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President urges sugar industry solidarity to return its prestige - at 65th death anniversary of Enmore Martyrs


It has been 65 years since that June 16, 1948 event when five Enmore sugar workers, Lallabajee, Pooran, Harry, Surujbally and Rambarran died, paying the ultimate sacrifice for better wages and working conditions.


Honouring the  martyrs during a service at the Enmore Monument site today, President Donald Ramotar urged that an example be taken from the sacrifice of the fallen heroes in resuscitating the industry to the prestigious position it held.


President Donald Ramotar lays a wreath at the base of the Enmore Martyrs' Monument

President Donald Ramotar lays a wreath at the base

of the Enmore Martyrs’ Monument


Also present at the service were several Ministers of Government, Members of Parliament (MPs,) trade union leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps, Region Four Chairman and relatives of the martyrs.


President Ramotar acknowledging that the industry is in ‘crisis mode’ said that it is important that all recognise that it still has a role to play in the development of the country, and in resuscitating the industry to play this role, he is ready and willing to work together with anyone.


A section of the gathering at the service to honour the five Enmore martyrs

A section of the gathering at the service to honour

the five Enmore martyrs


“I am ready for all ideas. I am ready to accept all workable ideas that will turn this industry around,” he said.


“If the workers and the union feel that they know and they understand the industry and they can produce better than the management,  I am ready to even consider giving them the land in co-ops and let them produce.


The GuySuco Training Centre Cultural Group performs at the commemoration of the 65th death anniversary of the five Enmore Martyrs

The GuySuco Training Centre Cultural Group performs

at the commemoration of the 65th death anniversary

of the five Enmore Martyrs


I am ready to work with any other suggestions that can come forward so that this mighty industry that has been responsible for all our presence here, that it should not go down,” he said.


The President said that remembrance events like Enmore Martyrs’ Day, have been known to bring out feelings of solidarity and togetherness in people, and it is the hope that it would bring all together towards this goal.


President Donald Ramotar addresses the commemoration service of the 65th death anniversary of the Enmore Martyrs

President Donald Ramotar addresses the commemoration

service of the 65th death anniversary of the Enmore Martyrs


“It is time like these that brings out the best in people, and I am looking forward that everyone would put their best foot forward and stop making excuses, stop complaining, stop the blame game and let us together try to turn this industry around and allow it to continue the role that it has as a major factor for development in our country,” he said.


“We have to restore the fields, the lands which have given us canes for centuries must be nourished to be able to continue,” he urged.


He said that the main objective is to see what can be done quickly to put this ‘crisis’ period for the industry behind.


President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul, President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana [FITUG) Carvil Duncan and FITUG's General Secretary Kenneth Joseph and President of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union [GAWU) Komal Chand hold hands during the singing of 'The Internationale' at the the 65th death anniversary service for the Enmore Martyrs

President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul,

President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) Carvil Duncan and FITUG’s General Secretary Kenneth

Joseph and President of the Guyana Agricultural and General

Workers’ Union (GAWU) Komal Chand hold hands during the

singing of ‘The Internationale’ at the the 65th death anniversary

service for the Enmore Martyrs


The Head of State urged that everyone involved from top to bottom  be ready to take the example of the Enmore martyrs and to make the sacrifice so that the sugar industry can remain  powerful.


“We want to build a strong sugar industry so that our country can benefit,” he said.


President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) Carvil Duncan and President of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers’ Union (GAWU) Komal Chand also addressed the gathering.


They spoke of the legacy of the martyrs, its impact on the sugar industry, the struggle for independence and in accelerating the formation of the PPPC party and in moulding the characters of its earlier leaders especially its earliest leader and former President Cheddi Jagan.


Wreaths were laid in honour of the fallen heroes at the base of the Enmore Monument by  President Ramotar and other representatives of different trade union groups and governmental bodies.


On June 16, 1948 sugar workers at Enmore staged a protest for ‘better wages and improved living conditions’. Of the 19 workers who formed the strike party, five were killed when police opened fire on them.

In observance of their life and death and to honour their fight and struggle for democracy, a monument was erected at Enmore and every year homage is paid to the martyrs.

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President Ramotar urges emulation of Enmore Martyrs


Written by Nadine Sanchara, Sunday, 16 June 2013 22:29, Source - Guyana Chronicle


PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar yesterday called upon those involved in the sugar industry in any way to take an example from the Enmore Martyrs and make the necessary sacrifices towards reversing the industry from its current state, which he said can be described as “almost a crisis.”

The President was at the time  addressing


President Donald Ramotar laid the first wreath on the Enmore Martyrs Monument yesterday on behalf of the Government of Guyana (Adrian Narine photo)

a gathering at the Enmore Monument Site for the annual rally to honour the five Martyrs, Lallabagee Kissoon, Pooran, Dhookie, Rambarran and Harry who died on June 16, 1948 while protesting for better working conditions on the sugar estate, better wages and for the recognition of a union of their choice.

The President said that for a very long time the sugar industry was the only industry in Guyana, and that citizens ought to be thankful for the role that it has played in the history and development of this country.

He pointed out that many other sectors in Guyana have had their beginnings and origins in the sugar industry and stated that this is why it is important to recognise that now is the time that the industry has an even bigger role to play in the development of Guyana.

Noting that the present condition of the industry can be described as “almost a crisis” the president exhorted that the resuscitation of the industry is very important and it calls for maturity, a change in attitude and for all to work together.


Labour Minister, Nanda Gopaul, GAWU President Komal Chand, President Donald Ramotar, FITUG President Carvil Duncan and FITUG General Secretary Kenneth Joseph join hands as they sing the “Internationale” (Adrian Narine photo)

“What has brought us to this stage? It’s not one reason that brought us where we are in the industry and the difficulties that exist in the industry, but there are many. Some of them have been outside our control,” he asserted.

He further cited the change in pricing of sugar on the global market as one of the many challenges and noted that while he is confident that the Skeldon Sugar Factory will prove to be a wise and good  investment, it has still not lived up to its expectations to date.

‘Stop making excuses; stop complaining; stop the blame game and let us together try to turn this industry around and allow it to continue the role that it has played as a major factor for development in our country.’ President Ramotar.


Ramotar also stressed that it is also a challenge to deal with current attitudes. He said that while the industry is now in the hands of the people and the state, the attitude in the industry has not changed from the colonial time and the time of the Enmore Martyrs.



PPP Members, Navin and Indra Chandarpal join in the singing of the “Internationale”

“Workers still do not see themselves as being the owners of this industry and management still operates in a very high handed way. And these are the attitudes that we have to change,” he lamented.

The Head of State further stressed that he is ready and willing to accept all workable ideas that can turn the industry around.

“If the workers and the unions feel that they know and they understand the industry very, very good and they can produce better than the management, I am ready to even consider giving them the land in co-ops and let them produce,” he said.


Members of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) presented a gift to President Ramotar on the occasion of Fathers’ Day

He added that it is difficult times like these that bring out the best in people and said that he is looking forward that everyone will put their best foot forward to rescue the industry.

“Stop making excuses; stop complaining; stop the blame game and let us together try to turn this industry around and allow it to continue the role that it has played as a major factor for development in our country,” he urged.

Meanwhile, the President highlighted that while much has changed since 1948, and Guyana has achieved significantly, there are still challenges and struggles being faced, alluding to some of the challenges being faced presently in the National Assembly.



The tombs of the five Enmore Martyrs, Lallabagee Kissoon, Pooran, Rambarran, Dookhie and Harry, beautifully decorated with wreaths which were laid during a ceremony yesterday at the Le Repentir Cemetery in Georgetown in observance of their 65th death anniversaries (Cullen Bess-Nelson photo)

He pointed to the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, which was recently taken to Parliament, and noted that the government has not yet been able to pass it because it does not have the control in the National Assembly.

Ramotar further related that legislation to take illegal weapons off the road that were recently brought to the Parliament, have all been thrown out on the excuse that the combined parliamentary opposition does not like the bearer of the bills.

“How much more petty can we get? How much more childish can we become? Are we not seeing the harm that we are doing to all our communities?” he questioned.

He asserted that a change in direction and a change in attitude are needed, where the only criterion for evaluating such situations will be the welfare and interest of the country and its people.


Last Updated on Sunday, 16 June 2013 22:43

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:



President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul, President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana [FITUG) Carvil Duncan and FITUG's General Secretary Kenneth Joseph and President of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union [GAWU) Komal Chand hold hands during the singing of 'The Internationale' at the the 65th death anniversary service for the Enmore Martyrs

President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Labour Dr. Nanda Gopaul,

President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) Carvil Duncan and FITUG’s General Secretary Kenneth

Joseph and President of the Guyana Agricultural and General

Workers’ Union (GAWU) Komal Chand hold hands during the

singing of ‘The Internationale’ at the the 65th death anniversary

service for the Enmore Martyrs



Look at these clowns in their red shirts and singing Commie songs.


Under paid and under employed sugar workers had nothing to do with the policies that ruined their industry. That is all the PPP's doing and specifically Romatar who squatted on the GUYSUCO's board and over saw the industry's decline. He warmed the benches when the white elephant that sucked almost a third of a billion dollars was delivered still born. This solidarity thing is just code for "****** people better stick with your own" else them black folks will do worse. Better your mangy dog than others


In 1948, the Enmore Martyrs fought for favourable conditions of work and for union recognition. Their sacrifice eventually won the latter, which ironically came under threat in 2010 when, under the Jagdeo-PPP regime, the sugar union GAWU was threatened with de-recognition. At that time Nanda Gopaul, now Minister of Labour, and Donald Ramotar, now President, were directors of the sugar corporation.


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