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President to intervene in wake of pirate attack – meets fisherfolks

Georgetown, GINA, February 7, 2012
Source - GINA

President Donald Ramotar speaking to fisherfolks who were affected by the recent pirate attack on their vessels in the Pomeroon River

At short notice today President Donald Ramotar summoned a meeting with persons who were either directly or indirectly affected by the recent pirate attack and mishap in the Pomeroon River, promising intervention at the level of the Cabinet.

The attack occurred on the morning of February 3, off the coast of the River and joined the list of a spate of attacks which left 15 fishing boats with a total crew of 19 men being; attacked, robbed, beaten, bound by pirates who, after their rampage damaged some of their boats.

The delegation of fisherfolks who were led by Region Two Member of Parliament Cornel Damon to today’s meeting with the President were assured that the necessary interventions will be guided by assessments of reports being received on a daily basis.

The group that meet the President represented the shareholders of the damaged vessels but, according to Daman about 60 persons including employees have been affected by the criminal act committed.

“I just start from December, I didn’t get any licence to register any name,” a distraught Nalini Dindyal owner of the Nalini D 2, said.

After hearing about the ordeal she said she immediately contacted the Charity Police Station, informing them that some of the crew were already rescued and had received medical attention.

[/b]PPP/C’s Member of Parliament, Region Two, Cornel Damon (second from right) and fisher folk who experienced the recent pirate attacks off the coast of the Pomeroon River[/b]

Prior to today’s meeting with the President the delegation spoke to reporters at the National Communications Network where they recounted their stories of what transpired.

Bharrat Kalicharran, Captain of “Ms Daviena” said that he was attacked by six masked men, who ordered his crew to lie face down in their boats after which two of the six men came onto his boat and began beating and robbing them.

“We were just off the shore of Cozier Village when we noticed a boat approaching…when the boat was about 15 knots away these men started yelling at us and ordering us to lie face down…two men came on the boat armed with cutlasses, tired us, beat us and stole our engine , the fish that we had caught and our valuables…before they left, they used their boats to ram the boat we were in thereby destroying our boats…I experienced a similar incident about a year ago,” Kalicharran said.

A photograph of one of the damaged vessels

Berkley Marks, Captain of one of the vessels that said “the pirates come onboard my vessel armed with cutlasses and pieces of wood…they ordered everyone to lie face down but I was trying to make out their faces…they began to beat me about the body with the wood and fired chops with their cutlasses to my head, back and feet…after being rescued I received medical attention at the Hospital in Charity,” Marks said.

Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn on Saturday last, after reports of the incident surfaced, activated the Maritime Rescue Coordinating Centre (MRCC) which comprised the Coast Guard, which worked in conjunction with the police to conduct the search and rescue and commence investigations into the incident, after which a helicopter reconnaissance flew over the area where three persons were later rescued.

The MRCC in continuing its efforts later provided the coordinates of their mission to the police and coast guard teams who were dispatched over land, and on Sunday morning last, the team rescued another 15 fisherfolk who were drifting in the River after the attack.

Over the next few days the MRCC will be conducting visits to the area of the incident in continuing their investigations into the pirate attacks.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Well, alyuh see, at leeast diss prezzy nah wan "cuss donk" prezzy. He ah meet da peeple and tek care a business. Mi hope dem Afro FF nah spile da man and mek he anada Jagdeo.
Originally posted by albert:
It is expected the present administration will do their best to curb the attacks on fishermen on the high seas...

This guy just woke up? where did he think all the fishermen were being attacked, robbed and brutalised ? Ghana?

Looks like another photo-op Pres
The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Bell 412 helicopter and a Cessna aircraft that was abandoned several years ago by drug dealers in the interior will be refurbished to help provide air surveillance as government takes steps to beef up its fight against rampant sea piracy.
This announcement was made by Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon at a post-cabinet media briefing at the Office of the President on yesterday. Dr Luncheon disclosed that air and sea surveillance will be heightened in a systematic and continuous manner to remedy the deteriorating piracy situation. He explained that the GDF Air Corps recapitalisation that has failed to perform as expected by the administration will be revitalised.
“With renewed focus on completion of the recapitalisation, the re-entry into serviceability of the BEL 412 helicopter and entry and serviceability of the Cessna aircraft that was abandoned at Kwapau a number of years ago. That indeed both land and air surveillance could become a fix part of the air course mandate,” Luncheon added.

Piracy has been rampant for many years now....I have heard speeches by Jagdeo, Rohee, et al on what they planned to do to stop far all speeches....

A relative of mine was a victim of piracy two years ago.....the pirates are still roaming inspite of promises .....

Ramoutar is no different.....

The authorities need to train the fishermen in the use of firearms and give them the power to defend themselves on the high no one else seem to be able to defend them....
"The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Bell 412 helicopter and a Cessna aircraft that was abandoned several years ago by drug dealers in the interior will be refurbished to help provide air surveillance as government takes steps to beef up its fight against rampant sea piracy."

Piracy may no longer rise its ugly head....

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