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Chief posted:

Dr.Rodney disrupted Burnham every move and Burnham turned around and get rid of him.

Nagamootoo caused Jagdeo and the PPP to loose , now Jagdeo striked back by getting the no- confidence motion approved in Parliament.

I don't get your moral equivalency between BJ sponsoring a (constitutional)  NC vote and Burnham sponsoring a bomber to blow up an opponent!

Baseman posted:
Chief posted:

Dr.Rodney disrupted Burnham every move and Burnham turned around and get rid of him.

Nagamootoo caused Jagdeo and the PPP to loose , now Jagdeo striked back by getting the no- confidence motion approved in Parliament.

I don't get your moral equivalency between BJ sponsoring a (constitutional)  NC vote and Burnham sponsoring a bomber to blow up an opponent!

He believes in Al Queda methods!!!

Chief posted:

The two of them make Dr Jagan look like he was in kinder garden.


Under C. Jagan if you were a koolie then you take your licks from Afros and go sit quietly in a corner.  If you are a koolie and you tell C. Jagan that you do not want more licks then he would give you koolie licks himself and you end up like Moses Bagwan.

Chief posted:


Are you denying that under President Jagdeo  the Phantom Squad did not exisit?

Hey hey hey...who woulda come in? UN? Guyana is storm in caffee cup. Dem PNC bais in military and police na bin want help PPP because dem tink PPP was discriminating against dem army bais abie never had 1964 to 1992. Yuh dint see Granger gee some of dem army and police bais wuk in he government? Yuh know dem right? Hey hey hey...suh dem drug bais and Henry Green step up. Henry dey want he tings and dem drug bais want dem tings and Jagdoe claim he win de battle. Hey hey hey...but Jagdoe gat big surprise coming. Burnham and Jagdoe is smartman foh ayoo dese. 

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
Chief posted:


Are you denying that under President Jagdeo  the Phantom Squad did not exisit?

but Jagdoe gat big surprise coming.

ayoo dese Hindutva plans for 'paramilitary' will turn to ashes in y'all mouth

we ah watch alyuh

hey hey hey...why? like dem Hindu bacoo, moongazer, doppy and spirits telling yuh that only blackman muss me in military? hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
Chief posted:


Are you denying that under President Jagdeo  the Phantom Squad did not exisit?

but Jagdoe gat big surprise coming.

ayoo dese Hindutva plans for 'paramilitary' will turn to ashes in y'all mouth

we ah watch alyuh

hey hey hey...why? like dem Hindu [Hindutva] bacoo, moongazer, doppy and spirits telling yuh that only blackman muss me in military? hey hey hey...

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

we ah watch alyuh

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
Chief posted:


Are you denying that under President Jagdeo  the Phantom Squad did not exisit?

but Jagdoe gat big surprise coming.

ayoo dese Hindutva plans for 'paramilitary' will turn to ashes in y'all mouth

we ah watch alyuh

hey hey hey...why? like dem Hindu [Hindutva] bacoo, moongazer, doppy and spirits telling yuh that only blackman muss me in military? hey hey hey...

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
Chief posted:


Are you denying that under President Jagdeo  the Phantom Squad did not exisit?

but Jagdoe gat big surprise coming.

ayoo dese Hindutva plans for 'paramilitary' will turn to ashes in y'all mouth

we ah watch alyuh

hey hey hey...why? like dem Hindu [Hindutva] bacoo, moongazer, doppy and spirits telling yuh that only blackman muss me in military? hey hey hey...

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

you challenge NOTHING i said . . . because you can't!

retreating to dark mutterings about "bargaining chip" and other fevered imaginings like "mattie leaders"

dem PNC bais mussbe rolling wid laff that you stupid enuf to consider Ronan wan leadah in dem pack

yep, is suh when alyuh practice is dishonest and malevolent

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:
ronan posted:

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

No one needs your blessing.  When YOUR PNC unleashed their Dogs of War on the unarmed, innocent population and the armed forces sit back and allow it to play out, then something is wrong.   That for YOU is NO RACE WAR!  But the Govt raises a 3rd force (and I never said of Indians) and we have a RACE war.

Bai, go sit on a po and shit in peace!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

No one needs your blessing. 

nuff 'tuff ' guy talk from weak men

i look forward to you heading up the reconstituted PPP death squads in the new hoped-for dispensation later this year

you, labba and RK can fight for the position

we ah watch alyuh  . . . carefully

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

No one needs your blessing. 

nuff 'tuff ' guy talk from weak men

i look forward to you heading up the reconstituted PPP death squads in the new hoped-for dispensation later this year

you, labba and RK can fight for the position

we ah watch alyuh  . . . carefully

And who the hell do YOU think YOU are!  Go take your shit in peace!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

No one needs your blessing. 

nuff 'tuff ' guy talk from weak men

i look forward to you heading up the reconstituted PPP death squads in the new hoped-for dispensation later this year

you, labba and RK can fight for the position

we ah watch alyuh  . . . carefully

And who the hell do YOU think YOU are!

that's for me to know and you to find out

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:

yuh right about the "bacoo" thing . . . but is "Hindutva" not "Hindu" bacoo that is in play

they are NOT the same!

and, YOUR paramilitary dreams are gross, racist and oligarchic . . . since Indo-Guyanese, for their own reasons, freely choose not to sign up for the "military"

suh g'wan dahside with your disgusting dog whistle

Hey hey hey...yuh protecting de bargaining chip foh yuh mattie leaders. Hey hey hey...

The country needs a 3rd force of a few dozen men drawn from the GDF, GPF and the population.  Place them under the command of the MoHA for deployment when internal security is threatened by military-trained terrorists!

The GDF is for national security (external threats), the GPF is for normal security threats.  Every so often, politically inspired potent security threats arise.  These need special measures!

yeah sure . . . we already know of y'all RKII plans

we don't need you in the conversation to confirm

the ensuing race war will consume ALL except you and labba dem safely away in Region 11 watching the action and feeling 'powerful'

we ah watch alyuh

No one needs your blessing. 

nuff 'tuff ' guy talk from weak men

i look forward to you heading up the reconstituted PPP death squads in the new hoped-for dispensation later this year

you, labba and RK can fight for the position

we ah watch alyuh  . . . carefully

Hey hey hey...


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