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APNU's  "Vote for change* went the cry, they won but change never came, they were kicked out.

PPP's "We want transparency" went the cry, well they won.............hmm............I cyan see, something or someone blocking me.............................hmmm....things lil vague..........

This is Guyana at the moment.

Last edited by cain

Gov’t purchases 100,000 Sinopharm vaccines

-Sputnik 2nd doses still unavailable


Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony yesterday announced that the government has purchased some 100,000 doses of the Chinese Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.

This announcement was made during the Minister’s daily COVID-19 update.  “We have purchased from Sinopharm 100,000, doses of the Sinopharm vaccine”, he said.  Sinopharm has been approved by the World Health Organisation. China had donated 20,000 of these vaccines to Guyana early on in the inoculation programme. They were administered to the elderly and health care workers. Two doses have to be applied per person.

Anthony said that the vaccines cost approximately US$15 per dose.

“That approximates to about US$15 per dose and we have to add another maybe US$2 to US$3 for the transportation for the vaccine so that would be the cost of what we are paying for those vaccines”, he noted. It is unclear whether payments for these vaccines have been made already.

Meanwhile,  Anthony went on to say that the 100,000 doses of Sputnik V shots that arrived in the country on Monday are all first doses and added that the ministry continues to work with the supplier to receive second doses.  Sputnik’s first and second doses are different. Sputnik has been described as the “backbone” of the vaccination campaign. Guyana has received just over 300,000 shots out of a total of 800,000 that have been ordered.

Anthony said during the update, “we continue to work with the supplier to see how fast we can get those second doses in.  We have already paid for those second doses but it’s just a matter of getting the supply into Guyana”.

The Minister stated that they hope to get those second doses by the end of the week or early next week even as he reminded that persons who would have received their first dose of Sputnik V have between four to 12 weeks to receive their booster shot.

He added that as of yesterday some 212,541 persons have received first dose vaccines which now accounts for some 43.7% of the country’s adult population.

“As of yesterday we have had 77,980 persons who would have been fully immunized. That represents about 15.6% of our adult population” he added. To this end, he stated that the ministry is continuing work with the ongoing inoculation programme.

However, he said that the programme still lags in Region Ten as it still has the lowest vaccination rate in the country. He said that while there has been marginal improvement as compared to when the programme started, the numbers remain low.

The Minister noted, “First dose vaccination in Region Ten is approximately 12.9% of the population and when you compare that with say Region Six, which has first dose as 51.5% you can see by how much they are lagging”.

He went on to encourage persons to come forward to receive their second dose vaccines. Anthony reiterated that as it relates to the AstraZeneca vaccines, those persons can return anytime between four to twelve weeks after receiving their first dose.

Last edited by Django

61,000 persons fully vaccinated with Sputnik; More than 100,000 awaiting 2nd dose

June 18 ,2021


While the Ministry of Health had initially indicated that it has purchased a total of 400,000 doses of the Sputnik vaccine and has so far received 305,000 doses, it appears as though more first doses might have been purchased than 2nd doses or more first doses were delivered than expected.

In wake of concerns expressed by the Opposition Leader about the Government’s purchase of the Sputnik COVID-19 vaccine, the Senior Advisor to the Ministry of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy revealed today that a total of 61,000 persons have been fully vaccinated with the Sputnik vaccine.

That simply means that the total number of people receiving both doses stands at 61,000. But there has been no availability of Sputnik 2nd dose vaccines for the past three weeks, which means there are now thousands of people awaiting their 2nd doses.

The Sputnik 1st dose and 2nd dose are not identical.

While the Ministry of Health had initially indicated that it has purchased a total of 400,000 doses of the Sputnik vaccine and has so far received 305,000 doses, it appears as though more first doses might have been purchased than 2nd doses or more first doses were delivered than expected.

The Health Minister on Thursday promised that he would have provided detailed information on the number of vaccines bought and used so far today, but there has been no new information from his office.

The Opposition APNU+AFC continues to call on the government to come clean on the vaccine purchases. The Opposition Leader has called for a suspension of the administration of the Sputnik vaccine until all the information being sought is clarified.

Mr. Harmon made it clear that he is encouraging people to get vaccinated, but he believes the other two vaccines should be used until the information is cleared up about the Sputnik and its purchase through a middle man.

The Government has defended its decision to pay almost double the price for the Sputnik vaccine through the Dubai Sheik.

President Ali has said that there was not much of a choice, since the government needed to get the vaccines.

The Government is unclear when it will be able to get 2nd doses of the Sputnik vaccine although those 2nd doses have already been paid for.

Last edited by Django

Ramsammy to Harmon: No fake vaccines entered Guyana

– 61,000 persons fully vaccinated with Sputnik V

– as GAWU, FITUG bash Harmon for reckless, irresponsible statements

In light of Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon questioning the authenticity and efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine being administered in Guyana, Health Advisor Dr Leslie Ramsammy has disclosed that none of the approximately 61,000 persons who are fully vaccinated with the Russian-made jab have contracted the deadly virus.

Health Advisor Dr Leslie Ramsammy

During a press conference on Thursday, Harmon called for the administering of the Sputnik V vaccine to be suspended based on an article in a Norwegian tabloid newspaper that raised questions on how the vaccines were acquired.

However, the Government including President Dr Irfaan Ali has reassured Guyanese that the Sputnik V jabs that are being administered in Guyana are authentic since the batch number corresponds with the manufacturer’s data.

But even as Government rejects Harmon’s demand to suspend the use of the Sputnik V vaccine, Health Advisor Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Friday called out the Opposition Leader over his hypocrisy after he admitted to being fully inoculated with the very vaccine, which he requested.

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon

He also revealed that several other Members of Parliament from the APNU/AFC coalition as well as his own family members took the Russian-made jab, which some of them specifically requested.

According to Ramsammy in a statement, of the more than 227,000 Guyanese who have received their first dose, over 150,000 of them have taken the Sputnik V vaccine with about 61,000 persons being fully vaccinated.

He added too, that while a handful of persons who took the first dose alone have tested positive for COVID-19 – having been infected prior to being vaccinated – not a single person with both doses of the vaccine has contracted the life-threatening virus.

No fake vaccine

Ramsammy further pointed out that all of Guyana’s COVID-19 vaccines have been registered and approved for use here by the Guyana Food and Drug Department, which often depends on Stringent Regulatory Authorities (SRAs), such as the USFDA and the European Medicine Authority. In the absence of approval by an SRA, the Department has also relied on the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Additionally, he said that there are two other mechanisms used to grant approval – one from CARPHA-CRS, which also uses a number of other reference regulatory authorities including the Brazilian Medicine Regulator (AVISA) and the Argentine Regulator. The final mechanism is an independent assessment by the Food and Drug Department itself.

“All the vaccines in use in Guyana have been approved through one or more of the above mechanisms. Every batch of vaccines that are presently used is accompanied by supporting documents, identifying the country of origin, the batch (serial) number, the manufacturer and information about the product. All vials have a bar code that permits tracking directly to factory. No fake COVID-19 vaccine has ever entered Guyana,” the Health Advisor stated.

He further outlined that the Department as well as the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) have ensured that all COVID-19 vaccines come from legitimate sources. He further stated that the Health Ministry receives documentation and ensures that the proper import licenses are issued prior to shipment.

“Mr Harmon’s assertion that the Sputnik vaccines are fake vaccines is reckless, absolutely reckless. It is an insult to the hardworking professionals at the Ministry of Health who are responsible for the safe and smooth operation of the vaccine programme, the Food and Drug Department, and those from the Guyana Revenue Authority (the Customs Branch),” the Health Advisor contended.

Efficacy of Sputnik V

Further, Dr Ramsammy, who served as Health Minister in the previous PPP/C Government, also highlighted that not only has no fake Sputnik vaccine been found in Guyana, none have been used anywhere.

“[Harmon’s] assertion about Mexico is another fake story he is trying to gain traction with. There are fake medicines in the world. There might be efforts in Mexico and other countries to get fake vaccines sold. But Mexico did not fall for the trick. Mexico has signed a contract with Russia to bottle and pack Sputnik vaccines. Mexico has bought 34 million doses of Sputnik vaccines. Argentina is also manufacturing Sputnik vaccines,” Dr Ramsammy stated.

In fact, the Health Advisor reiterated that South Korea, Brazil, India and China are also manufacturing Sputnik V vaccines, which scientists have shown are safe and effective with a 97.6 per cent efficacy. Italy will start manufacturing Sputnik vaccines in July.

He pointed to a joint study which was done between the Russian Direct Investment Fund and scientists in Argentina where it was found that the Sputnik V is not only effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19 VIRUS), but also against the P1 (Brazilian) variant.“The so-called Brazilian variant has proven to be a deadlier virus. But Sputnik is effective against this variant. The Argentina-based study… found a strong immune response against the variant in those vaccinated with Sputnik V. Now UNICEF has signed a contract to procure 220 million doses of Sputnik for global distribution. Mr Harmon should be ashamed of himself,” Dr Ramsammy asserted.


Meanwhile, criticisms continue to mount against the Opposition Leader with the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) condemning the statement made by the politician.

In a statement on Friday, GAWU said it was deeply disturbed by Harmon’s irresponsible remarks as a senior national leader. It noted that rather than approaching Government with its concerns, the Opposition Leader instead adopted a most flippant approach.

The Union questioned whether Harmon is trying to score cheap political points at the expense of the Guyanese people. It pointed out that the Opposition Leader’s avers that somehow Guyana obtained ingenuine Sputnik vaccines was without any evidence to support this claim.

“In the absence of any tangible evidence, it appears Mr Harmon and company are sounding like empty barrels and really should be ignored. By his statements, the Opposition Leader who belatedly endorsed the COVID-19 vaccination programme, has undoubtedly set back efforts to attain herd immunity in our country. This is simply reckless behaviour on the part of Mr Harmon and his team. It appears to us that the Opposition has become a danger to the well-being of Guyanese at this time when all hands are needed to bring our country out of the pandemic and allow normalcy to prevail,” the Union stated.

Ignore Harmon, get vaccinated

Nevertheless, GAWU called on all Guyanese to ignore the Opposition Leader’s unfounded and careless claims, and to play their part in ensuring Guyana exits the pandemic by getting vaccinated.

On the other hand, FITUG also condemned Harmon’s reckless, irresponsible, and thoughtless statements.

“In our view, the Opposition Leader’s wild statements will only redound to higher vaccine hesitancy among our people. This is neither helpful nor useful in our efforts to exit the pandemic. And, therefore, the Opposition Leader and the wider Opposition must be condemned for what can clearly be described as unwise and deeply upsetting propaganda. The irresponsibleness, once again, demonstrated by the coalition is seemingly characteristic of their behaviour since taking then reigns of the Opposition,” the Federation posited in a missive on Friday.

Pointing to the Opposition’s indecisiveness in encouraging Guyanese to get inoculated against COVID-19, FITUG reminded the coalition that its role comes with high levels of responsibility and the nation, not political self-interest, should come first.

“We know the Guyanese people are not easily deceived and fall for the falsehoods of the Opposition. Certainly, such recklessness should not even be bothered with. We, at this time, urge everyone to receive their vaccines and continue to observe the COVID-19 protocols,” the missive from the Union body detailed.

@Former Member posted:

Ramsammy to Harmon: No fake vaccines entered Guyana

– 61,000 persons fully vaccinated with Sputnik V

– as GAWU, FITUG bash Harmon for reckless, irresponsible statements


But even as Government rejects Harmon’s demand to suspend the use of the Sputnik V vaccine, Health Advisor Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Friday called out the Opposition Leader over his hypocrisy after he admitted to being fully inoculated with the very vaccine, which he requested.

He also revealed that several other Members of Parliament from the APNU/AFC coalition as well as his own family members took the Russian-made jab, which some of them specifically requested.

According to Ramsammy in a statement, of the more than 227,000 Guyanese who have received their first dose, over 150,000 of them have taken the Sputnik V vaccine with about 61,000 persons being fully vaccinated.

He added too, that while a handful of persons who took the first dose alone have tested positive for COVID-19 – having been infected prior to being vaccinated – not a single person with both doses of the vaccine has contracted the life-threatening virus.

Thanks for posting this article DG.

I was not aware that Harmon and other members of the opposition already took the Sputnik vaccine. Why were opposition members ok with a vaccine that is not approved by WHO and now profess this is now a requirement? Were they not aware of this fact and if this was indeed an important requirement why did they not do their diligence before getting the vaccine. Certainly does not show well on their own competence.

While they are now asking the right questions why did it take them so long after thousands of vaccines have been distributed? Again goes to competence. Unfortunately their naked political opportunism may end up costing lives by encouraging hesitancy.

I started thinking that these guys were waking up out of their slumber. Turns out they are just sleep walking.


It is the PPP govt's responsibility to do what is right for the country and its people. If the opposition was not aware they might be receiving a fake vaccine don't you think they would have raised hell already?

The govt is responsible, not the opposition, the PPP govt. for any harm that come to the people if indeed they are dealing with junk.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

It is the PPP govt's responsibility to do what is right for the country and its people. If the opposition was not aware they might be receiving a fake vaccine don't you think they would have raised hell already?

The govt is responsible, not the opposition, the PPP govt. for any harm that come to the people if indeed they are dealing with junk.

The apologists engaging in strawman arguments and much red herring

These people know the real arguments are essentially lack or transparency and corruption.

Shouts of "prove the vaccine is fake", Harmon tek de vaccine, WHO is this and that is nothing short of dishonest, to put it politely

The real issues are a hidden procurement process, the safety of those vaccines not acquired directly from the manufacturer  (in some cases people are being forced to take it) and a deal with a middleman fraudster

Ronan would say is only 'shakabatty' yuh seeing from the usual suspects


Guyana Medical Council endorses all COVID-19 vaccines used in Guyana

…74 nations using Sputnik V

The Medical Council of Guyana on Saturday endorsed all vaccines currently being used locally to protect against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), underlining that there have been no overwhelming adverse effects worldwide from these jabs.

This position comes amid recent falsehoods that was placed on the use of Sputnik V shots by Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon. On Saturday, the Council stressed that this specific vaccine was the first to be registered and while it is awaiting official approval of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the data surrounding its use is reassuring. In fact, with the use of Sputnik V in a whopping 74 nations around the world, the organisation declared that there is no doubt it will be given approval from the WHO.

“There is no reason to expect denial of approval for this vaccine from the WHO and other authorities in the coming weeks. This is the same process that has occurred with all of the other available vaccines prior to WHO approval where countries have adopted a policy of “USE” pending approval after careful evaluation by their own technical team,” a section of the statement highlights.

The Medical Council noted that Guyana and its neighbours have the requisite technical expertise to analyse scientific data and make appropriate recommendations to policy makers. This was the basis for using the various vaccines in Guyana – independent technical analysis of risk versus benefits.

The statement further clarified, “All of the vaccines available in Guyana, including the Sputnik V, have a 100 per cent record in preventing severe COVID-19 infection defined as admission to ICU, needing ventilatory support or death. In fact, none of the 442 deaths recorded in Guyana were seen in fully (2 doses) vaccinated persons. There have been no overwhelming adverse events reported worldwide for any of the vaccines used in Guyana to date.”

Every adult is eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in Guyana, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. Persons with a history of severe allergic reactions should seek medical advice before considering the vaccines and are the only group who may not be medically suitable.

“Healthcare workers were among the first to benefit from the vaccination programme in Guyana and this has likely contributed significantly to reducing the adverse outcomes among the fraternity. The Medical Council of Guyana would wish that every resident of Guyana take advantage of the same protection as frontline workers and therefore urges our people to get vaccinated,” the Council urged.

With vaccination, the public was also advised to follow all guidelines established to keep them safe in order to safely exit the pandemic. The Health Ministry has already reiterated that measures can only be relaxed after a large portion of the population is vaccinated, that is, if the country reaches herd immunity.

“We are of the view that the best COVID-19 vaccine to take is the one that you have available right now…. The COVID 19 pandemic continues to devastate the world, both health wise and economically. While we continue to recommend that persons follow the established guidelines of social distancing, handwashing and wearing of masks, there is now the additional measure of vaccines to protect us. Vaccines help us to develop immunity which help us fight off infections.”


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