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Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has drafted an executive order to end family separation at the border, though it's unclear if President Trump will sign it, according to the Associated Press.

Fox News also reports that Trump is currently considering the order.

The executive order would allow children to stay with their parents in detention centers for an extended period, according to both Fox News and the Associated Press.

The AP reports that Nielsen is on her way to the White House to discuss the policy with Trump.

The reports come as outcry builds over the Trump administration's zero tolerance immigration policy, which separates parents from their children after they enter the country illegally. The policy, which was enacted by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in May, has resulted in nearly 2,000 children being separated from their parents.

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Demerara_Guy posted:

An Executive Order is simply a measure that a president can take as a temporary approach which can be immediately changed or deleted at the pleasure of the current or future president.

Executive Order is different from enacted laws.

Captain obvious!  He did it to get around slow congressional action!

Demerara_Guy posted:

DodoDonald Trump is flip-flopping in a frantic manner and struggling to do something after being criticized by world leaders, the Pope, Melania Trump -- his wife and First Lady, the media in the US_of_A, etc., etc..

Now that he softens and put a temporary fix until a permanent solution is worked out, you find a reason to be critical.  You need to change your diaper!

How about that EU blink on tariffs?


[[Quote from article]]

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as former first lady Laura Bush, Pope Francis and top faith leaders within the United States, have also blasted the Trump administration for its actions, which it bills as part of a “zero-tolerance” approach to migration along its southern border.

[[Unquote from article]]



‘What’s going on in the United States is wrong:’ Trudeau adds voice to chorus condemning Trump


After days of calls by the Opposition for him to condemn U.S. President Donald Trump detaining children, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday said the actions were “wrong.”

UPDATE: Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would sign an executive order to solve the problem of immigrant families being separated at the U.S. southern border.

After two days of demands by critics that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau breaks his silence and condemn U.S. President Donald Trump’s policy of separating children from migrant families and detaining them in cages, he has finally done so.

In a scrum with reporters before heading into the last caucus meeting of the parliamentary session, Trudeau joined the growing chorus of international leaders who are speaking out against the administration’s actions.

READ MORE: Why is Justin Trudeau silent amid growing calls to condemn Trump’s detention of children?

“What’s going on in the United States is wrong,” said Trudeau.

“I can’t imagine what the families living through this are enduring. Obviously, this is not the way we do things in Canada.”

On Monday, Trudeau said those calling on him to condemn the detention and separation of children from their families just wanted to “play politics.”

Get an inside look at a U.S. border detention facility

As well, Canada does not ban the detention of children or separation from their families during the immigration process.

From April to December 2017, a total of 155 minors were detained in facilities by the Canada Border Services Agency but the agency has refused to say how many of them were separated from their families and detained on their own.

Those numbers, which represent only the first three-quarters of the fiscal 2017 year, exceed the total for the previous year.

The government directive ordering all efforts be made to avoid detaining children did not come until November 2017 following public outcry.

NDP calls on Trudeau to speak out against controversial U.S. border law

His comments come hours after U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the detention of thousands of children from families seeking asylum in a similar comment in which she also said she would not withdraw the invitation for Trump to visit in July.

“The pictures of children being held in what appear to be cages are deeply disturbing,” May said. “This is wrong. This is not something we agree with. This is not the U.K.’s approach.”

Trump stands firm on controversial border policy: ‘You have to take the children away’

A spokesperson for the French government, Benjamin Griveaux, also issued a condemnation earlier this week.

Griveaux said in light of the detentions, the historic allies of the United States and France “do not share the same model of civilization.”

“Clearly, we don’t share certain values,” he said.

The Trump administration’s hard line on immigration has sparked calls within Canada for the government to suspend the Safe Third Country Agreement.

Chris Alexander
✔ @calxandr
Yes. "Should Canada end the Safe Third Country Agreement with the U.S.?"  via @YouTube


Jenny Kwan, the NDP immigration critic, has also hammered the government over the last two days to do so.

She called the administration’s actions “cruel and unusual,” and not consistent with the foundations of the agreement.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as former first lady Laura Bush, Pope Francis and top faith leaders within the United States, have also blasted the Trump administration for its actions, which it bills as part of a “zero-tolerance” approach to migration along its southern border.

The majority of families in question have been seeking asylum in the United States from Central American gang violence.

Seeking asylum is not illegal.


Trump proves every day how much of an ass he is. So there was no law that requires children to be taken away from their parents/guardians but any administration can implement a policy to do so. So without any executive from Trump his administration started separating minors from their parents/guardians. Then Trump and many of his supporters claim that he cannot do anything about it because it is the Democrats' fault. So today after he either had a change of heart, he signed an unnecessary executive order to stop the separation of minors from their parents/guardians when all he had to do was pick up the phone (or go on twitter if he prefers that) and tell the DPJ and DHS to stop the policy. Those are screaming signs of the biggest ass ever. 

But what was this all for? Was it another of his half baked thoughts placed into action or was he using these defenseless children as bargaining chips for his stupid border wall.

Furthermore, why was he employing tactics used by ISIS and Boko Haram in carrying out his policies? Is he also an admirer of ISIS and Boko Haram?


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