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Trump Signs EO Pablo Martinez MonsivaisAP

President Donald Trump will release a new executive order on immigration Monday morning, sources with knowledge of these matters tell Breitbart News.

The new order comes after the first one—temporarily suspending the refugee program and barring travel into the United States from seven terror-prone countries—was met with backlash in the court system, with a district court and the ninth circuit court of appeals shutting it down.;utm_medium=social


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This nut case should just check himself in a hospital for a brain scan. All is not right up there. Would you trust a man who grabs p.u.s.s.y, robs the poor workers, files for bankruptcy so the poor taxpayers must support him, hates certain groups of people, lies constantly, sleeps with the enemy.....?


Donald Trump is ready to take on radical Islamic terrorism with his new immigration executive order on Monday. I know of many who harbor and appease with terrorists to kill our kids. We will see a different kind of immigration news from tomorrow. 

skeldon_man posted:

This nut case should just check himself in a hospital for a brain scan. All is not right up there. Would you trust a man who grabs p.u.s.s.y, robs the poor workers, files for bankruptcy so the poor taxpayers must support him, hates certain groups of people, lies constantly, sleeps with the enemy.....?

Would you like to see Islamic terrorists bring down another set of buildings in Manhattan? Why would you shed tears for these bastards?

Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Mistaken identity. 

All the Trump supporters are illiterate , dumb asses, they don't know who the difference from  a Blackman to a Whiteman. from an American to a Native Indian. One day the fools will shoot their OWN family shouting "go back to your country."Trump's motto"Make America White Again.

Prince posted:

Mr. Trump campaigned on these promises he is fulfilling. Don't let emotions get the better of your logical thinking. 

He campaigned that Obama is not an American  all Mexicans are rapists that he has the right to grab women by their  p___y. He will be impeached in the near future for his relationship with Russia. He is a Fake President. I pity you Americans having to live a life of fear when will ICE knock at your door and if traveling  abroad you will get poor reception.  Remember if you are not white then you are Black so go Back to your country.

kp posted:


With Schumer meking heself an azz, wah yuh expect. The Anglo-saxons teking notes.

kp posted:
Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Mistaken identity. 

All the Trump supporters are illiterate , dumb asses, they don't know who the difference from  a Blackman to a Whiteman. from an American to a Native Indian. One day the fools will shoot their OWN family shouting "go back to your country."Trump's motto"Make America White Again.

Are you saying that Prince / Cobra will shoot his wife, mother and children?


Chief posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Mistaken identity. 

All the Trump supporters are illiterate , dumb asses, they don't know who the difference from  a Blackman to a Whiteman. from an American to a Native Indian. One day the fools will shoot their OWN family shouting "go back to your country."Trump's motto"Make America White Again.

Are you saying that Prince / Cobra will shoot his wife, mother and children?


After they drink the Trump cool aide anything is possible. 


Trump can hope to change the subject how much he wish but it will not save him from his involvement with the Russians during his campaign. The arms of the law in America is very long and no one is above the law. Not even the president. Especially one who is a schmuck.

ksazma posted:

Trump can hope to change the subject how much he wish but it will not save him from his involvement with the Russians during his campaign. The arms of the law in America is very long and no one is above the law. Not even the president. Especially one who is a schmuck.

Trump is practicing  political diversion . He talks about fake news he is creating  his own fake news now a ccussing  Obama of wiretapping  the Trump tower which is a lie and he wants an investigation  why not investigate his affiliation with Russia. He is a Fake President I sympathize  with you Americans Run from Burnham and now you get Trump.


kp posted:
ksazma posted:

Trump can hope to change the subject how much he wish but it will not save him from his involvement with the Russians during his campaign. The arms of the law in America is very long and no one is above the law. Not even the president. Especially one who is a schmuck.

Trump is practicing  political diversion . He talks about fake news he is creating  his own fake news now a ccussing  Obama of wiretapping  the Trump tower which is a lie and he wants an investigation  why not investigate his affiliation with Russia. He is a Fake President I sympathize  with you Americans Run from Burnham and now you get Trump.


Imagine the most powerful man in the world asking on Twitter if something is legal. The man who has an army of lawyers at his disposal has to ask twitter. TRUMP IS A TWIT!!!

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Mr. Trump campaigned on these promises he is fulfilling. Don't let emotions get the better of your logical thinking. 

He campaigned that Obama is not an American  all Mexicans are rapists that he has the right to grab women by their  p___y. He will be impeached in the near future for his relationship with Russia. He is a Fake President. I pity you Americans having to live a life of fear when will ICE knock at your door and if traveling  abroad you will get poor reception.  Remember if you are not white then you are Black so go Back to your country.

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

Cobra posted

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

The condom factory should apologise to your parents for the fk up.

cain posted:
Cobra posted

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

The condom factory should apologise to your parents for the fk up.

Less we forget, here is his stupid rant against America in his support of those ISIS terrorists.


Why America have to be the world police to go in other people's country and tell them how to live their lives? Can you force your religion on someone else? No. Can you force democracy over sharia law? No. Can Obama tell China, Russia and North Korea to become.democratic nations? He'll no.

ISIS don't want western influence in their country and they're fighting the American disease from spreading. We must understand that these people are not terrorists, they're freedom fighters fighting for a cause American don't want to understand.

Saudi Arabia is well respected and protected by American because of the oil. Saudi's have the worse human rights record and still look good in America's eyes.

Obama need to review his foreign policy and get the he'll out of other people's country and let them live the way they chose.

If we get attacked in NYC, that would be the cause of Obama. He should then be impeached from office for fighting innocent people in their own country.

"Give me Freedom or give me Death"

Cobra posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Mr. Trump campaigned on these promises he is fulfilling. Don't let emotions get the better of your logical thinking. 

He campaigned that Obama is not an American  all Mexicans are rapists that he has the right to grab women by their  p___y. He will be impeached in the near future for his relationship with Russia. He is a Fake President. I pity you Americans having to live a life of fear when will ICE knock at your door and if traveling  abroad you will get poor reception.  Remember if you are not white then you are Black so go Back to your country.

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

You are better off to stay quiet than to document your ignorance  you racist fool.

kp posted:
Cobra posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Mr. Trump campaigned on these promises he is fulfilling. Don't let emotions get the better of your logical thinking. 

He campaigned that Obama is not an American  all Mexicans are rapists that he has the right to grab women by their  p___y. He will be impeached in the near future for his relationship with Russia. He is a Fake President. I pity you Americans having to live a life of fear when will ICE knock at your door and if traveling  abroad you will get poor reception.  Remember if you are not white then you are Black so go Back to your country.

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

You are better off to stay quiet than to document your ignorance  you racist fool.

It is one thing to be racist. Another thing to be a fool. The snake is both and then some. Because he is such an ass-hole, that excerpt I posted above is his record. No wonder he likes Trump. They are both schmucks.

Cobra posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Mr. Trump campaigned on these promises he is fulfilling. Don't let emotions get the better of your logical thinking. 

He campaigned that Obama is not an American  all Mexicans are rapists that he has the right to grab women by their  p___y. He will be impeached in the near future for his relationship with Russia. He is a Fake President. I pity you Americans having to live a life of fear when will ICE knock at your door and if traveling  abroad you will get poor reception.  Remember if you are not white then you are Black so go Back to your country.

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

You must have overdosed on stupidity not to mention your shizophrenic behaviour using multiple handles to speak to yourself.  Dumb ass, for the record Obama's dad received an MA in Economics from Harvard University.  Can you spell Harvard? 


Tomorrow as you wake up and watch the news, it will be your worse nightmare to learn that Trump will introduce a new travel ban that the court cannot reverse. He will eventually get to vet all the rotten eggs trying to sneak into the country. I want Pakistan to add to the list of terrorist state. 

kp posted:
ksazma posted:

Trump can hope to change the subject how much he wish but it will not save him from his involvement with the Russians during his campaign. The arms of the law in America is very long and no one is above the law. Not even the president. Especially one who is a schmuck.

Trump is practicing  political diversion . He talks about fake news he is creating  his own fake news now a ccussing  Obama of wiretapping  the Trump tower which is a lie and he wants an investigation  why not investigate his affiliation with Russia. He is a Fake President I sympathize  with you Americans Run from Burnham and now you get Trump.


The way Obama was going after the man, I will not be surprised he did authorized a wiretap. I think Obama was convinced of a connection with Trump and Putin. In his last days in office, he tried to create the case and have the Democrats on a witch hunt. He even tried through Lewis to delegitimize the Presidency of Trump. It will eventually bite them in the ass. Obama is not dealing with corrupt Africans of Kenya.

Perhaps, it was his right to hound Trump, but also created a wider divide between himself and Trump supporters. 

Cobra posted:

Obama is an African Muslim who never talks about his white Mother. His white Mother is responsible for his education, not his African Father who was a uneducated. Obama is a bastard child to have interracial parents. He should apologized for being born.

Present factual and not make up issues, Cobra.

1. Former President Barack Obama is an American born citizen.

2. Barack Obama spent his time with his mother even when she was living in Indonesia.

3. Former President Barack Obama's father was a university educated person, having studied at the University of Hawaii and at a later date at Harvard University.

4. Former President Barack Obama's father and mother were married in 1961.


I think that Cobra needs to think before he posts. His comments concerning Obama's father are factually incorrect. Also, many of us have parents who are uneducated but they still ensured that we got a decent education. He is also incorrect to state that someone is a bastard child because that person is from inter-racial parents. He needs to check the dictionary. Additionally, I take great offence to this statement because all of my children and grandchildren are inter-racial. Have many other cousins and nephews who are inter-racial, and THEY ARE NOT BASTARDS! It is wrong to call people bastards. 


New immigration order will take effect March 16

President Trump's aide Kellyanne Conway on Monday said the new immigration executive order will take effect March 16 and no longer include Iraq.
"This is a very important week in this White House where the president is going to continue to act on, along with the Congress, major pieces of his legislative and executive agenda," Conway said Monday morning on Fox News's "Fox & Friends."


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's revised travel ban will temporarily halt entry to the U.S. for people from six Muslim-majority nations who are seeking new visas, though allowing those with current visas to travel freely, according to a fact sheet obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

Trump was to sign the new executive order later in the day. The directive aims to address legal issues with the original order, which caused confusion at airports, sparked protests around the country and was ultimately blocked by federal courts.


Why a travel ban ??The terrorists will still be terrorist  after the ban good people turn bad after they live in America the society inspire people to be radicalized.  How can Trump stop the Internet that is the main tool for ISIS. THIS BAN suppose to be a state of urgency  why wait until 16th March this will go to courts again.


Calling him either a snake or an ass is an insult to both. At least you can get venom to create anti-venom and leather from the snake and even the most stubborn jackass does a little work. This waste of oxygen on the other hand is a danger to himself. It should be illegal for him to think.


President Donald Trump signs new travel ban (Today), exempts Iraq

Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump signed a new executive order Monday banning immigration from six Muslim-majority countries, notably dropping Iraq from January's previous order.

The new travel ban comes six weeks after Trump's original executive order was rolled out to chaos and confusion at airports nationwide, and eventually blocked by a federal court.
The new version exempts people who hold current visas and drops an indefinite ban on Syrian refugees, reducing it to 120 days. It also makes clear that lawful permanent residents are excluded from ban.

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