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Former Member

President visits relatives of slain detective, accident victim in Region 6


Georgetown, GINA, September 17, 2012 -- Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar met relatives of the late 23-year-old detective Jirbahan Dianand who was slain on September 14 in his car at Jackson Creek, Corentyne, Berbice.


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar consoles mother of late police constable Jirbahan Dianand at their Number 64 Village home Also in photo are father (backing camera) and other family members of the late police officer


The victim’s mother who broke down in tears upon relating the news of her son’s tragic death had to be consoled by the Head of State while at her Number 64 village home where siblings and other relatives gathered.


A post-mortem examination was today performed on the body of the late constable by Government Pathologist Dr. V. Brijmohan who gave the cause of death as gunshot injuries to the head.


President Donald Ramotar speaking with father of the late constable Jirbahan Dianand at Number 64 village


The President and First Lady also visited the Number 56 Village home of eight-year-old Yoerindra Radhay who on September 14 succumbed to injuries he received after being struck by a motor vehicle on the Number 56 public road.


President Donald Ramotar cosoling the grieving mother of eight-year-old Yoerindra Radhay who died by accident at Number 56 Village

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Where are the political protestors against the criminals who kill and maim indiscriminately.  You can rest assure if it was a bandit shot, picket lines would be forming and and cry for "justice" would be heard loud and clear.


If there is to be crying, let it be from the mothers and relatives of the bandits, not of innocent victims and police officers.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Where are the political protestors against the criminals who kill and maim indiscriminately.  You can rest assure if it was a bandit shot, picket lines would be forming and and cry for "justice" would be heard loud and clear.


If there is to be crying, let it be from the mothers and relatives of the bandits, not of innocent victims and police officers.

what a joke . . . PPP spinners on overtime earning their keep


the legacy of Bharat Jagdeo

Last edited by Former Member

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