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President vows to continue building on solid foundation already laid

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, December 31, 2014, Source - GINA


President Donald Ramotar is impassioned to continue building on the many accomplishments that have become the hallmark of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration. In fact, in his New Year’s address to the nation he declared emphatically that high amongst the priorities will be to ensure the achievement of more affordable and reliable energy.


President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar


 “At the heart of all these developments, will be our aim to improve the quality of life, enjoyed by every Guyanese citizen.  Opportunities will be created for persons to find gainful employment, and to acquire the skills necessary to take up those opportunities.  Amongst the initiatives we will pursue, is the aim of achieving Universal Computer Literacy, (so) ensuring that each and every one can assume his/her rightful place in the modern, technology-driven world,” he stated in his address to the nation.



The example of the One Laptop Per Family Programme (OLPF) is illustrative of far-sightedness, success and initiative, and statistics shows that approximately 50 per cent of the entire OLPF Project quota has been completed. 

The genesis of the programme goes back to 2011, when it was launched, and the objective was and still is about providing ‘at-home’ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) opportunities for an estimated 90,000 Guyanese families. The goal is that Guyana must become computer literate.  This is just one example of what the President means by ‘continuing the good work.’


New road link


The idea of road/bridge networking was also mentioned. The President explained that “… the feasibility study for the East Coast-East Bank bypass road has been completed and (in discussion are the) next steps to advance this project, that has awesome ramifications. It is set to … catalyse US$65 million in investment, building 20 kilometres of roads and supporting infrastructure.  Furthermore, in the first half of 2015, we will be constructing an alternative link between Diamond and Eccles that will greatly relieve traffic congestion for commuters on the East Bank of Demerara.” This of course means thousands of job opportunities.


“During the next term of office, my Government will work with our partners to bridge the Corentyne River and to complete the road from Brazil along with the accompanying deep water harbour.”


Affordable energy


Another ambition that is percolating in President Ramotar’s mind is the foundational and all-important Amaila Falls Hydro Power (AFHP) Project. In fact he declared emphatically that “high amongst (the) priorities will be to ensure the achievement of more affordable and more reliable energy.” The reason he proffered is manifold, and what it can realise when completed.


“For too long, Guyanese have looked forward to harnessing our country’s vast hydropower potential.  The time for realising this dream is long overdue.  Unreliable and unaffordable electricity continues to be the biggest impediment to investment and job creation in Guyana.  My Government will deliver the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project to the Guyanese people, along with all its attendant benefits.”


The President’s vision is definitely not over-ambitious as “Within months, (he is expecting) to achieve financial closure and (so) commence construction…”

The flagship of the LCDS is the AFHP, he said, and added that, “ I am pleased to announce that Norway has transferred earnings from our partnership of approximately US$80 million to the Inter-American Development Bank to fund part of Guyana’s equity share in the project. This is a significant accomplishment. It demonstrates that all partners have strong confidence in Amaila. The project is once again moving forward.”


The President repeated the truth that Guyana is one of the very few countries in the world, receiving compensation for the sustainable management of the forests. Under this LCDS and in partnership with Norway, Guyana recently received its fourth payment, bringing the total earned thus far to US$150 million. It is the funds earned from this kind of prudent management that the AFHP is becoming more and more visible.


In 2015, he stated the Government will continue to break new development ground under the LCDS. “We will launch initiatives targeted at flood prevention dealing with both coastal community drainage systems and the larger conservancies. We will catalyse the ecotourism sector through several interventions so that Guyanese can more fully take advantage of our country’s natural and cultural assets,” he said.


 In addition, work will advance on a Biodiversity Centre that will showcase Guyana’s unique biodiversity to the world and to school children, some of whom have not had the opportunity to travel to interior locations.




The areas of works to be continued include just about every sector, as each has seen significant progress in the recent past. For example, the housing sector has seen impressive growth over the past five years.


The President detailed that, “From 2009 to 2014 the budgetary allocation to the sector has grown by 400%.  In 2009, the Ministry was implementing 51 projects, now in 2014, there are 170 projects under implementation.  The sector has been a boom for job creation, directly creating 3,500 jobs in 2014, a figure that is projected to grow to 4,250 in 2015.’




There was a time in Guyana’s history when some of the vulnerable were not just marginalised, but almost visually extinct. This area has seen a huge turn around. The President showed his humane side, by promising to add more to the amelioration of the elderly.


“In just the past three years we have increased monthly Old Age Pension by 75 percent to $13,125.  This is light years from where we came when it was a paltry few hundred dollars and our seniors were subjected to the humiliating means test.” Now the criterion is just age.


The history of the PPP/C’s success story is well documented, but that is not all that can energise any President to become more visionary. Guyana was once paying a service debt of 94 cents out of every earned dollar and bank loans were astronomical. Investment had all but ceased. Evidence during the late 70s and 80s is still lodged in the collective psyche of many; it is rife with images of ‘lining up for food’ and ‘weeding for hampers.’ This ambience is no longer visible physically and with reasons that give rise to a boast that is a really a pledge.


Resolve and Foundation


“At the heart of all these developments, will be our aim to improve the quality of life, enjoyed by every Guyanese citizen.  We will work hard and invest heavily …”


This kind of promise is not hollow as “It is significant that 2014 saw Guyana growing economically for the ninth successive year.  History delineates that it is the longest period of continuous economic growth in the recent history of the country, and what is amazing is that the growth was achieved in the most testing of circumstances. 


Economic growth


President Ramotar reminded all that “Over just the two and a half years to mid-year 2014, the size of the economy increased by 25 percent to $650 billion, (and) our country has attracted more than US$629 million in foreign direct investment, credit to the private sector has grown by 41.5 percent to $190.5 billion, and total deposits in the commercial banks has grown by 22.1 percent to $334.6 billion.”


All of this was achieved despite the fact that the international environment was not favourable for some of the important sectors of the economy, he said, as he mentioned the  notable fall on the international market for the price of gold, the decline in sugar price on the world market by 60 percent, and rice facing similar challenges of market availability, unfavourable price movement, and late payments.


No partner in the Opposition


Guyana could have been a better place if the Parliamentary Opposition had not kept stymieing developmental projects, namely the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion, Specialty Hospital and the AFHP, and not supporting critical pieces of legislation.


“The Opposition displayed remarkable recklessness and disregard for the welfare of our people by twice opposing the passage of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill in the National Assembly.  In so doing they are endangering our Financial Sector, exposing it to International sanctions. I ask how can one speak about fighting drug traffickers and money launderers, how can one speak about fighting corruption and oppose the passage of the AMF/CFT Bill.”


Things could have been further ahead and growth could have been more massive. The hope for ‘continuing to expand’ lies not only on the evidence of recent accomplishments, but with a working majority; hence the call of the President is based on facts and intellect.

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Solid foundation of thiefin and corruption?


what solid foundation? this man and his supporters continue to thief and lie to the Guyanese people. He is a coward who is afraid to face his own people.


Solid foundation of death and suffering in Guyana.....


Hampton Court mother of two, unborn baby die at Suddie Hospital

Posted By Staff Writer On January 1, 2015 @ 5:23 am In Local News | No Comments

By Kenesha Fraser

A 25-year-old mother of two and clerk at the Region Two Department of Education Office died on Tuesday at the Suddie Hospital along with her unborn child, and her mother is blaming hospital officials for neglecting to provide blood transfusions.

Bavanie Rampersaud called Ann of Hampton Court Village, Essequibo Coast was taken to the hospital on Monday afternoon after she was experiencing a high fever, her mother Meena Prashad said.


Strong foundation that is why the PPP does not go to GPHC or use any of their own services they are responsible for. ***** they don't even want to use the very schools they are touting to the Guyanese people nevermind hospital.


Mother who gave birth on Christmas Day dies in hospital

Posted By Staff Writer On January 1, 2015 @ 5:22 am In Local News | No Comments

Less than a week after cradling her newborn baby on Christmas Day, a young woman died at the Georgetown Public Hospital yesterday.

The 19-year-old, Marine Persaud of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara, delivered a baby girl early Christmas morning and was discharged the next day.

In a press statement yesterday, the Georgetown Public Hospital stated the young woman became sick afterward and was taken to the Diamond Hospital. She was later referred to the city hospital, where she died in the Accident and Emergency Unit, a few hours after.

“The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation extends sincere condolences to the bereaved family,” the hospital said.

A post mortem is expected to be performed on Friday.


Guyana has a solid foundation to build on.  This was the same foundation the PNC inherited in 1964 and due to ignorance they destroyed the country.


We cannot let that happen again.  That is why Peter Ramsaroop joined the PPP.


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