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Nehru posted:

Big Friggin deal, so was OJ Simpson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said I wish both sides the very best. Why are you acting like your grandmother Bere Nancy to tear me up for delivering good news? Sour people can't seem to get over their anger. Trump thief all you sugar cake?  

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

I am disappointed at Baseman for his absence in view of Trump's victory. He should have been here to say a few words on Trump's behalf. 

Where is Sean the other never Trumper?  

Bai, me dah hay. I am a loyal Trump supporter and a conservative for life. 

Me tekking this victory in style and not in an in your face celebration otherwise dem GNI lefties will be crying and hollering if I really dish it out. 

This is the first of bigger things to come like a Presidential re-election victory celebration.  It’s fun enough to watch the Democrats implode. I can’t hit them when they are down.

The state of the Union speech laid out the path to victory. I wonder is some people will now put him in the same league as Gandhi. Time will tell. 

I am sure that Base is taking this in style too. 

Last edited by Former Member


The constitution set clear guidelines to follow for impeachment and it was never meant to be used as a political tool. They did exactly that to taint the president but Karma is taking its course since the Democrats are now imploding.

Biden who was supposed to defeat Trump is now falling apart as the public now sees him as corrupt and incapable of defeating Trump.

Democrats are like a bunch of madmen who are too sick to recognize that they are mentally ill. 

Trump has been acquitted and that’s what matter. Conservatives are confident and could care less about what Democrat lunatics think or say. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Prince posted:

I am disappointed at Baseman for his absence in view of Trump's victory. He should have been here to say a few words on Trump's behalf. 

Where is Sean the other never Trumper?  

The state of the Union speech laid out the path to victory.

I wonder is some people will now put him in the same league as Gandhi.

Time will tell.

Some statements at the 2020 State of the Union address ...

Donald Trump
stated on February 4, 2020 in the State of the Union:


Donald Trump
stated on February 4, 2020 in his 2020 State of the Union address:

By Bill McCarthy â€Ē February 5, 2020


Donald Trump
stated on February 4, 2020 in his State of the Union:

By Shefali Luthra â€Ē February 5, 2020


Donald Trump
stated on February 4, 2020 in his State of the Union:

By Shefali Luthra â€Ē February 5, 2020


Donald Trump
stated on February 2, 2020 in an interview on Fox News:

By Bill McCarthy â€Ē February 3, 2020



Sean, you must take everyone's account into consideration when making points for Trump. Trump is not perfect and he is a liar on many occasions. However, my thread is not to discuss truth, lies or anything in between, but specifically on his acquittal today. Trump has accomplished more in three short years than most two-term presidents. Most people hate Trump because of his hardline policies and I can't blame them, but by right, he ran on the same issues he is fulfilling for his electorates. 

Prince posted:

Trump has acquitted on both Articles of Impeachment. I wish both sides the very best in the days and months ahead. 

Don't you know there is a difference in the words, "has" and "was?"  So what "has" Trump acquired? Oh by the way, you might have heard the term "kangaroo court" that is the new Republican party's name change.

Sean posted:

I am a loyal Trump supporter and a conservative for life. 

Me tekking this victory in style and not in an in your face celebration otherwise dem GNI lefties will be crying and hollering if I really dish it out.

It is simply a vote where the Republicans and Democrats voted strictly along party lines.

Two-thirds or more of the Senators must vote in favor of the motion to impeach a president.

cain posted:
Prince posted:

Trump has acquitted on both Articles of Impeachment. I wish both sides the very best in the days and months ahead. 

Don't you know there is a difference in the words, "has" and "was?"  So what "has" Trump acquired? Oh by the way, you might have heard the term "kangaroo court" that is the new Republican party's name change.

WATTAX!!! Wan good patkay. The man does not write English. His grammar is worst than some 3rd graders in America. This boy needs a good grammar whipping to put him in shape. As soon as I saw the headline, I knew I was going to have a field day.

Prince posted:

Sean, why people continue to make fun and laugh at a person who has been vindicated on all charges against him? Isn't that a victory of the accused and a defeat for the accusers? So, why are they finding it funny? Is Guyana madhouse in close proximity? 

You must have been hiding under a rock or you are just too dumb to understand the political process and the politics involved in this. Read this sentence v e r y  s l o w l y. DONALD TRUMP WILL FOREVER REMAIN IMPEACHED. It's like jamoon and abeer stains combined. At least one decent and proud republican voted to remove the genius idiot from the WH. Moscow Mitch and (St. Petersburg) Leningrad Lindsey sold their souls to the highest bidder... a corrupted and immoral evangelical.

Last edited by Former Member

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