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Former Member

President Trump commented on the controversy surrounding detention of illegal immigrant children at a White House event for the National Space Council (full event replay here).

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."



Seems the Germans keching sense!  She may lose her job while Trump will be re-elected by a land slide!

Is this Angela Merkel's moment of reckoning?

Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is facing the fight of her political life, as a major row over the country's migration and refugee policy threatens to topple her from the post she has held since 2005.

Rarely do German politics produce such high drama.

One minister likened the twists and turns of the government crisis to an episode of Game of Thrones, while a German newspaper trembled: "The wolves are howling outside!" alongside a picture of the chancellery besieged by giant, Photoshopped beasts.

In such a febrile atmosphere, it's tempting to imagine an embattled Mrs Merkel inside, furiously striding the corridors and wondering out loud who will rid her of this turbulent Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

President Trump commented on the controversy surrounding detention of illegal immigrant children at a White House event for the National Space Council (full event replay here).

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."



Seems the Germans keching sense!  She may lose her job while Trump will be re-elected by a land slide!

Is this Angela Merkel's moment of reckoning?

Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is facing the fight of her political life, as a major row over the country's migration and refugee policy threatens to topple her from the post she has held since 2005.

Rarely do German politics produce such high drama.

One minister likened the twists and turns of the government crisis to an episode of Game of Thrones, while a German newspaper trembled: "The wolves are howling outside!" alongside a picture of the chancellery besieged by giant, Photoshopped beasts.

In such a febrile atmosphere, it's tempting to imagine an embattled Mrs Merkel inside, furiously striding the corridors and wondering out loud who will rid her of this turbulent Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Baseman, you are a Trump supporter.. rite, read his statement you posted ... he FCk you up also .. claiming it’s the BAD immigration law American has in the whole world - and that’s the same law, that got you in America .

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

President Trump commented on the controversy surrounding detention of illegal immigrant children at a White House event for the National Space Council (full event replay here).

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."



Seems the Germans keching sense!  She may lose her job while Trump will be re-elected by a land slide!

Is this Angela Merkel's moment of reckoning?

Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is facing the fight of her political life, as a major row over the country's migration and refugee policy threatens to topple her from the post she has held since 2005.

Rarely do German politics produce such high drama.

One minister likened the twists and turns of the government crisis to an episode of Game of Thrones, while a German newspaper trembled: "The wolves are howling outside!" alongside a picture of the chancellery besieged by giant, Photoshopped beasts.

In such a febrile atmosphere, it's tempting to imagine an embattled Mrs Merkel inside, furiously striding the corridors and wondering out loud who will rid her of this turbulent Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Baseman, you are a Trump supporter.. rite, read his statement you posted ... he FCk you up also .. claiming it’s the BAD immigration law American has in the whole world - and that’s the same law, that got you in America .

You don’t know me and how I came to America to make that comment.  Good, so why you don’t ask nice boy up deh todet up camps and tek them in.   

I actually like the Canadian system.   

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

President Trump commented on the controversy surrounding detention of illegal immigrant children at a White House event for the National Space Council (full event replay here).

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."



Seems the Germans keching sense!  She may lose her job while Trump will be re-elected by a land slide!

Is this Angela Merkel's moment of reckoning?

Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is facing the fight of her political life, as a major row over the country's migration and refugee policy threatens to topple her from the post she has held since 2005.

Rarely do German politics produce such high drama.

One minister likened the twists and turns of the government crisis to an episode of Game of Thrones, while a German newspaper trembled: "The wolves are howling outside!" alongside a picture of the chancellery besieged by giant, Photoshopped beasts.

In such a febrile atmosphere, it's tempting to imagine an embattled Mrs Merkel inside, furiously striding the corridors and wondering out loud who will rid her of this turbulent Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Baseman, you are a Trump supporter.. rite, read his statement you posted ... he FCk you up also .. claiming it’s the BAD immigration law American has in the whole world - and that’s the same law, that got you in America .

You don’t know me and how I came to America to make that comment.  Good, so why you don’t ask nice boy up deh todet up camps and tek them in.   

I actually like the Canadian system.   

Base, regardless of how you came, you can be only one of two things. You either came as a legal immigrant or as an illegal one. Either way, you came as an immigrant.


[[Quote from the article]]

President Trump: "The United States Will Not Be A Migrant Camp," "Not On My Watch"

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."

[[Unquote from the article]]

Perhaps, Donald Trump forgot that his grandfather was a migrant from Germany.

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

President Trump commented on the controversy surrounding detention of illegal immigrant children at a White House event for the National Space Council (full event replay here).

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

"The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility. Won't be. You look at what's happening in Europe, you look at what's happening in other places; we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."



Seems the Germans keching sense!  She may lose her job while Trump will be re-elected by a land slide!

Is this Angela Merkel's moment of reckoning?

Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is facing the fight of her political life, as a major row over the country's migration and refugee policy threatens to topple her from the post she has held since 2005.

Rarely do German politics produce such high drama.

One minister likened the twists and turns of the government crisis to an episode of Game of Thrones, while a German newspaper trembled: "The wolves are howling outside!" alongside a picture of the chancellery besieged by giant, Photoshopped beasts.

In such a febrile atmosphere, it's tempting to imagine an embattled Mrs Merkel inside, furiously striding the corridors and wondering out loud who will rid her of this turbulent Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer.

Baseman, you are a Trump supporter.. rite, read his statement you posted ... he FCk you up also .. claiming it’s the BAD immigration law American has in the whole world - and that’s the same law, that got you in America .

You don’t know me and how I came to America to make that comment.  Good, so why you don’t ask nice boy up deh todet up camps and tek them in.   

I actually like the Canadian system.   

How's the fresh air in America?

Last edited by Mitwah

Put your likes and dislikes aside about Trump. There is no secret about his immigration policy. He campaigned on that promise and American voters voted for him. That's all there is to know. If the candidate you voted for lost the election, you also lost the election. Better luck next time. All the fooish talks about Trump grandparents were immigrants and he is an embarrassment has nothing to do with his policies and style of governing. Some of you get too sentimental and take things too personal when discussing Trump and his policies. As far as I am concern, most of you guys would like to see America becomes a shithole country where any lago- bago can come in and out like a whore house. 


Prince, most are not opposed to illegal immigration. America has a right to protect it's borders as any other nation.

What some including myself are concerned about is the policy of separating families and locking up young children in cages. This is where this so-called policy crosses the line.

We cannot forget the fact that many of us came as immigrants to USA and Canada. You are a father with a young child, sit back and think as a parent. 


No president cannot satisfy our individual needs, and as a voter myself, I understand that. Unfortunately, the people who didn't vote for Trump are the biggest noise makers. Many on GNI wants to use Trump as a punching bag, but voiceless when it comes to Granger and Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted
Baseman posted:

You don’t know me and how I came to America to make that comment.  Good, so why you don’t ask nice boy up deh todet up camps and tek them in.   

I actually like the Canadian system.   

Base, regardless of how you came, you can be only one of two things. You either came as a legal immigrant or as an illegal one. Either way, you came as an immigrant.

What's the point.  How did all the immigrants get into Canada?  Trump supports a more "Canadian" system for the USA!

The people in question right now are illegals!

Baseman posted:

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

To some with pea brains this makes a lot of sense, but to the intelligent it is a heap of crap.

Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

To some with pea brains this makes a lot of sense, but to the intelligent it is a heap of crap.

That’s why he is president and you a moose proctologist!

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

The hypocrite said that she has the most beautiful immigration documents (con words that can only appeal to those who follow him as though he is a cult leader) and promised to produce them within two weeks. That was back in 2016 and that two weeks are not yet over.


Seriously though, I don’t know what is the best solution to deal with this challenge. The crisis began with people breaking the law by entering the US illegally. The adults who broke the law cannot be given a free pass. They have to go through the process. The minors didn’t break the law and shouldn’t be locked up like the adults. Maybe this is still the best solution until their parents/guardians can be processed. What the government should do is try to get the process completed quickly. Another approach is for the families to remain in Mexico together while their petitions are completed. Swarming the border is not right either. Not everyone seeking to enter the US have the reason they give so their claims have to be verified.

Baseman posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:

"If I might, I -- I just wanted to make a brief statement on immigration and what's happening," the president said. "And I'll say it very honestly, and I'll say it very straight: Immigration is the fault, and all of the problems that we're having, because we cannot get them to sign legislation. We cannot get them even to the negotiating table. And I say it's very strongly the Democrats' fault. They're obstruction -- they're really obstructionist, and they are obstructing."

To some with pea brains this makes a lot of sense, but to the intelligent it is a heap of crap.

That’s why he is president and you a moose proctologist!

Call him what you like..he aint no dam President, he is a con man who is adored by brainless twits.

Last edited by cain
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 


Dave, I don't know what your argument is all about, but entering into a country legally is acceptable by law. Immigration process in each country is different. The illegal immigrants that are caught at the border ought to know the danger they are risking with their family, children, etc. You can't only focus on what America is doing to them. The illegals are violating another country's laws. Why does a country have laws and borders if they cant protect the mass exodus of people from coming in? 

Mexico is governed by drug cartels that killed over 100 politicians since the presidential race began. Do you want that to spill over in America?

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 

America has 3 million more illegals.  Please take them.  

Bibi Haniffa

Lots of you heaping scorn on illegals and their children have relatives who came here backtrack....

Trump is a racist bigot and his policies reflect, I know some of you wannabes would love to feel like you in the same zip code when it comes to race and class as Trump, but Trump just uses you and spit you out like the brown stuff on the bottom of his shoes (after he has stepped in some dog poo)

Prince posted:

Put your likes and dislikes aside about Trump. There is no secret about his immigration policy. He campaigned on that promise and American voters voted for him. That's all there is to know. If the candidate you voted for lost the election, you also lost the election. Better luck next time. All the fooish talks about Trump grandparents were immigrants and he is an embarrassment has nothing to do with his policies and style of governing. Some of you get too sentimental and take things too personal when discussing Trump and his policies. As far as I am concern, most of you guys would like to see America becomes a shithole country where any lago- bago can come in and out like a whore house. 

Oh god. Do you see and can say Japanese internment camps or Nazism? Wonder if you or some of your relatives were in these peoples' shoes you would feel the same way.
If Trump doesn't want the migrants here, why not take them back to the Mexico border and let them go. Don't be inhumane and kidnap their children and let some CBP pervert sexually abuse them. You need to get your head straight and think before you post crap here. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

Kids, put your hands up who don’t have family that migrate illegally for greener pasture

All Trump supporters  want to tell me they or a family members never break a country immigration law... 

Bai Dave, I can raise my hand. I sponsored each and every one in my family. It took about 10 years for a couple of them.

skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:

Kids, put your hands up who don’t have family that migrate illegally for greener pasture

All Trump supporters  want to tell me they or a family members never break a country immigration law... 

Bai Dave, I can raise my hand. I sponsored each and every one in my family. It took about 10 years for a couple of them.

You’re a Good man Sklley. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 

Listen dummy, a legal landed immigrant is a world of difference from someone who smuggled their way into the country without due process and then bring a kid so the get the "apprehend and release treatment".

And just like these people claim, we were under PNC apartheid opression and daily brutality and banditry.  Still my parents followed the legal process.

I have no inconsistency with myself or every single member of my family, including cousins who went through the full and proper process and entered the US as legal immigrants.

Like me, there are millions waiting in-line and adhering to the legal process and we have people swarming over and expect to get in front.

I am 100% in agreement with the Trump policy.  If the Democrats want a deal, they have to give something.  If not, post them all back to where they came.

BTW, how did you get to Canada...did you go back-track?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

If blubber tits trump had his racist/bigoted way, there will be no immigration of colored people to US, legal or illegal

Don't second guess blubber head.  Deal with the situation as is, illegal migrants swarming in to the country!

I see you have been brainwashed well with regard to "swarming"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 

America has 3 million more illegals.  Please take them.  

The illegals to Canada are coming from America, we should build a wall and have your wall across Mexico, thus instead of being in a cage we put all American in BIG jail surrounded by a BIG wall. If the present immigration policy had existed many years back, many of you Guyanese would not have qualified to enter the USA, one , you are non white, two , can't speak English and uneducated and many lack the basic skills required for the job demands. Trump base is getting smaller daily, even Republicans are against the separation policy.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 

America has 3 million more illegals.  Please take them.  

The illegals to Canada are coming from America, we should build a wall and have your wall across Mexico, thus instead of being in a cage we put all American in BIG jail surrounded by a BIG wall. If the present immigration policy had existed many years back, many of you Guyanese would not have qualified to enter the USA, one , you are non white, two , can't speak English and uneducated and many lack the basic skills required for the job demands. Trump base is getting smaller daily, even Republicans are against the separation policy.

So let's go back 100 years ago, you'd be indentured cutting cane.

Dummy, "Legal and Illegal" are timeless.

Lobby pretty boy to take these "mistreated" illegals and share your big big Canada.  Then you have a word.  Until then, this is an American issue to be addressed by the American president.  Who vex vex, as Yuji would say!

I actually prefer the Canadian immigration system.  I can assure, it would have made no difference to me and I believe many/most on this board.  We all would have still been here!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:

Trump wife was living and working in US since 1996 as a model .. got her residence card in 2001. 

I dont know about US immigration policy.. can foreigners work in US for extended period, let’s say 1996-2001. 

Go and figure out what your beautiful country of Canada could do to alleviate the refugee issue.  Set up shelters and house them and grant them status.  Settle them in your vast empty country and let them grow tomatoes.  

Charity begins at home, don’t point your finger.  

I don’t know, may be you are a legal immigrant. Circumstances may prevent them to enter legally. 

At the end of the day, they are looking for a better life like yourself.

Having said all this, you miss the subject ... your president said AMERICA IS NOT A MIGRANT CAMP.. you are a migrant baseman 

Canada recently processs over 5200 refugee crossing the border from US. 

Listen dummy, a legal landed immigrant is a world of difference from someone who smuggled their way into the country without due process and then bring a kid so the get the "apprehend and release treatment".

And just like these people claim, we were under PNC apartheid opression and daily brutality and banditry.  Still my parents followed the legal process.

I have no inconsistency with myself or every single member of my family, including cousins who went through the full and proper process and entered the US as legal immigrants.

Like me, there are millions waiting in-line and adhering to the legal process and we have people swarming over and expect to get in front.

I am 100% in agreement with the Trump policy.  If the Democrats want a deal, they have to give something.  If not, post them all back to where they came.

BTW, how did you get to Canada...did you go back-track?

Ow nah bust a blood vessel. Me and you are still the underdogs in the white man country. 

I think you miss my point about Trump, ,, you hope he gon ask you to help out with Melania.. 

i came to Canada the legal way but had family members in the states who went back track, work hard everyday, pay their taxes and get through and still working... how about you base 


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