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President Irfaan Ali and President of the Guyana Press Association Nazima Raghubir

February 1 ,2021


As the racial tension in Guyana continues to grow, President Irfaan Ali has revealed that he would be working with the media to help curb this growing issue.

He was at the time speaking at the annual Media Brunch, which was held today at State House.

“We all have a common ground to those who try to divide our society, those who try to push hate, how do we sit together and this is something I want to engage you [media] on and develop a strategy that deals with national unity,” the President said.

Other important issues the President plans to engage the media on include domestic violence, engagement of the diaspora, among others.

“…And I think these are areas that can also help us to build trust. It is important for people to trust someone also.”

The President acknowledged that the media plays a critical role in ensuring that information is disseminated in a timely manner. As such, he assured media operatives that they would be informed directly instead of indirectly.

“These are the things I would support because it is important that the media understands where the country is going, the development shift that is taking place.”

The Head-of-State revealed that the Government’s scholarship programme to the media would see specific areas of specialization.

“I would like to thank the media. With very limited resources and with longs hours, the media did an exceptional job in securing democracy for Guyana,” the President concluded.

The annual media brunch was attended by representatives from a media houses across the country and members of the President’s Cabinet and other government officials.

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Government open to constructive criticism, sharing of ideas - President Ali
Reminds media to be objective, balanced and fair
Georgetown, Guyana – (February 1, 2021) His Excellency Dr Irfaan Ali on Sunday assured members of the media that his Government remains committed to engaging all stakeholders for the development of Guyana.
“As President of Guyana I’m open to constructive criticism; I'm open to ideas and I'm open to sharing of responsibilities for the development and advancement of our country.”
The Head of State made these remarks to scores of media workers from across the country during the Annual Media Brunch held yesterday morning at Baridi Benab at State House.
Also in attendance were First Lady Arya Ali, Prime Minister Brigadier (rt’d) Mark Phillips, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, several Ministers of Government as well as the President of the Guyana Press Association, Ms Nazima Raghubir.
In his address, President Ali caution that while the society is free to openly express their views on various matters, this must be done in a responsible manner.
“I believe that in a free and open society, every view has a value and every view must be expressed freely. But in expressing those views there comes a responsibility also… As Nazima said, the responsibility of ensuring there is balance, there is fairness, there is factual basis on which those views are expressed is important in maintaining, not only freedom, but the image that the press is unbiased.”
The President pointed to the importance of a collective stance on national issues by the media, which he said will allow for a collaborative effort in addressing those critical issues and will foster strengthened trust. Key among these were national unity, domestic violence, engagement of the diaspora and suicide.
“These are all critical areas that we can work on, a common agenda on which we can build a national strategy, in which the government and the media can work together in helping
a national cause. I think these are areas that can also help us to build trust; it is important that we build trust among each other also.”
President Ali also committed to enhanced collaboration with the media with regards to development projects so that they will better understand the developmental shift taking place in the country.
“And I agree with you that the Government has to play a greater role in getting information out there and involving you in understanding the information in a very practical way, ensuring that the media is engaged not only from the desk, but from where development actually takes place, and these are things that I will support.”
President Ali indicated that the media corps will also benefit from the Government’s scholarship programme and will have access to training in specific areas of specialisation including mass communication, journalism, and marketing.
The Head of State also expressed appreciation to the media houses for their role in securing democracy for Guyana post elections.
“Before closing, I must take this opportunity to thank the media; with very limited resources and with long hours, the media did an exceptional job in securing democracy for Guyana….It is because of the vigilance of the media, the steadfastness of the media, and to a large extent the independence and balance in the media that allowed us as a country and as a people to ride out that period successfully.”
President Ali reiterated that his government remains open and ready to engage and collaborate with the media.
Ms Raghubir used the forum to highlight several matters; she placed a call for more engagements between the President and the press, the resumption of Post Cabinet Press Briefings and enhanced involvement of the media in development projects among others.
The GPA head also pointed to financial challenges facing the media due to COVID- 19. In his response, President Ali said that with the impending development more resources will be injected into the economy which will bring with it greater revenue for media houses and their workers.
May be an image of 1 person, sitting, standing and indoor
The Head of State also expressed appreciation to the media houses for their role in securing democracy for Guyana post elections.
“Before closing, I must take this opportunity to thank the media; with very limited resources and with long hours, the media did an exceptional job in securing democracy for Guyana….It is because of the vigilance of the media, the steadfastness of the media, and to a large extent the independence and balance in the media that allowed us as a country and as a people to ride out that period successfully.”
Who Irfaan fooling ,ballot box stuffing got him in power ,that's their type of Democracy.
@seignet posted:

Dis man so far only talks. Words, more words and more words.

What do you think he should do? So far, you criticize him for every good thing he did. What do you think Heads of state do.  They go themselves and investigate criminal activities.  Get rid of garbage?

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do you think he should do? So far, you criticize him for every good thing he did. What do you think Heads of state do.  They go themselves and investigate criminal activities.  Get rid of garbage?

He should answer questions about his academic qualifications and be open about  the granting of Fishing Licenses.  How much this free lunch cost the Tax Payers?

@Mitwah posted:

He should answer questions about his academic qualifications and be open about  the granting of Fishing Licenses.  How much this free lunch cost the Tax Payers?

What academic qualifications? They are all fake.  He won't answer questions about them because a long time back Jagdeo told him not to. 

@Totaram posted:

What academic qualifications? They are all fake.  He won't answer questions about them because a long time back Jagdeo told him not to.

If he doesn't listen to Big Boss, he'll be slapped viciously, like poor Uncle Donald. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

What do you think he should do? So far, you criticize him for every good thing he did. What do you think Heads of state do.  They go themselves and investigate criminal activities.  Get rid of garbage?

he should.

@Former Member posted:

If he doesn't listen to Big Boss, he'll be slapped viciously, like poor Uncle Donald.

Speaking about Ramotar, anytime now he can be made an Ambassador, it is the season for making them. Let's see which country Jagdeo going to send him, um, maybe Canada. Meking use of past presidents, where is Granger going to and Naga too.

Jaggy is the Sultan of Berbice, after Maduro takes essequibo and granger takes demerara. Guyana spliiting up.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why? Do you think we should get rid of the GT city council and let the PPP run things? Do you know the duties of a President?  I don't think so!

I know the duties, that is why I am critical of him.

@seignet posted:

I know the duties, that is why I am critical of him.

You are critical of him because you hate him and the PPP. So far the man has done a great job rebuilding the infrastructure of the country.

He has done in 6 months what Granger didn't do in 5 years, but you cannot see past your nose because you are so prejudiced against him.

I think you are praying for this government to fail.

Last edited by Ramakant-P

Praying? What for, the country lacks leadership. There is Granger and his gang stunting the only ppl who intelligent enough to bring about meaningful changes. And then there is Jagdeo and his Indians, a ppl steeped in caste and blind affections, dem never can or will build a country. Dem doan know how to build anything.


TRANSFORMING GUYANA: A look at infrastructural & other projects being implemented by PPP/C Gov't

WATCH ll TRANSFORMING GUYANA: A look at infrastructural and other developmental projects being implemented by the Dr. Irfaan Ali led PPP/C Government.
@seignet posted:

Praying? What for, the country lacks leadership. There is Granger and his gang stunting the only ppl who intelligent enough to bring about meaningful changes. And then there is Jagdeo and his Indians, a ppl steeped in caste and blind affections, dem never can or will build a country. Dem doan know how to build anything.

Granger had 5 1/2 years to run the country. Granger had no Leadership qualities. He did nothing for 5 1/2 years while he let two coolie boys destroyed the country. All the damages done by the PNC coalition are now being undone by President Ali. Previously, the PNC 28 years rule bankrupted the country. The PPP had to rescue Guyana from the gutters.

The PPP  builds and the PNC destroys. Don't talk about things you don't know about. The PNC cannot run a cake shop.  Look at how they bankrupted the 2000 coop shops in their 28-year rule of the country.

There is no frigging way the people will let them rule again.  They are the Donald Trumps of Guyana.

Go eat shyte and die.


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