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Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while.

Speak the truth brother and free your soul.

So in the final analysis, he will DUCK the debate?
Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while.

Uh-oh! Things falling apart.

Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while.


Class Act. Wink

Uh-oh! Things falling apart.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by marlon:
Guyanese vote along party/racial lines.

So finally the PPP admits that its support base in mainly Indian and that it is hated by most blacks.

lol I could have bet my last dollar that you would pick up on that apan jhaat line. Big Grin

So Mitwah is my statement inaccurate? Arent you NOW FINALLY jumping on my bandwaggon about how teh PPP excludes Africans from top jobs?
Originally posted by baseman:
The man has finally revealed himself, working for the PNC. He danced around the question for years. He is sour the AFC did not link up with them.

Yeah man. I daily say that APNU will lose and the PPP will win and yet you say I am a PNC.

I say your ROAR colors are flying high. Chat nonsense implying I am a PNC even though it defies logic.

Yet folks say that ROAR hasnt made serious inroads into the AFC.
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by marlon:
Guyanese vote along party/racial lines.

So finally the PPP admits that its support base in mainly Indian and that it is hated by most blacks.

And idiot Caribj, the the PNC support is mainly blacks and is hated by most Indians.

This is not a one way street. The PNC divided the country along racila lines

My first here I said that. I regularly say that the PNC was racist towards Indians.

Is your point to admit that the PNC and the PPP are equally racist. Because then I will not disagree with you.

Now did the PNC divide Guyana along racial lines on its own? No the PPP equally and enthusiastically joined them, knowing that with an Indian majority this woudl ensure victory without having to rig.

And when you jump into history note how enthusiasticvally Cheddi welcomed racially oriented Indians who joine dthe PPP for racial solidarity, even though they hardly shared his communist values. Noet also that the blacks like Eusi who didnt leave with Burnham eventually left, disgusted at the transformation of the PPP into an Indian party.

Look at Janet who, a mere 10 years ago, warned her supporters NOT TO SPLIT THE VOTE by voting ROAR.

And Jagdeo who told blacks to "forget the past", yet told Indians not to forget it. Why a different message for different people.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while.

Speak the truth brother and free your soul.

So in the final analysis, he will DUCK the debate?

I would advise him not to considering the many flaws starting with him being on the board of Guysuco and its current troubles. He can just kick back and dodge these debates and be a shoo in for the next presidency. That is if he don't take the bait.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by squingy:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while.

Uh-oh! Things falling apart.


Remember Mike Tyson would not have gone to jail if he didn't take the stand and allow himself to be cross examined. Same situation with Ramoutar, he don't need to debate the 2 seat party or APNU, he can win without any risks. ahhahahhahhahaha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while]

Druggie I am glad that you see what an incompetent man the PPP has chosen. So why not let Guyanese see for themselves? Should Ramotar be hidden and then they learn how foolish he is when it is too late? As is I get the impression that Jagdeo will be around because he campaigns more than Ramotar.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't think Ramotar has any votes to gain by debating Ramjattan or Granger. He already has the elections in the bag if he just staan quiet. He will lose votes if he debate and come off as incompetent. The risk is just not worth the while]

Druggie I am glad that you see what an incompetent man the PPP has chosen. So why not let Guyanese see for themselves? Should Ramotar be hidden and then they learn how foolish he is when it is too late? As is I get the impression that Jagdeo will be around because he campaigns more than Ramotar.

I don't know that he is incompetent, what I do know is that he has a lot of baggage and don't need to be defending some of the blunders by the administration in a public debate.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't know that he is incompetent, what I do know is that he has a lot of baggage and don't need to be defending some of the blunders by the administration in a public debate.

And it gets deeper.

1. You dont know whether he is competent or why vote for some one who has been on teh scene for at least 30 years who lacks a track record of success?

2. He has baggage to hide. Why cant Guyanese find out? In fact they already know. Guysuco, OMAI, and being part of a Den of Theives. His home proves it.

3. If the PPP has made blunders this is clearly known. Your fear is he is a bumbling inarticulate clod who will be eaten alive by Ramjattan who knows where all teh PPP bones are buried. Granger, lacking charisma, isnt a fool and might also have Ramotar for lunch and dinner.

The PPP will lose votes and the oppoistion supporters might finally see that certain defeat isnt inevitable.

Druggie let the PPP get fewer than 50% of the votes. Trust me Guyana will have to be a new place as nothing will get done as the PPP will be subjected to scrutiny, they will have to offer up their corrupt, and they will need to dialogue with the opposition.....or a vote of no confidence will see Ramotar out faster than a PPP official runs to collect his bribes.
Originally posted by Tola:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sase Singh:


Fuh real Tola, they planning to DUCK the debate. I thought they releasing their manifesto month end, it should have something to talk about?

Please this is a typical PPP cop out, dismiss, deny and DUCK.

Quack, Quack.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I don't know that he is incompetent, what I do know is that he has a lot of baggage and don't need to be defending some of the blunders by the administration in a public debate.

And it gets deeper.

1. You dont know whether he is competent or why vote for some one who has been on teh scene for at least 30 years who lacks a track record of success?

2. He has baggage to hide. Why cant Guyanese find out? In fact they already know. Guysuco, OMAI, and being part of a Den of Theives. His home proves it.

3. If the PPP has made blunders this is clearly known. Your fear is he is a bumbling inarticulate clod who will be eaten alive by Ramjattan who knows where all teh PPP bones are buried. Granger, lacking charisma, isnt a fool and might also have Ramotar for lunch and dinner.

The PPP will lose votes and the oppoistion supporters might finally see that certain defeat isnt inevitable.

Druggie let the PPP get fewer than 50% of the votes. Trust me Guyana will have to be a new place as nothing will get done as the PPP will be subjected to scrutiny, they will have to offer up their corrupt, and they will need to dialogue with the opposition.....or a vote of no confidence will see Ramotar out faster than a PPP official runs to collect his bribes.

Caribj, you have spoken with wisdom and free of any racist slur. Big Grin flag
Originally posted by caribj:
And it gets deeper.

1. You dont know whether he is competent or why vote for some one who has been on teh scene for at least 30 years who lacks a track record of success?

2. He has baggage to hide. Why cant Guyanese find out? In fact they already know. Guysuco, OMAI, and being part of a Den of Theives. His home proves it.

3. If the PPP has made blunders this is clearly known. Your fear is he is a bumbling inarticulate clod who will be eaten alive by Ramjattan who knows where all teh PPP bones are buried. Granger, lacking charisma, isnt a fool and might also have Ramotar for lunch and dinner.

The PPP will lose votes and the oppoistion supporters might finally see that certain defeat isnt inevitable.

Druggie let the PPP get fewer than 50% of the votes. Trust me Guyana will have to be a new place as nothing will get done as the PPP will be subjected to scrutiny, they will have to offer up their corrupt, and they will need to dialogue with the opposition.....or a vote of no confidence will see Ramotar out faster than a PPP official runs to collect his bribes.

The duck will do fine, already he is beginning to show his mettle by affirming that Guysuco can be managed by Guyanese with the aid of outsiders when necessary. The problem is that we the public know very little about the man as debates have not materialized. I think maybe Donald will be more inclusive to varying opinions than Jagdeo.

With regards to the elections, I have a suspicion that the PPP will get more than 50% as more Blacks having tasted milk under the PPP will want to keep the milk flowing.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Presidential debates and all that

Now that the PPP/C’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar has publicly declared his preparedness to debate his rivals for the presidency of the country you have to wonder just how long it will take to put such an exercise together and whether or not we may not be best advised to leave that debate for the 2016 electoral encounter. After all, we were able to learn little about what the candidates stand for during the private sector-organized round of discourse some months ago. Let’s face it, with the possible exception of Khemraj Ramjattan, none of the candidates can be said to possess exceptional public communication skillsâ€Ķthat is to say that there are strict limits to their respective capacities to sell themselves. What came out of the earlier forum too was the fact that as far as economic issues are concerned none of them are really and truly on top of their game.

One might well wonder too, about the usefulness of a public debate that is hardly public after all, confined as the private sector affair was to audiences of a few dozen businessmen and, in every case, political supporters, who turned up simply to lend a kind of moral support to the speakers; and then of course there were the media houses, who, try as they might, could not possibly provide the kind of reportage that would allow the electorate the fullest possible access to what the candidates had to sayâ€Ķwhich of course is, presumably, the whole point of such debates. One gets the impression that we are, in the run-up to these elections, simply going through a process of creating a semblance of change in the way electioneering is done, seeking to mimic a tradition, the essence of which neither the politicians nor the public fully understand.

Public pre-elections debates in countries where the practice has been in place for years and years are actually quite serious exercises where strategies are carefully worked out down to the details of dress and demeanour, where candidates are groomed both physically and mentally and where the media become an all-important factor. How else will those who must vote at elections make their choices? Will NCN and all of the various other electronic houses broadcast these debates live?

Setting aside the fact that we are simply not technologically equipped to do what has to be done to have all of the various television stations contribute to such a venture, the million dollar question has to do with whether the government, the landlord responsible for the state media would be inclined to provide a level playing field for such a debate. Who amongst us would wager even a Guyana dollar on such an eventuality in circumstances where the government, clearly, does not care a brass button about the axiom of free media being at the very heart of free elections. Indeed, so cynical has the administration become about opposition access to the media that it would take feats resembling miracles to have anything that the opposition political parties do or say to warrant even passing mention in the state-run Chronicle or on NCN television or radio.

As an alternative we might as well have a public presidential debate, not at the Square of the Revolution, since that venue is bound to raise controversy and protest but perhaps on CARIFESTA Avenue. The entire Avenue can be cordoned off, people can be bused in or flown in from the various parts of the country. We could have the various IT companies tender for the setting up of ‘big screens’ at strategic points and half a dozen Sound Systems could be hired to provide mood music; and in keeping with the focus on a private sector-driven economy the Cool Down Karts, Sno Cone Vendors could be allowed to benefit from what is bound to be a windfall; and for good measure we could have prayers by Christian, Muslim and Hindu religious people before the start of proceedings.

The only problem there of course is whether having gone to all the trouble and cost our candidates, based on what they have shown us so far, will live up to the billing and deliver a lively show. But even if there is a considerable possibility that they might not, the people deserve to hear them anyway and the Carifesta Avenue option appears to be as good an option as any. Afterwards, of course, there is always the various Sound Systems to counter such depression as might arise from what will probably be an entirely forgettable event.


Although I believe it is highly improbable at this juncture, should the AFC win this election, It would be one of the greatest political achievement in Guyana's history - perhaps on par with 1953 PPP land slide. The next best thing that could happen is truncation of APNU/PNC/R by AFC. Both of these scenario would signal great political maturity on the part of the electorate and an end of the old politics of race.

Unfortunately, this is still a pipe dream, and if the shenanigans of those dancing, prancing & waddling around the caravans, and the antics of their cheer leaders in the peanut gallery are something to go by, come November 28th, brace yourself for another 5 years of status quo.

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