Ministers trips cost?  

Dem Dogs worse than Burnham. Sport, wine down,  fly everywhere and waste taxpayers monies. 

A bunch of AFC PNC bastards. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.

I have a problem with it. If you are traveling 8 to 10 times to foreign capitals each month you barely have 8 days a month to work on the -people's business. This fellow took the time to curtsy to the Queen when he could not meet with Amerindians once in 2 years to speak to their concerns. No, he is a piss poor President already not this makes him another leech on the state. We have ambassadors to take care of overseas business. 

Now, I do not begrudge him health care or travels for that. If the President is sick he needs to be taken care of. 

D2 posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The PPP asked for details of the President's overseas travel expenses since he became president. The PPP --- and the nation --- got the details in writing.

I don't have a problem with the numbers declared. I can understand that a new Head of State piloting a different regime after 23 years would want to register his presence on the world stage and articulate firsthand his coalition regime's stance on various issues of international interest. The good thing is that the government didn't duck the information that MP Teixeira requested. It's now up to the PPP to say whether President Granger's travels were unnecessary, extravagant, or whatever.

I have a problem with it. If you are traveling 8 to 10 times to foreign capitals each month you barely have 8 days a month to work on the -people's business. This fellow took the time to curtsy to the Queen when he could not meet with Amerindians once in 2 years to speak to their concerns. No, he is a piss poor President already not this makes him another leech on the state. We have ambassadors to take care of overseas business. 

Now, I do not begrudge him health care or travels for that. If the President is sick he needs to be taken care of. 

Wherever he travels there is security involved and it's charged to him.  This includes his wife.  Whenever he visit me in my basement and we eat bake and solfish, three black SUV's with White bannas always outside.  All this charged to the state, but the bake and solfish is free.

So, $1mil USD does not seem a lot for a head of state!


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