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President’s College student roused with hot iron


September 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Parents of students attending President’s College are calling on the Minister of Education and police to investigate the circumstances under which a house parent at the college burnt a female student on her arm with a hot iron in order to “wake her up” Friday morning.

President’s College is located at Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara.


The President’s College student displays her burnt arm.


The third year student was identified as Sheffera Benn. Reports disclosed that the student would normally awake at 5:00hrs and take a bath, put on clothes and return to bed, sometimes taking another nap. However, it was reported that the house parent who was a security guard last year, would normally ill treat the students by taking a piece of wood in her hand, and walk around hitting the students on their feet multiple times to wake them up in the morning.

This was taken to another stage Friday morning when the house parent took away an iron from a student, who indicated that the iron was hot. The house parent then proceeded to place the hot iron on the student’s arm, severely burning her in the process.

She then took the student into her quarters and applied Colgate to the wound. Her excuse to the child was that she did not know the iron was hot.

It was also noted that the nurse that attended to the student’s scars, later called the parents and related that it was an accident.

When this publication tried contacting the administration of President’s College yesterday all efforts failed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That is outrageous. The house parent should be charged for her action and trying to cover up the story. What kind of country Guyana is becoming? Never mind, don't answer that.

Originally Posted by cain:

cobra you truly are an ass to make such a statement, this is no joking matter, this is dam serious.

Does the expression throwing water pon duck's back mean anything to you?

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by cain:

cobra you truly are an ass to make such a statement, this is no joking matter, this is dam serious.

Does the expression throwing water pon duck's back mean anything to you?

Cobra is just being nefarious. When I catch him, I will strech him and press him with a good hot iron to make me  a nice snake skin belt.

Originally Posted by cain:

cobra you truly are an ass to make such a statement, this is no joking matter, this is dam serious.

Why is that Cain? What did I say to offend Ramjattan and his slave mates?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by cain:

cobra you truly are an ass to make such a statement, this is no joking matter, this is dam serious.

Why is that Cain? What did I say to offend Ramjattan and his slave mates?

Another asinine statement again. Dude look, here we have a crime being committed on a student and instead of decent discourse all you can come up with are stupid remarks. 

Between yourself and the other moron Un-conscious (albert the donkey)  it's a tie as to which of you would receive the trophy for being the most perfect Jackass.


The PPP approves of torture of young kids. Witness the numerous instances where prominent figures connected to the PPP have escaped criminal charges in connection with crimes committed on kids.


However, it was reported that the house parent who was a security guard last year, would normally ill treat the students by taking a piece of wood in her hand, and walk around hitting the students on their feet multiple times to wake them up in the morning.



THis so called 'house parent' should be suspended and investigated for her abusive actions.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Priya seh dem chirren abuse laws archaic.

I thought she had revised all these laws.  What was she doing growing fat all these years, "managing" adoptions?


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